Our family has dogs and cats, and now that our little dog Spunky is elderly, we're faced with her health problems and the fact that she won't be with us much longer. Death is never easy to talk about, especially with our children. I decided to look on Amazon for a book about talking with my kids about pet loss. I found a good Christian author named Julia Harris-Parker. Her book Pet Loss: A Spiritual Guide has helped tremendously. Amazon has an author page for her that listed her blog and I highly recommend it. She quotes Bible scripture that I didn't even know about about animals and pets. Like, Jesus says in Luke 12:6 of the birds of the air that “not one of them is forgotten before God.” Her writing really changes my outlook on life and death, in a spiritual way. The only thing I'm not hot about is her including a lot of science studies to back up Bible truths -- I mean, why is that necessary? The Bible is God's word. Period.