"My thoughts are not your thoughts,
nor are your ways My ways,' says the Lord.
'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9
I have thought about the Catholic approach to God and how they seem to imply that they will find him through scientific pursuit. I have previously tried to question their ethics and was debated with a statement of reply about their reason for scientific research regarding God, that Father gave them the ability to research.
I would question why any Scientist who always attacks the Christian faith would be researching factors regarding God as a Science, because as far as I understand to do so would cause our destruction....after all it was created, is controlled and is also a purpose of God itself.
When I look at the Catholic thought I would propose that greed was involved in their own scientific research of God, that supporting their lifestyle was really the motivation to pursue God as either a cell or as religious information.
As a human being I realize that I live and survive in a state of natural creation, I observe that our Father gave us everything that we need, he supplied our lifestyle. We had plentiful food, water, housing/shelter and also the means to clothe ourselves and this was supporting by a nurturing system that re-created the cycle of our needs....therefore everything we needed was given.
As implied in Biblical Teachings to take from the Tree of Knowledge was the very reason that ancient human beings in a life called Adam/Eve were caste out of this previous Earth life.
I know myself from studies that it is obvious that archaeology has provided this evidence, as human made articles were found in coal beds....artifacts pre dating so called Scientific versions of our natural creation. What has always been argued over is "how" we evolved and no-one in particular has ever taken the opportunity to discuss the spiritual aspects of our creation and still use Scientific versions instead of spiritual versions.