Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
By respecting the historical integrity of the gospels.
So by "respecting the historical integrity of the gospels" you conclude that there must have been two cleansings.
Mar 16:1-2
And when the sabbath was past, Mary Mag'dalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salo'me, bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. And very early on the first day of the week they went to the tomb when the sun had risen.
Jhn 20:1-2
Now on the first day of the week Mary Mag'dalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. So she ran, and went to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved, and said to them, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him."
So by "respecting the historical integrity of the gospels", these two "historical" reports must tell us that the women went to the tomb TWICE and, each time finding the tomb empty; once "
while it was still dark" and once "
when the sun had risen."
Also comparing Mat 20:30-34 with Luk 18:35-43, by "respecting the historical integrity of the gospels", Jesus must have gone through Jericho twice on His way to the "triumphal entry" into Jerusalem; once when He healed
one blind man and once when He healed
two blind men.
And then there's the report of Jesus walking on water. He must have done that twice also; once when Peter got out of the boat and walked on water (Mat 14:29) and once when Peter did not get out of the boat. (Jhn 6:19)
And comparing the casting out of the legion of demons and sending them into the herd of swine as "historically" reported in Mat 8:28-34 with Mark 5:1-20 and Luk 8:26-39, by "respecting the historical integrity of the gospels", we must conclude that Jesus went there twice and encountered one demoniac one time and two demoniacs the other time.
And, again, by "respecting the historical integrity of the gospels", we must conclude that Peter denied Jesus SIX times. Three times before the rooster crowed one time (Mat 26:34) and another three times before the rooster crowed twice. (Mar 14:72)
Such is the foolishness that results from the notion of "respecting the historical integrity of the gospels" in order to "harmonize" them by imposing the totally foreign, modern, western idea of historicity on ancient, middle eastern, form of literature as if the Gospels were the transcripts of the video tapes of Jesus life.
iakov the fool
(beaucoup dien cai dau)
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