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Bible Study Help the persecuted Christians!


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Every day, many christians from around the world are persecuted for their faiths because they believe in Jesus. They are imprisoned, tortured and killed, and their wives and children are left to fend for themselves.
As Christians, we are called to love one another as Christ has loved us! Indifference or not being aware of our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ's plights are no excuses for our sins of not helping the persecuted church of God!
Not long ago, I downloaded logos software and told God I wanted to go deep into His Word and study various commentaries of the bible. I wanted to purchase some of the commentaries at logos bible software because of that.
However, I felt a prompting by the Holy Spirit to give my money to, an organization which helps the persecuted church instead. I really struggle with this decision as I desire to be knowledgeable about God. But the Holy Spirit reminded me that many christians in the persecuted countries do not even have a bible of their own. Why am I seeking so many extra christian resources for myself while christians elsewhere do not even have the very basic--the Holy Bible.
After some struggles, I give in to the Holy Spirit. I also feel convicted to encourage other believers in Christ to spare a thought for the persecuted church, and contribute in whatever ways they can, whether financially or through prayers.
We are a body of Christ. Let us remember our suffering brothers and sisters.
We are a body of Christ. Let us remember our suffering brothers and sisters.
Well said this is a forgotten ministry by most Christians.
Think I'm wrong?
When did you last attend a prayer meeting for the persecuted church?
When did you last pray intelligently for persecuted Christians?
When was there any information given about the persecuted church in a church meeting?

As I said a shameful forgotten ministry.

If challenged one can start by looking at and starting to subscribe to any of the missionary agencies try:-

Or any third world missionary society they all report on the suffering Christian.

Then talk to your minister about your churches involvement or lack of.
Most minister will promptly pass the buck back to you.
So go prepared to ask for a monthly 5-10 minute slot in the church service to talk about the persecution of Christians.
Meet with the pastor and elders to advocate the church officially supports an agency supporting persecuted Christians with prayer and cash.
Suggest the youth work takes an interest maybe by sponsoring a child in a persecuted group?
Arrange for a monthly prayer meeting, where depends on numbers.
You will need to prepare briefing sheets for the countries being prayed for, the organisations above will supply details.
If there is a church magazine or Web site, write articles for submission.
Find out about meetings else where about the persecuted Church, advertise them and where possible attend.

Finally start fund raising to support what ever organisations your church is willing to support.
Hey All,
But shouldn't the church expect to be persecuted?

Matthew 5:11-12 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

Giving money won't stop the persecution. I have been called every name in the book, and even some that were so dirty they went beyond the book. They make me smile. Money in no way would help that persecution. And even if there was a charity for this, I would refuse it. It is an honor to be persecuted for Christ's sake. Why would I cheapen it with filthy lucre?

The orphans, the widows, the truly needy, I donate to. I know it will help them. There are plenty of established charities for doing this. I will donate to one I trust.

Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
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Hey All,
But shouldn't the church expect to be persecuted?

Matthew 5:11-12 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

Giving money won't stop the persecution. I have been called every name in the book, and even some that were so dirty they went beyond the book. They make me smile. Money in no way would help that persecution. And even if there was a charity for this, I would refuse it. It is an honor to be persecuted for Christ's sake. Why would I cheapen it with filthy lucre?

The orphans, the widows, the truly needy, I donate to. I know it will help them. There are plenty of established charities for doing this. I will donate to one I trust.

Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
Two thousand years ago being a widow could have been a death sentence. Not so much today, especially here in the US where stay-at-home moms are nearly a thing of the past.
Jesus said that, whatever we do for the least of our brothers and sisters, we are doing for Him. Likewise, whatever we are not doing for them, we are doing for Him.

We help the persecuted Church because Jesus expects us to, simple as that.
Every day, many christians from around the world are persecuted for their faiths because they believe in Jesus. They are imprisoned, tortured and killed, and their wives and children are left to fend for themselves.
As Christians, we are called to love one another as Christ has loved us! Indifference or not being aware of our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ's plights are no excuses for our sins of not helping the persecuted church of God!
Not long ago, I downloaded logos software and told God I wanted to go deep into His Word and study various commentaries of the bible. I wanted to purchase some of the commentaries at logos bible software because of that.
However, I felt a prompting by the Holy Spirit to give my money to, an organization which helps the persecuted church instead. I really struggle with this decision as I desire to be knowledgeable about God. But the Holy Spirit reminded me that many christians in the persecuted countries do not even have a bible of their own. Why am I seeking so many extra christian resources for myself while christians elsewhere do not even have the very basic--the Holy Bible.
After some struggles, I give in to the Holy Spirit. I also feel convicted to encourage other believers in Christ to spare a thought for the persecuted church, and contribute in whatever ways they can, whether financially or through prayers.
We are a body of Christ. Let us remember our suffering brothers and sisters.
The question is: Who do you call Christians?

Are the Catholics and Orthodox who bow down in front of images, pray to "saints" and add words to the Bible Christians to you? Are they really Christians to you? Then you need to ask yourself whether you are a Christian at all.

Jesus clearly stated: "Whoever loves me keeps my commandments". Catholics and Orthodox break the commandments and refuse to be taught.

I know that there are people who call themselves Christians and are persecuted, but most, indeed almost all of them, are not really Christians.

Remember, Jesus Himself prophesied that there would be many fake Christians (Matt 7:21).

It's not your job or mine to identify who is truly christian.
Just as the emergency service don't question are they helping citizens, they help those in need, so we as Christians should help those labeled as ' Christian ' by persecutors.
The Bible clearly defines who is a Christian and who is not. The Bible can therefore be used to recognize true Christians. And of course I am in favor of helping everyone, but I am against calling people Christians who clearly break the commandments of Christ. They are not Christians.
They supplies free bibles to countries like China and North Korea. Surely, even if you are not going to help persecuted Christians, you will agree that supplying bibles is harmless? After all, everyone benefits from reading the bible.
Catholics and Orthodox break the commandments
As do everyone else.

Paul wrote this to the church in Corinth but it still applies today.
7 Now therefore, it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another. Why do you not rather accept wrong? Why do you not rather let yourselves be cheated?
8 No, you yourselves do wrong and cheat, and you do these things to your brethren!
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,
10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 6:7-10 NKJV

And likewise this to the church in Galatia.
19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness,
20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,
21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:19-21 NKJV

Adultery, murder, theft, false witness, covetousness. All these abound throughout Catholicism and Protestantism alike even today and lately some of these are even more open and prominent. We celebrate abortion rights and homosexual activity as well as openly stealing and vandalizing of merchant properties.
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The Bible clearly defines who is a Christian and who is not. The Bible can therefore be used to recognize true Christians. And of course I am in favor of helping everyone, but I am against calling people Christians who clearly break the commandments of Christ. They are not Christians.
Again you are making a judgement based on incomplete information.
Do you think God judges Christians brought up under or in a false belief by what they know or by what they don't know.

Would you support an aid agency that will help one person because he ticks the right boxes and doesn't help others who don't tick them.

How does your approach to helping ' Christians ' enable missionary work among non Christians who see ' Christians ' suffering and not helped by other ' Christians '.

How are you going to explain your approach to those who see ' christians' as others who attend church?
Please share those definitions.
Matthew 7:21-23
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 5:48
Therefore you shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
John 14:15
If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
1 John 3:6
No one who abides in Him sins; no one who sins has seen Him or knows Him.
As do everyone else.
A true Christian who breaks a commandment repents. And true repentance is never to commit the sin again. Someone who repeats a sin is like a dog according to Proverbs 26:11.

Catholics and the Orthodox, however, do not repent. If you go to them and say that worshipping Mary is wrong, they do not recognize their sin as David did when the prophet Nathan came to him, no, they do not recognize the sin and do not repent, but they start debating with you that they are right.

Can someone who worships icons and calls to the dead really be a Christian? Never.

Not only do they worship icons, they even dare to add words to the Bible. What a disgrace. They take the Apocrypha and claim it is part of the Bible. That is terrible.

Do you really want to call these people Christians? Do you really want the people around you to think that these people represent Christianity? Imagine an atheist wants to become a Christian, then he sees Catholics worshipping icons of Mary. Then you come and tell him that they are Christians. He then thinks you are right and starts to imitate the Catholics and worship icons of Mary. The poor inexperienced atheist, who had the intention of seeking the truth, has then gone to hell. In Ezekiel, God says that whoever leads a man astray will pay the price. You would lose your soul in that case.

You have to be careful who you call a Christian.
You have to be careful who you call a Christian.
This is my point exactly. WE, that is you, me, and everyone else most certainly have to be careful about judging who is or is not a Christian. Consider Matthew 7:1-6. I personally don't think any of us are qualified to make that kind of judgment.

However, we can see evidence of it by the fruits as Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruits." (Matthew 7:16 NKJV) By the very nature and definition of the title "Christian" it means follower or disciple of Christ. Jesus said, "By this they will know you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:35 NKJV)

You are targeting your pointing finger at Catholics and Orthodox but you fail to remember there are three fingers pointing back to yourself. How many of us others that claim the title Christian are repeatedly guilty of the sins I quoted from Paul previously in this post? Can you honestly in the sight of God truly claim you are absolutely and unequivocally clean and righteous? Are you presuming to say that if you find yourself standing before the throne of judgment an hour from now there would be no charges found against you because you have always repented and never, even once, repeated a single sin ever in your life?

I know I would not make that challenge about me.
International persecution of Christians is heating up. I find it worrisome because the established churches in many affluent countries are dying…
Who will help?
How many of us others that claim the title Christian are repeatedly guilty of the sins I quoted from Paul previously in this post
The quotes from Paul that you mentioned support me. When Paul says: "They will not inherit the kingdom of God", he means that they will go to hell. A true Christian does not sin, but if a true Christian does sin then he repents and true repentance means never committing the sin again.

Catholics commit abominations and do not repent. As I said, praying to images, calling to the dead and adding words to the Bible are truly abominations for which there will only be hell as punishment. I will never call such people Christians. And I believe that the Catholics who are persecuted are being punished by God, for they misuse God's name, because they call themselves Christians but do not live like Christians. Remember November 1, 1755, when God sent an earthquake, a flood and a huge fire to the great and important Catholic city of Lisbon on All Saints' Day, killing 30,000-100,000 people. God has made it clear with this action: They are not Christians, I hate them.
Hi chongjasmine

Well, to keep this idea in perspective, that is what Jesus promised his followers. Why we should be so surprised that it's happening is weird to me.

Expect it? Yes. Invite it? No.
I'm not sure I understand why you're making the claim that some believers might be 'inviting' such persecution. I certainly didn't read anything in Josef post that would infer that he believes we should 'invite' said persecution. He merely quoted the words of Jesus that we should expect persecution and should rejoice in our soul that we are persecuted because it likely means that we're on the right path. According to Jesus. Rejoice! When you are persecuted for his name.

However, I do fully support that idea that we should ask our Father to be mindful of those who are persecuted for the sake of His Son's name, and comfort them.

God bless,


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