- Oct 23, 2010
- 14,289
- 10,776
By His grace…
Less fear more praise and gratitude. Even things I deeply dislike such as my schizophrenia label seem to be used by Him for His glory and my betterment sometimes in surprising ways.
Schizophrenia means…well honestly? In my life it was just when I’d been pushed and oppressed and beat down and…
Sin Satan self and the world same as anybody else. Thing is…
Now I’m physically healthy and of increasingly sound mind but the label and records may well outlive me. It is what it is…
He chooses the simple to confound the wise..
I apparently have a high iq now. I was a burned out brain damaged flamboyantly gay former junkie when I started pursuing Him. Fun fact…I always wanted to be a genius and I started with a 120 IQ. Lol ?
So I dunno ?
parents are good to me. They’re healthy too. Dad seems like he might be inclined towards Jesus but…
Ugh ? I get worried because of megachurch salvation. Not that salvation means never ending punishment just…it involves more than a sinners prayer and occasional prayer. But that’s not what they’ll tell you obviously. Ugh ?
Less fear more praise and gratitude. Even things I deeply dislike such as my schizophrenia label seem to be used by Him for His glory and my betterment sometimes in surprising ways.
Schizophrenia means…well honestly? In my life it was just when I’d been pushed and oppressed and beat down and…
Sin Satan self and the world same as anybody else. Thing is…
Now I’m physically healthy and of increasingly sound mind but the label and records may well outlive me. It is what it is…
He chooses the simple to confound the wise..
I apparently have a high iq now. I was a burned out brain damaged flamboyantly gay former junkie when I started pursuing Him. Fun fact…I always wanted to be a genius and I started with a 120 IQ. Lol ?
So I dunno ?

Ugh ? I get worried because of megachurch salvation. Not that salvation means never ending punishment just…it involves more than a sinners prayer and occasional prayer. But that’s not what they’ll tell you obviously. Ugh ?