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"Helping" the homeless


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I'm just curious about your positions of helping homeless pepole it's odd that I'd come here to ask this question.

I donate monthly to homeless charities as much as I can afford to spare but I still have my own issues to struggle with... but who dosen't right?

But my issue comes to helping the homeless on the streets part of me is just dubious about it begin a good idea I'm struggling with it what would you moral pepole do?

"please help me I only need £2.30 I have got somwhere to stay but I can't get the bus there if I can't get there buy 9pm I will have to sleep out here, Please miss I'm in a real bind"

I did feel for him. I gave him £2.60 whitch was all the loose change I had in my pockets.
Well an hour later just gone past 10pm he could have easily made it to wherever he was going but I see him in the exact same spot I found him. With a can of extra strength beer in his hands telling a similar story to someone else. :/

No lectures right?... *sigh* ¬.¬
I did ask him about his story as I walked past he just "umm"ed and "Ahhh"ed at me then said "I'm very thankful for your help before, Could you perhaps spare another pound?"
"Well thank you anyway."
"Mmm, Whatever."

I'm not doubting alot of these pepole have issues and of course I don't know there stories one homeless person approached me when I was waiting for a bus he didn't want any money just someone to talk to so I obliged him he was sweet and kind if drunk... but so many of them don't work on themselves and seem like they arn't even trying to help themselves. It's not my first experience like this My sisters encountered abusive ones who threw there empty cans of beer at her when she refused because they were just spending it on alcohol while their animals were clearly freezing waiting for there masters.

*sigh* anyway what do you do?
Long ago I quit giving to anyone holding a sign .

There are plenty of good honest charities that are expert in dealing with the realites of human nature and have learned not to waste doner's money. The Salvation Army springs to mind. There are others and you can give knowing what portion is used for administration and other costs.

May the Lord bless your kindness.

I'm just curious about your positions of helping homeless pepole it's odd that I'd come here to ask this question.

I donate monthly to homeless charities as much as I can afford to spare but I still have my own issues to struggle with... but who dosen't right?

But my issue comes to helping the homeless on the streets part of me is just dubious about it begin a good idea I'm struggling with it what would you moral pepole do?

"please help me I only need £2.30 I have got somwhere to stay but I can't get the bus there if I can't get there buy 9pm I will have to sleep out here, Please miss I'm in a real bind"

I did feel for him. I gave him £2.60 whitch was all the loose change I had in my pockets.
Well an hour later just gone past 10pm he could have easily made it to wherever he was going but I see him in the exact same spot I found him. With a can of extra strength beer in his hands telling a similar story to someone else. :/

No lectures right?... *sigh* ¬.¬
I did ask him about his story as I walked past he just "umm"ed and "Ahhh"ed at me then said "I'm very thankful for your help before, Could you perhaps spare another pound?"
"Well thank you anyway."
"Mmm, Whatever."

I'm not doubting alot of these pepole have issues and of course I don't know there stories one homeless person approached me when I was waiting for a bus he didn't want any money just someone to talk to so I obliged him he was sweet and kind if drunk... but so many of them don't work on themselves and seem like they arn't even trying to help themselves. It's not my first experience like this My sisters encountered abusive ones who threw there empty cans of beer at her when she refused because they were just spending it on alcohol while their animals were clearly freezing waiting for there masters.

*sigh* anyway what do you do?

to add to what hitch said, ask them what the need. clothing? food? and if you feel safe(again with great caution) or pay for the ride on mass transit or a taxicab.

i once saw a homeless guy refuse food and sobbed and whined and when we men started telling him that we could help him. we told him about the lord and so on. he really wanted money for beer and was in shakes from that beer withdrawal.

one hr later he got his beer and was smiling. but he didnt fool us. i stated along with a friend that is a board member of a homeless assistance agency dont give that man money but food or what not.
I've had similar things happen to me. People have asked for money for one thing, and I've given it to them, but then they go and buy something else (often alcohol) with it. But then, I also once gave a guy some money just to get him to stop pestering me. He had said that he hadn't eaten for a couple of days but I didn't believe him (although I didn't say so). When I gave him some money, he went across the street and bought a hamburger.

I haven't tried it myself, but I once heard someone suggest that you buy whatever it is they say they need instead of giving them money. If someone says he wants food, offer to buy him some food. If he wants bus fare, buy him some bus tickets. If that's really what he needs, he'll accept.
I just give them money and don't worry about what they do with it - that's between them and God. I give them money because my Lord commands me to, and I know He sees my generosity.
I'm just curious about your positions of helping homeless pepole it's odd that I'd come here to ask this question.

I donate monthly to homeless charities as much as I can afford to spare but I still have my own issues to struggle with... but who dosen't right?

But my issue comes to helping the homeless on the streets part of me is just dubious about it begin a good idea I'm struggling with it what would you moral pepole do?

"please help me I only need £2.30 I have got somwhere to stay but I can't get the bus there if I can't get there buy 9pm I will have to sleep out here, Please miss I'm in a real bind"

I did feel for him. I gave him £2.60 whitch was all the loose change I had in my pockets.
Well an hour later just gone past 10pm he could have easily made it to wherever he was going but I see him in the exact same spot I found him. With a can of extra strength beer in his hands telling a similar story to someone else. :/

No lectures right?... *sigh* ¬.¬
I did ask him about his story as I walked past he just "umm"ed and "Ahhh"ed at me then said "I'm very thankful for your help before, Could you perhaps spare another pound?"
"Well thank you anyway."
"Mmm, Whatever."

I'm not doubting alot of these pepole have issues and of course I don't know there stories one homeless person approached me when I was waiting for a bus he didn't want any money just someone to talk to so I obliged him he was sweet and kind if drunk... but so many of them don't work on themselves and seem like they arn't even trying to help themselves. It's not my first experience like this My sisters encountered abusive ones who threw there empty cans of beer at her when she refused because they were just spending it on alcohol while their animals were clearly freezing waiting for there masters.

*sigh* anyway what do you do?

Personally I feel VERY hesistant about giving money to any charity because a lot of money gets gobbled up in administrative costs. But I also don`t just hand out money on the street either. I will donate clothes, food, and other supplies to homeless ministries but not money. I once had a homeless man ask me for money and there was a store right in front of us so I said I would go in and get him some food. He thanked me and said he could see I was busy (and I was) so he would buy the food himself and promised he would just use the money on food. I told him, no it was no problem because if I bought him food, I wanted to get him decent food not a soft drink and chips. He promised to buy decent food. But I insisted that I would buy the food and he could wait for me outside. Then he confessed to me that he did not need or want food. He was wanting to get high. I told him I was sorry but I could not give him money for that and we parted ways. Many times homeless people are fed at homeless shelters, soup kitchens, food pantries, etc. So they are not always wanting money to eat. However, a good way to find out if they are really hungry is to offer to buy them something to eat and see if they accept or reject that.
Of course the best thing one can do for the homeless is if you are in position where you can hire people, then offer them a job but I would probably go through a homeless shelter to select a person where the staff can make a referral. They will know which homeless people really want to work, are not strung out on drugs, don`t cause problems, and are not violent.
When I'm heading to the city where I know I'll run into homeless people in need, I've made it a practice to have a book of coupons from McDonalds or I'll stuff a bunch of granola bars in my pockets. I'm more comfortable doing that than handing them money. I've had times that lead me to doubt their sincerity when they just got upset that I would give them McDonald coupons instead of money. :chin

I've known people who work closely with the homeless, and they're the first ones to say it's a bad idea to give money, because you're only enabling them. These people devote their lives to the homeless and know their plight much better than I do. If they take this stance, I have to take their word for it.
Don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Sometimes I think we have to just go on faith. We all know there are scams out there that take advantage of others’ generosity. So be it. But if you think about it, for each scammer, how many legitimate needs are there? I agree that we should use good judgment but who are we to judge?
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:tongue> </o:tongue>
For a period of time I traveled around the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:tonguelace w:st="on">US</st1:tonguelace></st1:country-region> for my job and I often thought about how I’d react to someone asking for help. I did encounter a few but not as many as I expected. Most of the time I gave some but to be honest I also felt a bit uneasy. Not because I thought the person might be scamming me but because I wondered about other potential risks.
<o:tongue> </o:tongue>
One time I refused because the person asking was holding a bottle of booze in the other hand. I didn’t feel it would be in good judgment to help someone support a problem. Now that I am a few years older and have friends that are recovering alcoholics and knowing how alcoholism consumes them, I question whether that was really a wise decision.
<o:tongue> </o:tongue>
Should I be passing judgment? Is this a good opportunity to evangelize? What is the possibility that my act of kindness might just be the push that helps them turn their life around? What if God is putting us together for a purpose? What if the person is an angel? Did Jesus turn his back on those who asked for help?
<o:tongue> </o:tongue>
I don't give money either...for the same reasons expressed by others.

I do give food. I'll offer to buy food for anyone and I also make sure that they know where they can go for a good meal, a warm bed and a shower (they always do know though).

I also donate all our gently used clothes to local charities that will either sell the clothing for a few cents or give them away if need be. And, I donate to local food banks.

But, I don't give money unless I truly feel in my gut it's the right thing to do. This last summer a guy showed up at the church where I work. He and his wife were trying to get to N. Idaho and needed money for gas. I handed him a $20, certainly out of character for me, and I could certainly have used the $20 since my hubby was (still is) working only part time. most of the Christians around here can testify to...sometimes God just moves you to do something and this was one of those times.
It is a tough issue. With so many out of work and it seems more to follow. I have came to a conclusion that its not up to me to try to determine if their really in need or not.

Matt 5:39-42
39 But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. 41 If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

In the spirit of the above I will give a little to those that ask. I don't think that God is upset if we err on the side of love.

May Jesus smile on you today.


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