SputnikBoy said:
Imagican said:
Wavy, Spunt? All the law of the OT or 'just the ten commandments'?
What say about the 'grace' issue, Imagican? Why do present-day 'Spirit-filled' Christians keep saying that they are 'now under grace' as though this is a new feature designed specifically for them? It's simply not true but they keep pushing it as though it is. And they are 'Spirit-filled' no less!
As for your question, no, of course we're not to keep all of the OT laws. The ones concerning bulls and goats are most definitely out.
Ephesians 3:1 For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, 2. If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward. 3. How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, 4. Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) 5. Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; 6. That the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs, and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel:
If this doesn't PLAINLY STATE that grace DIDN'T exist for Gentiles PREVIOUS to the coming of Christ, His death and resurrection, I don't know what Paul is saying.
Grace has ALWAYS existed as far as God giving to man. But for a time, God's blessings were for 'His people only'. Gentiles DIDN'T EVEN KNOW OF GOD.
Don't even try to pick and choose. The ONLY people, (Gentiles), that we know of that knew God or received ANY of His Blessings were those people that came in contact with the Hebrews or Jews through their enslavements.
You who believe that ALL mankind are descendants of Adam and Eve are incapable of understanding this grace. The World was NOT populated only by the descendants of Adam and Eve. They were the second creation who actually had communion with God. The first creation didn't have this opportunity until the coming of Christ.
I know, I know, crazy huh? Read it for yourself. The message was sent, many just chose to ignore it, bringing with this ignorance, MUCH confusion as to the 'history of man'.
God has ALWAYS given to those that knew Him. Given and taken. But for those that knew Him NOT, there was NO grace before the Spirit could be partaken of. Without the inheritance of the Spirit, there was not grace for these.
Did the Romans know of God before Christ? Did the Egyptians know of God before the Hebrews they enslaved? Did the Maori know God before missionaries suffered the voyage to their land in order to offer the Word? Come on man, don't you get it. The Word and world are much different than you seem to realize. It hasn't always been as it is now. The world use to be a VERY LARGE place. People separated by vast distances. Different cultures and different Gods. Separated by but one thing that matters, GRACE. The gift of God offered through His Son.
Grace has always existed but did NOT abound until the bringing of the Spirit through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Now, as to the law, the Bible PLAINLY states once again, that if one chooses to live, 'by the law', this person is bound by 'EVERY LETTER' of it. Not just the law that 'they choose', but ALL THE LAW. You guys seem to want to 'pick' which laws we are bound to. I say that once you start down this road, you make Christs' death void and barren of effect.
Law produced sin, for before law, THERE WAS NO SIN. What was the 'first law' given to Adam? What was the first sin committed by Adam? Without the law, there WAS NO SIN. Get it?
So, in order for the appeasement of sin, God allowed sacrifice, but told the Hebrews then that it would not always be so. What would change? Christ!!! Christ would one day be THE SACRIFICE for SIN. At that point all the teaching of law would be fulfilled through CHRIST. Christ defeated SIN, thereby fulfilling the law. Now we will live by ONE LAW. Do you know what that 'ONE LAW' is? ALL that has been offered by God is through GRACE and GRACE ALONE. Don't believe it? Then work yourself to death through the law to NO AVAIL. For without faith there IS NO GRACE.
And THAT'S EXACTLY WHERE THE JEWS ARE STUCK TODAY. Jealous that they are no longer THE ONLY chosen of God, but the Gentiles too are 'the sons of God' through the Sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST. One who they continue to refuse until ALL ARE FORCED TO UNDERSTAND. Still stuck in 'their laws', still bound by the chains of sin through their denial of the One who could set them free.
So, NO amount of adherence to 'the law' is of ANY affect NOW. We are to live by faith and NOT BY LAW. Faith in Christ who freed us from the 'law'. The law brought sin, sin brought death, Christ died 'that' death ONCE AND FOR ALL for THEM THAT BELIEVE.
Bottom line: God loves us folks. Whether you believe it or not. He loves us SO MUCH that He allowed His Son to DIE FOR US. He led His people through the 'law' and 'they STILL TURNED THEIR BACKS ON HIM. They ONLY became more and more 'against' God through this 'law'.
The law accomplished what it was meant to: through the law a remnant was preserved until such time as the 'law' was fulfilled. We NOW abide in GRACE through the Spirit, through FAITH. And there is BUT ONE LAW. Two parts, but ONE LAW.
Does this mean that we are to 'break' the laws simply because they have been fulfilled? NO WAY. We are now to COMPLETE THE LAW. ALL OF IT. And what was the law designed to 'teach' us and how are we to fulfill it? Come on, I know you know the answer....................... Exactly. For if we offer this one little bitty thing, we have fulfilled ALL THE LAW. That's what law was made for. For those that DIDN'T know how to do this one little bitty thing without being bound to the laws that defined it. But NOW GRACE ABOUNDS. Why? Because Christ came and gave us a personal example, (how a man can), fulfill the law. Through that one itty bitty thing. And that itty bitty thing is EVERYTHING. Follow me so far?
So, if you will understand and follow this 'ONE LAW' you will then: put away your childish things and speak like a 'man', then; 'coming into the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the FULLNESS of Christ'.
Learn this 'one thing' guys and you too have fulfilled ALL THE LAW. And NO MANNER of ADHERENCE TO LAW CAN OFFER THIS ONE THING. IT IS THROUGH THIS ONE THING THAT THE LAW CAN BE FULFILLED. Not through your efforts to follow the 'laws', but through the understanding of the 'ONE LAW' will you and your fellow man be 'the sons of God'.
What IS God folks? Exactly. And this can be US TOO. We just needed a bunch of practice and the 'perfect example' to get it right. That perfect example has been given; Now THE GRACE HAS BEEN OFFERED. Given freely to all who will accept it. Regardless and even IN SPITE OF THE LAW. For the law was NOT LOVE, but the path to it.
Now what do you choose to follow: the laws of man or the love of God?