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Bible Study Genesis reading...


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I just read the first three chapters in genesis, and found some things that are problematic, confusing, contradictory, and just plain bizarre among other things. Thought I would ask what others think of some of these things. I will stick close to chronological order:

Genesis 1:4-god divided the light from the darkness

Genesis 1:5-god calls the light day and the darkness night

Problematic: Genesis 1:16-god makes the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. The only way I see a problem can be avoided here is that this does not refer to the sun and moon. If it does, then light existed for the earth without the sun before this. Also, the moon does not emit light of itself, but if this verse is a reference to the moon, it is called a light.


Genesis 1:11-12-god creates plants.

Problematic: god creates the sun later.

Interesting: These verses indicate that the earth brought forth plants, which would be god using abiogenesis to create life.


Genesis 1:20-21-god says for the waters to bring forth living creatures and fowls.

Interesting: This verse also indicates god using abiogenesis

Bizarre: Why did fowls emerge from the water? (Edit: It seems this is also worded sometimes as just mentioning the fowls but not saying they emerged from the water, in which case, it wouldn't be bizarre)


Genesis 1:24-god says for the earth to bring forth life. This is another instance of abiogenesis.


Genesis 2:17-god says that Adam will surely die the day he eats of the eats of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. However, later in the story, he eats the fruit of that tree and yet lives.

Problematic: If this is literal, god did not know what he was talking about, or lying. If god meant that Adam would die spiritually if he ate of that tree, then that was not literal, as god never mentions a spiritual death. And thus this would then seem to indicate that this is not literal but metaphorical.


Genesis 3:8-says that Adam and Eve heard the voice of god walking in the garden and so they hid. I thought this was odd. If god is a spirit, why is he walking? And also, why is he talking to himself? (Edit: It seems this is also sometimes worded as they heard the sound of god walking in the garden, in which case it isn't strange)

Genesis 3:14-god curses the serpent to eat dust the rest of its days. Snakes do not eat dust.
Hello Feather...I saw this thread this morning and have not had the time to respond...While it has been a few years since I have taught out of this book, I will see how much I remember...

Featherbop said:
I just read the first three chapters in genesis, and found some things that are problematic, confusing, contradictory, and just plain bizarre among other things. Thought I would ask what others think of some of these things. I will stick close to chronological order:

Genesis 1:4-god divided the light from the darkness

Genesis 1:5-god calls the light day and the darkness night

Problematic: Genesis 1:16-god makes the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. The only way I see a problem can be avoided here is that this does not refer to the sun and moon. If it does, then light existed for the earth without the sun before this. Also, the moon does not emit light of itself, but if this verse is a reference to the moon, it is called a light.
The sun is not the only source of light in the universe....There are many suns / stars.... The sun existed from the first day, but only appeared or became visible on the fourth day. We see light on a cloudy day, even when we can’t see the sun...There is no problem there....


Genesis 1:11-12-god creates plants.

Problematic: god creates the sun later.

Interesting: These verses indicate that the earth brought forth plants, which would be god using abiogenesis to create life.

Wow, I have not heard this in a long time...First God created everything out of his imagination...Secondly, I do not see a problem at all since God allowed the son to appear the very next day....We are also not told what kind of plants they were...There are some plants that grow in darkness...

Genesis 1:20-21-god says for the waters to bring forth living creatures and fowls.

Interesting: This verse also indicates god using abiogenesis

Bizarre: Why did fowls emerge from the water? (Edit: It seems this is also worded sometimes as just mentioning the fowls but not saying they emerged from the water, in which case, it wouldn't be bizarre)

...This verse is famous for being miss-used by eviloutionist....First, this verse ''dissproves'' evolution because we are talking about 24 hours...Secondly as I recall the literal reading of this verse implies that the fish came and flying animals were teamed up together...In other words, they were made at the same time...It is like saying you and I came out of america, but I come from california and you come from someplace else...So both came from God...Again an easy explanation..

Genesis 1:24-god says for the earth to bring forth life. This is another instance of abiogenesis.

...How do you figure or come to that conclusion???? man was the last creature mentioned in the account, he did not evolve; he was created.

Genesis 2:17-god says that Adam will surely die the day he eats of the eats of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. However, later in the story, he eats the fruit of that tree and yet lives.

Problematic: If this is literal, god did not know what he was talking about, or lying. If god meant that Adam would die spiritually if he ate of that tree, then that was not literal, as god never mentions a spiritual death. And thus this would then seem to indicate that this is not literal but metaphorical.
...Well again..I do not see the contradiction....Why was man created? Man was created to worship God..That is all...What did God tell adam???? God told adam to work it and take care of it...Notice too that God mentioned ''good and evil''...Even though everything was perfect, the fact that evil was there tells us Satan and his demons where there as well...Adam and Eve could have chosen not to eat the friut..and would have lived forever, but they choose to eat it...So they both dies spiritually and when you get to chapter 5 you will see they died physically as well...Again no contradiction..

Genesis 3:8-says that Adam and Eve heard the voice of god walking in the garden and so they hid. I thought this was odd. If god is a spirit, why is he walking? And also, why is he talking to himself? (Edit: It seems this is also sometimes worded as they heard the sound of god walking in the garden, in which case it isn't strange)
...Again, who was walking in the Garden was none other than the Lord Jesus Christ...This is called a theophany...
Again no contradiction here.....

Featherbop said:
Genesis 3:14-god curses the serpent to eat dust the rest of its days. Snakes do not eat dust.
To eat dust was a rabbinic term that meant he was cursed forever...As I recall there is a similar usage of the word in Isiah, although I do not remember the verse of the top of my head...I will have to look for it when I get home...
The first light in verse 3 is God's light. And in verse 14 it is the lights that He placed in the heavens. check it out in a Strongs Concordance' I learned this years ago. And remember that God is light.
The sun is not the only source of light in the universe....There are many suns / stars.... The sun existed from the first day, but only appeared or became visible on the fourth day.

Based on what. The text doesn't say that the sun existed at the same time as the light that comes from it. It says light came first, then sun later even though light comes from the sun. Also, nothing else but the sun could provide light like the sun to earth. And I don't see anything about the sun becoming visible on the fourth day either, The text appears to say created then, not that it becomes visible.

First, this verse ''dissproves'' evolution because we are talking about 24 hours...

Well, abiogenesis isn't evolution. It is simply life arising from non-life of the earth. I don't know of anything in genesis that alludes to evolutionary process though. However, it does say that the planet brought forth life, as opposed to them being *poofed* into existence.

...How do you figure or come to that conclusion???? man was the last creature mentioned in the account, he did not evolve; he was created.

Genesis just explains god as using the earth to produce the living things he creates. However, the first account in Genesis one does say that god created man. It doesn't really mention the planet bringing them forth.

So they both dies spiritually and when you get to chapter 5 you will see they died physically as well...Again no contradiction..

Depending on the wording, there are two ways of putting it.

God either says Adam will die the day he eats of that tree(which he doesn't)


God says Adam will die when he eats of the tree(which he doesn't)

.Again, who was walking in the Garden was none other than the Lord Jesus Christ...

How do you know? The verse doesn't mention Jesus, it says Lord.

To eat dust was a rabbinic term that meant he was cursed forever...As I recall there is a similar usage of the word in Isiah, although I do not remember the verse of the top of my head...I will have to look for it when I get home...

Ah, didn't know that.
Lewis W said:
The first light in verse 3 is God's light. And in verse 14 it is the lights that He placed in the heavens. check it out in a Strongs Concordance' I learned this years ago. And remember that God is light.

I tend to take that view, as I think it's possible that there were actually TWO sources of light. The first one, and then later the sun.

I am also of the persuasion that the so-called creation story is really a recreation given the possibility that a cataclysm occurred between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. It can be equally translated "and the earth became a void and desolation." Even in space, something happened as scientists wrestle with the idea that Mars had an atmosphere as if something torn it away or it simply thinned out. Maybe when this earth became a void and desolation something happened in the solar system which later required God placing the sun there? All I can say is there were things activity going on with big changes---- this is around the time Lucifer fell and no doubt played a major part as to why this happened.
Are you sayig that Lucifer fell between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2?

How is that possible when later in Genesis chapter 1 God pronounces everything "good"? In fact, "very good". The fall of Lucifer, would need to happen after that.

Genesis 1 is the telling of Creaion through power, Genesis 2 is the telling of Creation through relationship.
This is what is cool about ''bible study''... Lewis and Tim...I too have heard people teach that the light was God as he is light and right from the get go, the darkness was satan....Good and evil had already been introduced....

The problem I have with this view is that this is assuming that the earth was the beginning of ''all creation..''...I find it hard to believe that this magnificant God we serve, who has always been, would one day decide to create the earth...I am in the minority, but I do believe there is other life out there, although I do not believe in UFOS or anything like that....If we look at John 1;1 closely, it speaks of a time pre-dating gen there was something there...

wHEN WE look ahead to chapter three we see that Satan had already fallen, so we know the angles and what came to become demons had already been created...It is possible that the rebellion and the creation of earth was happening simultaneously....Remeber too that God is outside of time...Time was really created for our human minds....If you think about now when we see a star ( a star is a sun) we are seeing lights that ''millions'' of light years away...This is an undeniable fact.....I hold to the view and believe that earth is no more that 10,000 years old, but lean more towards the 6000 year position...

Throw in that many believe in ''the gap theory'' between gen 1:1 and 2 and now we have even more possibilities....Although I do not hold this view, there is some evidence that this could be....

So in the end, because of the way biblical hebrew is interpreted, I believe that the sun mearly appeared

14 Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth"; and it was so. 16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also.

Look at it this way...You go into your bed room when it is dark, you flip the switch and you have light...The lights were already there, but now that you flipped the switch you can now see.....
aLoneVoice said:
Are you sayig that Lucifer fell between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2?

How is that possible when later in Genesis chapter 1 God pronounces everything "good"? In fact, "very good". The fall of Lucifer, would need to happen after that.

Genesis 1 is the telling of Creaion through power, Genesis 2 is the telling of Creation through relationship.

Yes. Lucifer fell at that time and the earth was recreated. This time, man was given authority over the earth to take the place of fallen Lucifer and God pronounced this recreation "good". However, Lucifer was jealous (according to Jewish apocryphal stories) and refused to worship this "clay being" that God created to be like Him. Adam then gave his authority over to Satan when he in fact yielded to him instead of the Lord whom God created Adam to be like Him. Satan said that if he'd eat of the tree of Knowledge of Good and evil that they would not die, but become as gods. Satan was correct, but used the wrong tree. God wanted Adam to eat of the tree of life to become like Him, but the tree of Knowledge of good and evil was man's way to become like God by his own authority instead of relying on God. One tree represented the Law and death, the other the Spirit and Life. Yes, Satan was correct in that man would become as God (gods) but that would have happened with the tree of life in other words, not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which brought death.

We know that Jesus was the "last Adam" and became what Adam was supposed to have become. This explains the Jewish thought behind
Hebrews 1:6 when Satan was supposed to have worshipped Adam, but now Christ did what Adam was supposed to have done:

And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.

The firstbegotten was Adam, and this expresses that thought regarding Lucifer worshipping Adam and was thus jealous of him. But because we know that Adam failed, that this verse now applies to Christ and His deity and now the angels worship Him.
Gen 1:1 In the beginning GOD CREATED the heavens and earth.
Here God Creates not RE-CREATES the Heavens and Earth.
The signifcance that the Hebrew number 7 occurs over 30 times (gematria-ically) in this small verse of 7 hebrews words is not by chance!

Gen 1:2 The earth became a waste and a desolation, and was covered with water.

Jeremiah backs up the notion of a world before the RE-CREATION, The KATABOLE of the new testament also gives us evidence. The fact that ancient man (who according to science could not have possibly co-existed with dinosaurs at anytime in history) depicted anotomically correct representations of dinosaurs, they could not have possibly seen, futher proves JOB right. Which is why Peter and Others refer to Ages and Eons, not worlds. Revelation is like Genesis in reverse. Here again the world will be tried by fire (partially), like Noah's flood, which is a universally recognized story in myth, in about every culture on the planet. And then completely consumed by fire. Which brings us to annihilism, which means to blot out of the Book of Life, not keep in eternal torment.

God intends to return the earth back to its Gen 1:1 State. Adam had the chance but we cant be redeemed from the fall till the Messiah returns.

Nechunya ben HaKanah a Hebrew commentator on Genesis wrote more than 2000 years ago that the 42 lettered name of God had within it the answer to the age of the universe. His successor, Rabbi Yitzhak deMin Acco insisted that the 42 lettered name of God alluded to the 42,000 divine years which transpired between the beginning of creation and that of man. If a day is as a 1000 years to God, he concluded that a divine year, is 365 1/4 x 1,000 or 365,250 of our own years. Thus the time between the beginning of creation and the creation of man is 42,000 x 365,250 which equals 15.34 billion years! Pretty amazing HUH! And to think a bunch of dumb Jews had it figured out a long time ago.

Scientists have measured the age of the universe and have concluded that the relationship between time near the beginning of the Big Bang and time today, is one million million. As the universe expands, time and its relationship to it would increase, right? If you viewed the six days of creation in the transmitting of time as we see today, the first day, would have been 8 billion years long. The second 24hr day period, would be experienced by us as 4 billion years. The 3rd as 2 billion. The 4th as 1 billion. The 5th as a 1/2 billion. The 6th as a of a 1/4 billion. So adding 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 equals 15 3/4 billion years! Pretty much the same as cosmologists agree.

There's also a NASA/ scientist/ evolutionist connection here. Humm, I wonder where they got that number from! Well as the story goes, NASA was researching the age of the universe when one scientist recalled that some ancient Hebrew writings might have a clue. This is the document they used to confirm there own anomolies in there research, which then dated the age of the universe to some 13 billion years, after that they dated the age to 15 billion years.
ÃÂoppleganger said:
Gen 1:1 In the beginning GOD CREATED the heavens and earth.
Here God Creates not RE-CREATES the Heavens and Earth.
The signifcance that the Hebrew number 7 occurs over 30 times (gematria-ically) in this small verse of 7 hebrews words is not by chance!

Gen 1:2 The earth became a waste and a desolation, and was covered with water.

Jeremiah backs up the notion of a world before the RE-CREATION, The KATABOLE of the new testament also gives us evidence. The fact that ancient man (who according to science could not have possibly co-existed with dinosaurs at anytime in history) depicted anotomically correct representations of dinosaurs, they could not have possibly seen, futher proves JOB right. Which is why Peter and Others refer to Ages and Eons, not worlds. Revelation is like Genesis in reverse. Here again the world will be tried by fire (partially), like Noah's flood, which is a universally recognized story in myth, in about every culture on the planet. And then completely consumed by fire. Which brings us to annihilism, which means to blot out of the Book of Life, not keep in eternal torment.

God intends to return the earth back to its Gen 1:1 State. Adam had the chance but we cant be redeemed from the fall till the Messiah returns.

Nechunya ben HaKanah a Hebrew commentator on Genesis wrote more than 2000 years ago that the 42 lettered name of God had within it the answer to the age of the universe. His successor, Rabbi Yitzhak deMin Acco insisted that the 42 lettered name of God alluded to the 42,000 divine years which transpired between the beginning of creation and that of man. If a day is as a 1000 years to God, he concluded that a divine year, is 365 1/4 x 1,000 or 365,250 of our own years. Thus the time between the beginning of creation and the creation of man is 42,000 x 365,250 which equals 15.34 billion years! Pretty amazing HUH! And to think a bunch of dumb Jews had it figured out a long time ago.

Scientists have measured the age of the universe and have concluded that the relationship between time near the beginning of the Big Bang and time today, is one million million. As the universe expands, time and its relationship to it would increase, right? If you viewed the six days of creation in the transmitting of time as we see today, the first day, would have been 8 billion years long. The second 24hr day period, would be experienced by us as 4 billion years. The 3rd as 2 billion. The 4th as 1 billion. The 5th as a 1/2 billion. The 6th as a of a 1/4 billion. So adding 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 equals 15 3/4 billion years! Pretty much the same as cosmologists agree.

There's also a NASA/ scientist/ evolutionist connection here. Humm, I wonder where they got that number from! Well as the story goes, NASA was researching the age of the universe when one scientist recalled that some ancient Hebrew writings might have a clue. This is the document they used to confirm there own anomolies in there research, which then dated the age of the universe to some 13 billion years, after that they dated the age to 15 billion years.


This is excellent! You and I are on the same frequency (as usual) but you obviously dove deeper into this than I did. I always knew that God's intentions were to bring the Earth back to it's original glory and I stated that many times, but I never quite thought of it as the reverse stages you mentioned, i.e. the epochs it degraded will be reversed back again. But now that you mentioned it, yes, I do see things happening in reverse. I accept that as I tend to know truth when I hear it. I also like the math involved regarding the age of the earth. Astounding!

I saved your post on my computer--- you never know since I find threads deleted these days. But it is refreshing to hear once in awhile someone who knows what they are talking about. I will share this with a woman in my church that believes like we do. She thought she was all alone in the township here believing what she did until she ran into me. I wish and pray that where you live you have at least one companion that understands where you are coming from--- I know the frustration otherwise. Been there.
Dopple and Tim
Are you guys saying that the earth or universe is billions of years old?

Do you hold to the gap theory?

Not challenging but asking, because I too have some ideas...
jgredline said:
Dopple and Tim
Are you guys saying that the earth or universe is billions of years old?

Do you hold to the gap theory?

Not challenging but asking, because I too have some ideas...

Yes, I think it can be that old, but most of the age occurred between Genesis 1:1 AND 1:2. The story of Adam involves a recreation, although even from Adam's time there may be larger gaps than we anticipate. BTW, the reference in Jeremiah that Doppleganger is referring to (correct me if I am wrong Doppleganger) is Jeremiah 4:23-26:

I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger.

Jeremaih was having a flashback to the time that the earth became without form and void. There was no man (Adam) yet. Notice there were cities! :o

It makes one wonder what lived there? Any UFO conspirators on board here? Now all we need is a dark night, thunderstorms and to read this passage carefully and it will have the making of a creepy story :-D
tim_from_pa said:
Yes, I think it can be that old, but most of the age occurred between Genesis 1:1 AND 1:2. The story of Adam involves a recreation, although even from Adam's time there may be larger gaps than we anticipate. BTW, the reference in Jeremiah that Doppleganger is referring to (correct me if I am wrong Doppleganger) is Jeremiah 4:23-26:

I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger.

Jeremaih was having a flashback to the time that the earth became without form and void. There was no man (Adam) yet. Notice there were cities! :o

It makes one wonder what lived there? Any UFO conspirators on board here? Now all we need is a dark night, thunderstorms and to read this passage carefully and it will have the making of a creepy story :-D

I had a feeling you were referring to the gap theory...I did look into it briefly a few years ago, but came away with doubts about it....I do know that there are many good bible teachers like Chuck Smith who hold the view of the Gap Theory (or he did at one time)...Perhaps it is time for me look closer..
Yep, thats what I refering to. It's also interesting to note that a few verses later. Job, uses a astronomical description to describe some the the events surrounding his discourse.

Jer 4:29 The whole city shall flee for the noise of the horsemen and bowmen; they shall go into thickets, and climb up upon the rocks: every city shall be forsaken, and not a man dwell therein.

This is actually a reference to the myth and/or star constellation of sagittarius.


I mean think about it for a minute, why would God create anything imperfect. Only after sin entered in did things begin to die, right?

Then we have a world wide flood that covers the whole earth, not one living (Adamic like) soul, not even a Noah is saved alive! Why would he warn and post a rainbow as a sign never to do it again? If he already hadn't done it before. Possibly!

The first verse of Genesis Gematrically says the same thing over and over again, by numbers used as substitions for words, that 7 = Completeness. Ivan Panin who figured this out early in the century, (though some discrepancies have been found) has never really ever been disputed. Computers haven't even today been able to duplicate the randomness of 7 coming up so many times in such a short sentence. In fact he almost won the Noble Prize for it!

The first earth age was finished and made complete in every way, "until sin was found in thee." Which is why, very possibly, that Satan is who he is, because he does the things he does.

Also the fact that ancient hebrews, who were festidious about dates and times and seasons, didn't hold to a flat earth theory (for the lack of a better word) for so long and had mathematical formula's that verged on expressing their thoughts in quatuam terms. When the rest of the world was stooped in the effects of there myths behind there traditions, literally "Baffles the Mind." So when Nechunya ben HaKanah can come up with numbers like "the universe is like 15 billion years old" it pretty much defies logic. It took the Jews and Nechunya ben HaKanah a couple 1000's years just to rediscover what must have previously been known.

It like the Bible asserts, that man was more perfect, (maybe even god-like to you and me now) in the distant past when we were closer to God and his presense, that use to be with us. Even the Great Pyramid of Egypt, couldn't be rebuilt today with the technology we have. The Bible doesn't dispute all of "good science" just alot of the fallible parts.

Take for instance if proof was found that dinosaurs and man lived together, would science fall on its face or just re-direct the argument to benefit themselves? On the other hand if, Science could prove the Bible was wrong, wouldn't there gain be perceived to be greater! Yet the evidence that dinosaurs and man lived together is "in my opinion devastating to science." Science, as well as religion, is full of walls that keep people in and prevent people from going out. These and other scientific anomolies are there (from God) to wake everyone up!
ÃÂoppleganger said:
Yep, thats what I refering to. It's also interesting to note that a few verses later. Job, uses a astronomical description to describe some the the events surrounding his discourse.

Jer 4:29 The whole city shall flee for the noise of the horsemen and bowmen; they shall go into thickets, and climb up upon the rocks: every city shall be forsaken, and not a man dwell therein.

This is actually a reference to the myth and/or star constellation of sagittarius.


I mean think about it for a minute, why would God create anything imperfect. Only after sin entered in did things begin to die, right?

Then we have a world wide flood that covers the whole earth, not one living (Adamic like) soul, not even a Noah is saved alive! Why would he warn and post a rainbow as a sign never to do it again? If he already hadn't done it before. Possibly!

The first verse of genesis Gematrically says the same thing over and over again by numbers used as substitions for words, that 7 = Completeness. That the first earth age was finished and made complete in every way, "until sin was found in thee." Which is why, very possibly, that Satan is who he is, because he does the things he does.

Also the fact that ancient hebrews, who were festidious about dates and times and seasons, didn't hold to a flat earth theory (for the lack of a better word) for so long and had mathematical formula's that verged on expressing their thoughts in quatuam terms. When the rest of the world was stooped in the effects of there myths behind there traditions, literally "Baffles the Mind." So when they can come up with numbers like "the universe is like 15 billion years old."

Ah man! Don't get me started on the constellations as well! You are indeed a blessing! Yes. God's Word is in the stars. And it is in stone and in these last days by His own Dear Son. There are good books out for the rest of our forum friends regarding the constellations by Bullinger. To my surprise, it is available in local Christian bookstores. I have other books by Seiss, and Capt as well.
Yea, I agree it's definietly ignored by mainstream fundamentalist types. But not always. Although there aint alot of it here. And they have trouble with diferentiating between the Lost Tribes, the Jews, and the Church. I mean you got Josephus, Tacitus, history, culture and even linguistics to back it up. But peeps believe what they wanna, I guess? But what can you do!?! This is the age of Christ's dispensation of grace! So we got that.
tim_from_pa said:
Did I miss something here? Nasa was mentioned, but in regards to the age of the Earth. Where was anything stated about a missing day?

Did not Doppleganger reference the story from NASA and the anomlie is their calculations?

Perhaps, I misunderstood the story regarding NASA that Dopple was refering too.
You really have to look deeper into the verses of Genesis (by that I mean to the original Hebrew) and you will discern that there may not, in fact, be any contradiction between a young earth and an old earth. Various rabbinic commentaries dating back to the early Middle Ages understood the creation verses to have deeper meanings than what they appear to convey. A simple example is Gen 1:5-"There is evening and morning, one day." Although a fundamentalist interpretation of this verse suggests a day comprised by sunset and sunrise-such an interpretation has no meaning when it is obvious that there is no mention of the sun and moon until the fourth day of creation. The roots of the Hebrew word for evening translate as chaos or disorder, while the root for morning, boker , means that when the sun rises the world becomes bikoret, ie orderly. What is being described may be a process from disorder to order- from chaos to harmony. Alternately, the use of the terms evening and morning may also indicate the beginning and ending of an "age" which represents eons of time (cf the sunset of life).

Talmudic commentaries dating back centuries before the advent of the scientific revolution postulated a boundary between the six days of creation and the time from Adam forward. Using Einstein's Theory of Relativity and the phenomenon of time dilatation, Gerald Schroeder has postulated a theory which explains how the six days of creation can be equated to approximatey 15 billion years. I am not saying that every physicist agrees with this theory, but many experts in this field find it difficult to refute.


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