Jayls5 said:
Relic said:
But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.[/color]
In logic, we call that a tautological statement, geared towards circular reasoning.
I cannot receive spiritual things because I am not spiritual, and I cannot believe in God because I am not spiritual. If I were spiritual (ie believed in God), I would believe in God. Tautology.
I imagine a lot of Christians would get annoyed if I told them they couldn't understand evolution unless they believed in it.
So, you say, circular reasoning is being used, do you. Tautology? Sorry my dear, Spirit is not based upon needless repitition. God Spirit is that which created all things, God(Father) Spirit is, was, and will always be. God Spirit IS the Alpha and the Omega, and everything inbetween. Admit it, you just don't understand what Spirit is, do you? Just because you can't stick it in a test tube or put it under a microscope doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The very fact that anything is in existence is because of God Spirit. JHVH. (Jod,He,Vau,He) The breath of Life. Self evident.
Does the sun rise and set every day? Do the seasons come and go each year? Do crops grow each year? God even gave a menstral cycle to women for a reason. Does the moon have a cycle? Do the stars in the sky have a cyclical orbit?
Cyclical reasoning... Tautology?

: Give me a break.
What "God created" is not in any way based upon
needless repitition.
Do you even know what Spirit is? You can't put it in a test tube or under a microscope.
Evolution is based on faulty science of man. God (Father) Spirit is the revealer of all truth. Man only discovers what God (Father) Spirit has already set in place. Spirit is an entity, a fact of existence, something that exists, without a doubt. You can't put it in a test tube or under a microscope, But you sure cannot deny it's existence.
God is Spirit. God's Holy Spirit is revealed to those who have faith in "Holy" Spirit of Father God. "Father" God, is the " Highest authority" of SPIRIT. "Holy" Spirit, reveals that which is Holy and that which is unholy spirit.
Can't put that in a test tube or under a microscope.
Can you put
holy under a microscope? It has nothing to do with evolution.
Can you put
mercy under a microscope? It has nothing to do with evolution.
Can you put
grace under a microscope? It has nothing to do with evolution.
Can you put
faith under a microscope? It has nothing to do with evolution.
Can you put
hope under a microscope? It has nothing to do with evolution.
So many more things of the spirit, that cannot be put in a test tube or under a microscope, way too many too mention here.
You cannot even compare the theory of evolution(based upon man's science) with the things of the Spirit. There is no comparison at all! Evolution is not based upon things of the Spirit. However, it is the God Spirit that reveals all truth of and in anything!
You don't have to be a "Christian" in order to have the Spirit of Truth reveal itself. As well, you don't have to be a "Christian" in order to have the spirit of lies reveal itself. However, you DO have to have the Spirit of a HOLY God reveal the corruption of any kind. Yes, even the Spirit of a HOLY, (holy mean pure) God will reveal that which is unholy (impure) . No test tube or microscope can reveal things of the spirit. Only The HOLY SPIRIT reveals the things of spirit, SPIRIT. Father,Son, Holy Spirit.... without those three, living in you, you will not understand, ever. Why do you think there are so many evil/wicked/twisted/perverted things in this world? Surely, NOT because there is a HOLINESS about. Can't put evil in a test tube or under a mcirscope. Can't put HOLINESS in a test tube or under a microscope. Can't put SPIRIT in a test tube or under a microscope.
Some things just can't be seen with the human eye, nor with the instruments of man! But some men of the religion called "science" refuse to acknowledge that! Einstein, at least, was wise enough to not doubt.
The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone,"
"A stone of stumbling
And a rock of offense."
Hebrews 11:3
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Romans 8:24
For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
2 Corinthians 4:18
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.