can be very affected by this and might fall away by believing that he will Always be saved no matter what?
Will God be THAT lenient?
The Love of God is unconditional.
The acceptance of a person back into God's family,
IS conditional.
Its condition is that the blood of Jesus redeems you, and this redemption has one condition.
= Your Faith.
So, once God accepts you because of your faith, then the application of the end result, your salvation, then becomes His domain, His issue to solve.
Not ours.
Your salvation is GOD's issue to solve for you, because only He can.
You cant save yourself, and you cant keep yourself saved.
This is why you need a SAVIOR.
The confusion about OSAS, is based on not understanding that what saved you, is non of you.......Its NOT of you.
Grace, is the manifestation of the Love of God, as a sacrifice on a cross, that is applied to you by God.
This is non of you......this is not of cant do it for yourself.
Eternal life, is exactly the same....its non of you, and all of God, by Christ.
Everything that saves and saved, is all of God and NON of us.
You have a SIN issue, and God has to solve it, or you wont be going to heaven.
So, its your sin, but its God who has to solve it for you.
= The Cross.
Salvation....> Grace.....= is God saying...."i'll take care of your sin and your eternity on the condition that you receive my Son by faith".
So........Once you do, then you did.
Once you do, then you have perfectly and exactly and precisely met the
only requirement for God to SAVE YOU... = using the Atonement > The Cross > The Blood of Jesus.
The way that God accepts you and me, is that He gives us exactly what makes us acceptable to Himself.....Otherwise, He can't accept you.
So, Salvation is God accepting you based on giving you, "the gift of Righteousness".
This is because you dont have any.
I dont have any.
..........."all our righteousness is as filthy rags" ....
If we had any righteousness of our own, God would not need to give us HIS to accept us, and thereby "save" us.
So the reason that OSAS has to be true, is because this truth is based on the fact of God accepting us based on Him giving us what HE requires to accept us back into the family.
All that OSAS is doing, is agreeing with "Grace" and "The Atonement".
As there is no other way to get into the family of
GOD, or remain in it, unless God creates and executes on your behalf, HIS SOLUTION TO YOUR ISSUE that is keeping you out of heaven.
This is why "works" and "enduring" , and all this self effort, is useless to save you, as how could it when you have to be as righteous as God to be accepted by a Holy God.
You're works will never get you there or keep you there because all your works are "filthy rags" when compared to GOD's righteousness.
And that is what you have to that is the only comparison .
The only thing that will get you remission of sins and eternal life IN HEAVEN, is the same thing that keeps you there.
The Gift of Righteousness.
= God giving you HIS Righteousness that makes you acceptable to HIM.
And that is why, once you have it, = OSAS.
Remember this scripture?....."the gifts and callings of God are without repentance".
This means, God will never undo it.
Salvation is a Gift.
Eternal life is a Gift.
The Righteousness of God given to you, is a Gift.
"the GIFTS and callings of God, are without repentance".... which means, He wont undo it, for any reason.