- Feb 22, 2013
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I will never question God on why he does certain things. I imagine, that even though the Bible doesn't say so specifically, people like the Amalakites had their chance to accept the ways of God. They didn't so God destroyed a perverse society. I guarantee you, that if God new of any Amalakites worth saving, he would have made sure they were not killed. Why do I say this? Because he did this with Rahab in Jericho and Ruth the Moabite. This begs the question, were there any righteous people living in Noah's time before the flood, or in Sodom and Gomorrah? The only truly righteous person that ever lived was Jesus, but there were some in the past history of the world that strove to be righteous and thus found grace with God. Noah found grace with the Lord, but he sinned before the flood and after the flood. Yet God still made sure he was saved. Why only him and his family? I don't know, but I do not question God about His actions against humanity before the flood, or against people like the Amalakites or anything else He does for He is sovereign. What I do question is how we interpret the Bible, His word.We are not to question God. That is arrogance and a lack of humility. His ways are above our ways. If we do not understand why God does some things, we are simply to trust in Him without doubt. God knows what He is doing, even if we do not. All things work together for those that love God.
Even when God had Joshua slay the Amalakites, men women, and children. Who really thinks that God did not have a good reason for that? So maybe we do not understand why. So what? I do understand that God is not willing that any should perish, and is so full of love that he let His own son die that we could live. So it stands to reason to me, that if God ordered all those people killed...that He had a very good reason for it. So I trust Him and question not. My understanding of that, is that they were a tainted bloodline, and that is why the women and children were killed also. Too much of a sidetrack to go into further in this thread, and even if I am wrong I still trust that he had a real good reason because God does not sinfully murder people.
As far as sinfully murdering people, God does not do that. God is the author of life and is the only one who has the right to take a life. But our God is a just and loving judge. And I do not believe he would create people destined for hell without a choice. All people who wind up in hell do so because they chose to because everyone, during their lifetime, will get a chance to bow to, love and worship our creator.