And yet the LORD said he would bring evil upon them which they cannot escape; "though they cry to me, I will not listen to them."
Jer. 11: 11 This was the word that came to Jeremiah the prophet of the LORD concerning the house of Israel and the house of Judah.
Will God save them from the coming evil? No.
28 But where are your gods
that you made for yourself?
Let them arise, if they can save you,
in your time of trouble;
for as many as your cities
are your gods, O Judah. Jer. 2:28 RSV
But not all Israel will be destroyed. The LORD said, "Yet I will leave
seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Ba′al, and every mouth that has not kissed him.”
1 Kings 19:18 RSV
Implying those who had bowed to Ba'al would not be saved.
Keep in mind Jeremiah is prophesying against the house of Judah and the house of Israel who had turned their backs on the LORD and did not do what the LORD said.
And the LORD said, "What right has my beloved in my house, when she has done vile deeds? Can vows and sacrificial flesh
avert your doom?
Jer. 11:15
So God's desire to save the world does not include devil worshippers. According to the will of God, branches have been broken off.
Can they be saved? Seems to me they have already been sentenced.