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Giving up smoking?

Did you give up smoking yet?

  • Yes, completely

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Yes, more or less

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Have tried, but not successfully

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never smoked at all

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • Rather not say

    Votes: 1 4.5%

  • Total voters


Total amount
Re: Giviing up smoking?

DCB did you succeed in the end?
i have to agree with you there. Last timeI tried, my wife couldn't take it after the 3rd day, went to shops and bought me a pack. I was that bad!

A funny thing tho, people say that you smoke more when you drink alcohol. Not me I was the reverse. Drinking 15-20 /day since God defeated booze for me 30/day +. Sorry for the sidetrack Farouk


Does she smoke, too?
Re: Giviing up smoking?

Nope, she tried one once,against my advice coughed until she threw up then stormed off saying "EE bpa" (Thai for, you're crazy!)
I didn't think it prudent or safe to say "I told you so"
Re: Giviing up smoking?

Nope, she tried one once,against my advice coughed until she threw up then stormed off saying "EE bpa" (Thai for, you're crazy!)
I didn't think it prudent or safe to say "I told you so"

Yeah, you could have suddenly seen something flying through the air at you.
Re: Giviing up smoking?

exactly Thai's are very gentle people........until you hit the detonator switch, then it's stop drop and roll
Re: Giviing up smoking?

PS: Don't worry folks; the poll vote is anonymous. :)

(Personally, though, while I'm glad that I've given up, and think it's preferable to do so, I don't believe in 'stigmatizing' men and women who do choose to smoke.)

Farouk, I hate the smell of smoke. I would not want to kiss a man who smokes. Kissing a man who smokes is like kissing an ash tray. One of my coworkers is a chain smoker and you can smell him as soon as he enters the building. It is a noxious habit and if I met a man who smokes, he would have to stop. Read Classik's post and view the picture.

My father used to smoke a pipe and I hated it.
Re: Giviing up smoking?

Farouk, I hate the smell of smoke. I would not want to kiss a man who smokes. Kissing a man who smokes is like kissing an ash tray. One of my coworkers is a chain smoker and you can smell him as soon as he enters the building. It is a noxious habit and if I met a man who smokes, he would have to stop. Read Classik's post and view the picture.

My father used to smoke a pipe and I hated it.

I hate the smell of garlic on a person's breath, it literally makes me physically sick.

If you have to change a man/woman, then he/she is not the man/woman for you.
Re: Giviing up smoking?

I don't believe that this is a habit that is directly addressed by the Bible. It is instead one of those that must be addressed by God in His timing and His prioritization. IT should be treated the same way as whether or not to eat meat. I QUIT while I was pregnant 45 years ago after 3 doctors told me that it was irritating my asthma and thereby threatening the baby's oxygen supplying . MY HUSBAND and I quit cold turkey at the same time and I still remember it as being the longest month of our marriage. I have a great deal of compassion for those who are trying to quit, those who don't have any desire to quit but who know they really should , as well as those who really should quit for medical reasons but who refuse to consider doing so. And I acknowledge that there are some who are not addicted to nicotine who can smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a week and possibly not do as much harm to their lungs or to the people around them. My prayer is that your freedom will not cause those of US who are the weaker brethren to stumble, including children and teens who may emulate you. And I pray for you to use Godly wisdom. Personally, I envy you your freedom.
Re: Giviing up smoking?


A thread not about tattoos or piercings.


Have never smoked. Disgusting habit. My grandad smoked for 46 yearrs and gave up about a decade ago. He's got some serious health issues.
Re: Giviing up smoking?

I don't believe that this is a habit that is directly addressed by the Bible. It is instead one of those that must be addressed by God in His timing and His prioritization. IT should be treated the same way as whether or not to eat meat. I QUIT while I was pregnant 45 years ago after 3 doctors told me that it was irritating my asthma and thereby threatening the baby's oxygen supplying . MY HUSBAND and I quit cold turkey at the same time and I still remember it as being the longest month of our marriage. I have a great deal of compassion for those who are trying to quit, those who don't have any desire to quit but who know they really should , as well as those who really should quit for medical reasons but who refuse to consider doing so. And I acknowledge that there are some who are not addicted to nicotine who can smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a week and possibly not do as much harm to their lungs or to the people around them. My prayer is that your freedom will not cause those of US who are the weaker brethren to stumble, including children and teens who may emulate you. And I pray for you to use Godly wisdom. Personally, I envy you your freedom.


Yes, it's a matter of Christian liberty which different Christians will treat in different ways, according to their circumstances, usual company, etc.

So at one level you seem glad to have quit.

At another level you sound like you wouldn't be averse to smoking 1 or 2 cigarettes from time to time, if you could do so privately and control the intake.

Re: Giviing up smoking?

Nope, she tried one once,against my advice coughed until she threw up then stormed off saying "EE bpa" (Thai for, you're crazy!)
I didn't think it prudent or safe to say "I told you so"


Sounds like she was spared a lot of issues, then, if she didn't like it...
Re: Giviing up smoking?

I was fortunate. I was a bar room smoker and when I gave up drinking alcohol, it was easy to drop the smoking as well.
Re: Giviing up smoking?

I never smoked anything. Tried it but didn't like it. That doesn't go over very well with fitting in with peers when you are growing up.
Re: Giviing up smoking?

I never smoked anything. Tried it but didn't like it. That doesn't go over very well with fitting in with peers when you are growing up.

Blev: the fact you didn't like it sounds as if it worked well for you, too.
Re: Giviing up smoking?


A thread not about tattoos or piercings.


Have never smoked. Disgusting habit. My grandad smoked for 46 yearrs and gave up about a decade ago. He's got some serious health issues.

Don't tempt him to make another one ;)
Re: Giviing up smoking?

Blev: the fact you didn't like it sounds as if it worked well for you, too.

Well I figured, yuuuckkk, do I really want to do this just because everyone else does??? Nope! Same with drinking. I thought, when I can't stand the taste, why doctor it up with all kinds of stuff so I can drink it? Why not just the tomato juice/ or the 7 up? It would only be because of pride, and I didn't really like ridiculed or peer pressure. And I wasn't one to give in to their demands. If they didn't like it I would just find other friends. Seemed dumb to me to say, you don't really want to be my friend if you don't want to get drunk with me. NO, its the other way around. If you only want me to drink with you , then you don't really like ME , you just want a drinking buddy.
Re: Giviing up smoking?


A thread not about tattoos or piercings.


Have never smoked. Disgusting habit. My grandad smoked for 46 yearrs and gave up about a decade ago. He's got some serious health issues.
Maybe we should have a "Would you give your pet Dog or Cat a piercing or tattoo?" thread:lol


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