My dear friend, I have no idea what your Christian education was or is, but may I say with all due respect, you need some help!
For example, You said........
"I do not believe that forced conversations are real conversation".
That makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever. Are you going to try and tell me that the conversations I had with my children when they did something wrong were not real conversations? T
HINK about what you are saying!
When the police officer is giving you a speeding ticket and telling you why, are you saying that is not a real conversation? That is ridiculous.
Then you said.........
"Men don't go from heaven to hell."
I have no response to such a statement. Who in world thinks that way?
You said.......
"They go from earth to heaven OR hell, depending on how they lived."
Almost right on one. All humans die, and go to heaven or hell depending on who they say Jesus Christ is! How they lived has nothing to do with where a man spends eternity!
You said.......
Has your forced conversion allowed you to live without sinning ?"
Now you are switching to "CONVERSION". That makes more sense than "CONVERSATION"!
Forced conversion is prominent in some religions, cults, and totalitarian governments, but it’s easy to address from a Christian point of view. Those who are forced into a different religion may act like a convert outwardly but secretly remain loyal to their former religion and as soon as opportunity presents itself, they revert. Christianity can only come from love! Anything less or other than Love will not last.
You said..........
"God's seed does not bear liars, thieves, or adulterers."
What differentiates a Christian’s life from that of a non-Christian is the struggle against sin and the ability to overcome it. A true Christian will always repent, will always eventually return to God, and will always resume the struggle against sin. But the Bible gives no support for the idea that a person who perpetually and unrepentantly engages in sin can indeed be a Christian. The 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 passage lists sins that, if indulged in continuously, identify a person as not being redeemed by Christ.
Your comment comes from your false understanding that Christians do not commit sin.
Although we truly have been made new in our spirit, we continue to live in a fallen world and have a disposition toward sin. What we must understand is that our redemption, which began at salvation, will not be completed until Jesus returns and transforms these sinful bodies to be glorious like His own. (
Philippians 3:20-21).
At our conversion, we were set free from the penalty of sin, through justification. Now, through sanctification, we are being progressively delivered from the power of sin. But only when we are glorified will we be free from the presence of sin forever.