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- #161
antitox said:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Sputnik boy said:I ask YOU to use YOUR God-given brain and, rather than merely posting those texts and then basking in some glory at having done so, EXPLAIN those texts and their intent to me. Thanks.
Hello? When are you going to use yours?
I may well be wrong in regard to my views on this issue and I have never said otherwise. But I'm NOT you, antitox, nor am I Relic. I'm most definitely not a Christian 'cookie' and I still rely very much on my own initiative in regard to issues such as this one. That quite possibly makes me a questionable Christian, I don't know. To be frank, I really don't care any more. I'm not here to win a Christian popularity contest. I just happen to have come across a couple of Christian people in my life who have been seriously and negatively affected simply because they confessed to having an attraction for the same gender. They were/are good and decent people and no print from a book (the Bible or otherwise) is suddenly going to turn them into something detestable ...not to ME anyway.
Are you closing your eyes when something is shown to you? Now what is it you can't discern about this text?
[quote:fa13b]26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman; burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
So, I'm to direct my 'gay' friends to the above scripture, eh? "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections." WHAT cause, precisely, has God given up my friends unto vile affections? I honestly don't understand. Call me dumb if you wish but please humor me and explain to me why this is so. An explanation of this text may also assist others who might be as dumb as I am.
My friends are Christians - whether YOU have a problem with that or not, antitox - and they are WELL aware of those scriptures that Christians constantly bring up to condemn them. It's a Christian misconception that putting the guilt-trip on someone will magically change them. So, yes antitox, I think I AM using my God-given brain in a very logical manner here.
Not that I NEED to present this fact yet again, I WILL do so. To my knowledge neither friend has ever had a sexual experience with another and I doubt that either will do so in the foreseeable future. NOT that it's any of my business anyway. So far they claim to merely having a (sexual) attraction for the same gender as well as a (sexual) aversion toward the opposite gender. This is not something that they willed on themselves. In fact, both have expressed their desire to be 'normal' ...whatever that may mean. So far the condemning scriptures that Christians persistently hurl at 'homosexuality' has not changed their particular orientation. Surprise, surprise.
Now if you are so clueless about this, then that explains why you think gay is ok.
Clueless? Who do you think you're talking to? Whether or not I think that 'gay' is okay has never been expressed or discussed by me, antitox. I have never pushed the 'gay agenda' that you and others keep accusing me (and others) of doing. These are strawmen arguments that have nothing to do with where I might be coming from. And what I may or may not 'think' is truly no one else's business.
It would be simple ignorance. You folks amaze me that you go blind every time someone puts truth in front of you.
Oh my. If I had a mind to - and I don't - I could apply scriptural texts that condemn condemnation of others, hypocrisy, pride, legalism (do you keep the Sabbath, by the way, or is that legalism?), greed, materialism, lying, etc. to you guys. Really ...who is blind? ALL of us to a degree?
And when that happens, you say you need to "break down the text." If God came down and told you personally, you probably wouldn't listen because you are closed to it.
I still request that those particular texts be broken down and applied to those friends of mine who merely have an 'orientation' toward the same gender. If this is too difficult for you to do then just say so.
It's a sick sick world.
Yes, it is. But greed, SELF, and stupidity are the main reasons for this state of affairs. Condemnation of homosexual orientation is merely a 'cover' for Christians to participate in any or all of the above and think of themselves as 'holy'. And THAT is truly sickening! [/quote:fa13b]