Soma Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:37 pm Post subject: good book ... 123#111123
I read a great book called "Evolution of Consciousness" by John Kuykendall . It presents Christian wisdom with philosophy and psychology to go beyond the limitations of conceptual thought in religion today to calm and ground the mind and initiate deep internal healing. It is a journey towards unity and a new way of living. Its uniqueness lies in a psycho-spiritual development where religion and science strengthen each other’s belief because they are both concerned with what is true. It goes on to say that science and Christianity were not meant to live alone divorced from each other. I feel it provided my intellect a richer inner meaning to life on a path to spiritual awareness by unfolding the layers of the mind using matter, mind and spirit. It cleared up the world that intersects science and Christianity so they are both correct in their theories of evolution. I think it is cutting edge comprehension.
Somasoma77 Aug-13-04, 01:31 PM
Greetings, I read a book titled "Evolution of Consciousness" By John Kuykendall. This book is a step by step excursion into the unfolding of consciousness. It merges science and spirituality in simple Christian terms to attune the reader to body, mind, and spirit. The book begins with the knowledge of our oneness with a God that is everywhere in pure consciousness and then it leads one to the ultimate Christian goal. The book attunes the reader to science and spirituality because they are not divorced, but compliment each other. Scientist and prophets through out all the ages of civilization have recognized the immense power that governs and controls the universe. You can view the web site at This book explains everything in an interesting way what we have faith in, but could not explain: Trinity, evolution and how God is one.
soma77 7/27/04 10:44:24 PM ... rdID=42156
Greetings, I read a book titled "Evolution of Consciousness" By John Kuykendall. This book is a step by step excursion into the unfolding of consciousness. It merges science and spirituality and Eastern and Western Philosophy to attune the reader to body, mind, and spirit. The book begins with the knowledge of our oneness with a God that is everywhere in pure consciousness and then it leads one to the ultimate Christian goal. The book attunes the reader to science and spirituality and Eastern and Western philosophy because they are not divorced, but compliment each other
somasoma77 - 07:46pm Aug 16, 2004 (30.) ... ee706a1/45
The young people today view science and religion as two radically different ways to understand the world, but religion and science strengthen each other's belief because they are both concerned with what is true. Science and spirituality are not divorced so we should attune ourselves to them because they compliment each other. Evolution is a good case that should be discussed in both formats so the materialistic youth will understand. I am currently reading a book called “Evolution of Consciousness†by John Kuykendall. It explains evolution so the scientist and the theologian are both correct. "Science and religion were not meant to live alone in isolation, divorced from each other so tear down the barricades that divide them because faith and reason are meant to live happily together. Reason does not destroy faith, but fulfills it so we can use our intelligence as a path to spiritual awareness and when our intellect can say no more, our instinctive spiritual view of life will take over. This provides us with a kind of intuitive perception of God as He is reflected in creation...... Let the scientists and the Christians go on developing methods to understand the universe because with their discoveries and inventions we can split apart the physical and spiritual sides of life and gain knowledge because the more we know of the individual things, the more we know of the whole. The relationship between our human nature, the world and the beyond is made understandable, as we perceive that life is a relative and intricate part of an undivided whole. We just have to be careful not to get engulfed by the particular things and lose sight of the total picture." Taken from the book “Evolution of Consciousness" by John Kuykendall The web site for this book is:
Care to quote the Bible in defining your "religion" rather than this new-age book?
:o :o