Mate, she's 9
And we wonder why the US has a problem with gun violence. It's bred into the culture.
That's media hype mate. Paranoia bred into the minds of the uninformed to turn public sentiment against gun ownership so they can take them away. Yes, there are a lot of stupid people who do terribly wrong things with them and misuse them and don't know how to be safe with them, but these are the only ones that are covered in the media.
You hardly ever hear about people who do good things with guns because it's not newsworthy and doesn't fit into their agenda of taking them away. I grew up with loaded guns all over the house and we wandered the fields and country roads with AR-15's, shotguns, 22 rifles and all sorts of stuff and never had any tragedies or got in trouble.
I began teaching my kids about shooting and letting them shoot (with 110% supervision) when they were about 3 years old, shooting 223's full prone when they were about 5. They had multiple loaded handguns in their bedrooms at about age 10, and they never had a tragedy or accident because they were taught well by me and my wife. They grew up to be thieving punks and are on drugs but still have never done anything stupid with a gun...because they were taught well and it is inbred into them from what most would call a ridiculously young age.
They shot 22's for such a long time though, I didn't buy them more powerful weapons like 223's until they were much older, like 10 or 11 i think.
the nine year old girl in the story was probably new to guns in general, and a fully automatic gun is not a good gun to teach a youngster to shoot and be safe with. That was stupid. But it wasn't the gun and it isn't the culture, it was the individual stupidity of an individual who was zeroed in and and the story amplified because it sounds shocking and fits in with their agenda to ban guns.
So there's their story, and my story where powerful weapons were sitting all over the house and nothing ever haven't heard about me and my kids because we're boringly safe and have never killed anyone.