One of the greatest and false teachings in the Christian faith today is that......"God Owes You"!
The central idea of what I am saying has many names.....“health and wealth gospel” or “name it and claim it” as well as Word of Faith" theology.
Since I first saw this happening, I have wondered who so many people would fall such a ridiculous teaching.
Then the more I worked at it and the more I learned, I began to realize that this false teaching has its roots in Eastern philosophies, metaphysical traditions, and the emerging fields of psychology and self-help. Some will say that is New Age philosophy and IMHO that is correct. While not explicitly Christian, it was influenced by Christian ideas as a basis of understanding and grows out of the belief that the mind has the power to heal the body and attract prosperity.
There are many now who teach this heresy, but when you go backwards to who was the one who 1st brought it to prominence was Oral Roberts. He learned the power of TV and used it wisely.
While Roberts was one of the first to combine New Thought principles with faith healing, the most prominent evangelist of the prosperity gospel—and the father of the Word of Faith movement—was Kenneth E. Hagin.
These two men articulated the seed-faith concept using a threefold model:
(1) plant a seed: give something as your seed to a ministry;
(2) expect a miracle: have faith your act of giving will trigger divine intervention;
(3) harvest the miracle: receive the divine blessings in a manifold manner, often expected to be in material or financial forms.
Now a little trivia. A man by the name of Kenneth Copeland was Oral Roberts "Chauffer and pilot of his air plane".
It is from that trinity that we see all the others who have followed and bought into this heresy, not to propagate the gospel or to save souls.......but to become rich at the expense of those who do not actually read the bible and are easily manipulated. has to wonder WHY do people fall this stuff?
I may be wrong, but I may be right. IMHO it comes down to Desperation.
When you or someone close to you is dying or suffering, it’s natural to want to help in whatever way we can. Or, when finances become so strapped that you or a person close to you is in anguish, there is a desire to alleviate the suffering. So if a televangelist comes on television promising that God wants to heal and financially bless individuals, but God requires a gift first—care of the ministry of course; desperate people begin to grasp at straws and take desperate measures.
The central idea of what I am saying has many names.....“health and wealth gospel” or “name it and claim it” as well as Word of Faith" theology.
Since I first saw this happening, I have wondered who so many people would fall such a ridiculous teaching.
Then the more I worked at it and the more I learned, I began to realize that this false teaching has its roots in Eastern philosophies, metaphysical traditions, and the emerging fields of psychology and self-help. Some will say that is New Age philosophy and IMHO that is correct. While not explicitly Christian, it was influenced by Christian ideas as a basis of understanding and grows out of the belief that the mind has the power to heal the body and attract prosperity.
There are many now who teach this heresy, but when you go backwards to who was the one who 1st brought it to prominence was Oral Roberts. He learned the power of TV and used it wisely.
While Roberts was one of the first to combine New Thought principles with faith healing, the most prominent evangelist of the prosperity gospel—and the father of the Word of Faith movement—was Kenneth E. Hagin.
These two men articulated the seed-faith concept using a threefold model:
(1) plant a seed: give something as your seed to a ministry;
(2) expect a miracle: have faith your act of giving will trigger divine intervention;
(3) harvest the miracle: receive the divine blessings in a manifold manner, often expected to be in material or financial forms.
Now a little trivia. A man by the name of Kenneth Copeland was Oral Roberts "Chauffer and pilot of his air plane".
It is from that trinity that we see all the others who have followed and bought into this heresy, not to propagate the gospel or to save souls.......but to become rich at the expense of those who do not actually read the bible and are easily manipulated. has to wonder WHY do people fall this stuff?
I may be wrong, but I may be right. IMHO it comes down to Desperation.
When you or someone close to you is dying or suffering, it’s natural to want to help in whatever way we can. Or, when finances become so strapped that you or a person close to you is in anguish, there is a desire to alleviate the suffering. So if a televangelist comes on television promising that God wants to heal and financially bless individuals, but God requires a gift first—care of the ministry of course; desperate people begin to grasp at straws and take desperate measures.