Happy Birthday! (Friendship Thread)

Oh and since it is my birthday today and speaking of cake check out these magnificent cakes from the television show Cake Boss.

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This cake really flushes lol :lol Look it up on YouTube if you don't believe me.

Ooh thank you - choc ice cream, my favourite :dunce

You're welcome! Who doesn't like chocolate? Lol! :lol By the way, I can't wait for my special birthday dinner tonight! I always get to choose it every year on my birthday and tonight it's going to be dumplings and my cookie birthday cake!! Yummy!! Lol, and I also get my birthday gifts and I already know what at least one of them is going to be. *grins slyly*
:dunce Happy Birthday. Here's some :popcorn :coke :pepsi2to add to the party and I will play the :rockingbut I don't know how so just make some joyful noise :lol You are so :shades so :woot2the night away and make some noise :sohappy
:dunce Happy Birthday. Here's some :popcorn:coke:pepsi2to add to the party and I will play the :rockingbut I don't know how so just make some joyful noise :lol You are so :shades so :woot2the night away and make some noise :sohappy

Thanks a bunch! :hug I am so what though?
Happy birthday, girly girl!! You so fly!

Let's just keep this thread going until March 22nd, the very best day for birthdays!
Happy birthday, girly girl!! You so fly!

Let's just keep this thread going until March 22nd, the very best day for birthdays!

Lol :lol Thank you but sorry,.. this engagement ring on my finger means that I'm already taken. And let me guess,.. March 22nd is your birthday? What makes you think that your birthday is better than everybody else's huh? :tongue I'm sorry but even if He wasn't actually born when we celebrate it (and I got a good source of information that He wasn't) Jesus' birthday tops everybody's so there! :tongue
Alright everybody, here are some good old party favorites! Alright first one is dedicated to all you chickens out there and this time I mean it in a good way lol :lol


(Aww!!! Baby chickie!!)

:shades just means cool like people who put their shades on thinking they are so cool which you are :biggrin

Oh, thanks lol! :lol Finally, somebody who is getting with the program! Lol, you're pretty cool yourself too :shades. Love you :hug
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