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Homosexuality- yet again


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Ok I’m posting MY opinions so don’t get defensive PLEASE. I think that the bible does in fact ban homosexuality for very specific reasons. I personally find homosexuality rather distasteful. Any ways I would like to take a look at Leviticus, Romans, and Jude. I would like to talk about Jude first then Romans and finally Leviticus.
(Note: The bible passages I am posting hear are from the KJV version of the bible.)

Jude (KJV)- 7Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
8Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.
Romans (KJV)-
26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet
Leviticus (KJV)-
13If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

OK. Now Jude in MY OPINION does not even mention homosexuality. IF YOU DISAGREE PLEASE TELL ME WHY. I am interested in your view.

Now Romans however, says that god gave them over to lust for one another. In this sense yes homosexuality is bad because people are having sex with one another because of lust. (Just to say it, Lust is defined as an intense or unrestrained sexual urge.) But what if men are having sexual relations with each other because of love? (Love is defined as: A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.) Well personally I don’t think that it is a sin to have homosexual relations if you actually love the other person.

And finally Leviticus. There really is no denying the fact that Leviticus bans homosexuality. But Leviticus also states that, and I quote: “Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of materials.†And also “Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off edges of your beard.†So in MY OPINION if you say that homosexuality is a sin and your going to rot in hell because of what Leviticus says then your also saying that if you cut your hair or your beard, or wear a polyester blended shirt you are also going to hell.

That’s what I wanted to say. There is a little more but I want to go to sleep. So I look forward to seeing what you all write and remember I said that the bible DOES SAY HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN under certain circumstances.
Crazy said:
Ok I’m posting MY opinions so don’t get defensive PLEASE. I think that the bible does in fact ban homosexuality for very specific reasons. I personally find homosexuality rather distasteful. Any ways I would like to take a look at Leviticus, Romans, and Jude. I would like to talk about Jude first then Romans and finally Leviticus.
(Note: The bible passages I am posting hear are from the KJV version of the bible.)

Jude (KJV)- 7Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
8Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.
Romans (KJV)-
26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet
Leviticus (KJV)-
13If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

OK. Now Jude in MY OPINION does not even mention homosexuality. IF YOU DISAGREE PLEASE TELL ME WHY. I am interested in your view.

Now Romans however, says that god gave them over to lust for one another. In this sense yes homosexuality is bad because people are having sex with one another because of lust. (Just to say it, Lust is defined as an intense or unrestrained sexual urge.) But what if men are having sexual relations with each other because of love? (Love is defined as: A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.) Well personally I don’t think that it is a sin to have homosexual relations if you actually love the other person.

And finally Leviticus. There really is no denying the fact that Leviticus bans homosexuality. But Leviticus also states that, and I quote: “Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of materials.†And also “Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off edges of your beard.†So in MY OPINION if you say that homosexuality is a sin and your going to rot in hell because of what Leviticus says then your also saying that if you cut your hair or your beard, or wear a polyester blended shirt you are also going to hell.

That’s what I wanted to say. There is a little more but I want to go to sleep. So I look forward to seeing what you all write and remember I said that the bible DOES SAY HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN under certain circumstances.

First of all, Jude references homosexuality even though it doesn't specifically mention it.

Read the account in Genesis, S n G were destroyed because of homosexual behavior.

And also, you say:

So I look forward to seeing what you all write and remember I said that the bible DOES SAY HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN under certain circumstances.

It isn't just a sin under certain circumstances. It is ALWAYS a sin. No homosexual will be allowed into heaven - even if they are saved.

1 Corinthians:69-10
Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Bonsai said:
No homosexual will be allowed into heaven - even if they are saved.
With all due respect Bonsai:
If this is true then all christians I know will not be with The Father in the hereafter. I know the sin I do is sin. Before I was saved that wasn't the case at all. I didn't recognize my sins for what they were but was very comfortable with "Live and let live" or "My business is my business as long as I don't hurt anyone".

I agree with the rest of your post though.
PotLuck said:
All sinners? Indeed. Admitting or recognizing sin as sin? Well, maybe and maybe not.
Therein lies the difference. Some don't acknowledge the sin, but support it as OK, applaud others who do the same and attempt to teach others there is no wrong in the sin.
Scripture does not support homosexuality, those who believe it's OK go to great lengths to twist The Word their way and in essence avidly refuse to ask God for forgiveness.
Bonsai said:
Crazy said:
Ok I’m posting MY opinions so don’t get defensive PLEASE. I think that the bible does in fact ban homosexuality for very specific reasons. I personally find homosexuality rather distasteful. Any ways I would like to take a look at Leviticus, Romans, and Jude. I would like to talk about Jude first then Romans and finally Leviticus.
(Note: The bible passages I am posting hear are from the KJV version of the bible.)

Jude (KJV)- 7Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
8Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.
Romans (KJV)-
26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet
Leviticus (KJV)-
13If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

OK. Now Jude in MY OPINION does not even mention homosexuality. IF YOU DISAGREE PLEASE TELL ME WHY. I am interested in your view.

Now Romans however, says that god gave them over to lust for one another. In this sense yes homosexuality is bad because people are having sex with one another because of lust. (Just to say it, Lust is defined as an intense or unrestrained sexual urge.) But what if men are having sexual relations with each other because of love? (Love is defined as: A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.) Well personally I don’t think that it is a sin to have homosexual relations if you actually love the other person.

And finally Leviticus. There really is no denying the fact that Leviticus bans homosexuality. But Leviticus also states that, and I quote: “Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of materials.†And also “Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off edges of your beard.†So in MY OPINION if you say that homosexuality is a sin and your going to rot in hell because of what Leviticus says then your also saying that if you cut your hair or your beard, or wear a polyester blended shirt you are also going to hell.

That’s what I wanted to say. There is a little more but I want to go to sleep. So I look forward to seeing what you all write and remember I said that the bible DOES SAY HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN under certain circumstances.

First of all, Jude references homosexuality even though it doesn't specifically mention it.

Read the account in Genesis, S n G were destroyed because of homosexual behavior.

And also, you say:

So I look forward to seeing what you all write and remember I said that the bible DOES SAY HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN under certain circumstances.

It isn't just a sin under certain circumstances. It is ALWAYS a sin. No homosexual will be allowed into heaven - even if they are saved.

1 Corinthians:69-10
Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That's an absolute falsehood. Jesus didn't just die for the thieves and murderers, and not the sexually immoral. He didn't just die for the slanderes and liars and not the thieves and murderers! A sin is a sin is a sin. All people who call on the name of the Lord and repent of their sins will be saved. The passage you quoted in 1 Corinthians is talking about practicing homosexuals and people who practice wickedness and who don't repent. As John tell us; "no one born of God continues to sin." Once we are born again of the Holy Spirit, we do not seek or endorse any sin. But those who do seek and endorse sin cannot be born again of the Holy Spirit and are thus not saved until they repent. And that is what that passage is talking about.

Paul also says the same thing about those who are sexually immoral, which includes heterosexual lust, not just homosexuals. If they don't repent, they will not be saved either. But anyone who calls on the name of the Lord and repents, will be saved. :)
It isn't just a sin under certain circumstances. It is ALWAYS a sin. No homosexual will be allowed into heaven - even if they are saved.

1 Corinthians:69-10
Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Remember Mary(not Jesus' mother) the one who was the adultress. She was forgiven by Jesus. "he that is without sin cast the first stone."
If we ask for forgiveness then Jesus will not remember it no more. That is in the BIble. So if you turn away from your sin, then Jesus won't remember it anymore.
When you look at the passage in 1 Corinthinas 6, you have to keep in mind that God doesn't judge by the outside but the inside. To be homosexual, it requires a constant return to sin. Day after day, you have to recommit your life to that sin. In that sense, how can one truly be saved and live as a homosexual? As Christ said, you can not serve two masters...
Timothy said:
When you look at the passage in 1 Corinthinas 6, you have to keep in mind that God doesn't judge by the outside but the inside. To be homosexual, it requires a constant return to sin. Day after day, you have to recommit your life to that sin. In that sense, how can one truly be saved and live as a homosexual? As Christ said, you can not serve two masters...

couldn't the same be said of a thief, a philanderer, an adulterer, a glutton, a swindler, a serial killer, a drunkard, a pagan, people who like shellfish or have sex during menstruation... all that?

also, when you say "serve two masters" can't that be applied just as well to anyone who loves their wife? i mean no disrespect to married couples or otherwise, but the way you use the phrase is so very broad as to easliy include such people.
You know I've seen so many post about how all homosexuals are evil and going to hell, and are outside of God, but I have a question for all those who flame homosexuals and those who support them.
Just to humor you let's suppose that homosexuals go to hell, well what about the rest of the actions under the category of sexual immorality, adultery, masterbation, heterosexual lust, pre-marital sex, oh and let's not forget those who also lie, cheat, steal, decieve, drink, I could go on, what about them I haven't xeen nearly as many post about heterosexual lust and desires and flaming, somehow people seem to be sympathetic to that cause, and loveless toward's other sinners.
I'm sure some of you need to remove the planks out of you're own eyes before posting and condemning someone else.
Loren Michael said:
Timothy said:
When you look at the passage in 1 Corinthinas 6, you have to keep in mind that God doesn't judge by the outside but the inside. To be homosexual, it requires a constant return to sin. Day after day, you have to recommit your life to that sin. In that sense, how can one truly be saved and live as a homosexual? As Christ said, you can not serve two masters...

couldn't the same be said of a thief, a philanderer, an adulterer, a glutton, a swindler, a serial killer, a drunkard, a pagan, people who like shellfish or have sex during menstruation... all that?

also, when you say "serve two masters" can't that be applied just as well to anyone who loves their wife? i mean no disrespect to married couples or otherwise, but the way you use the phrase is so very broad as to easliy include such people.

Loren, I was speaking in light of the topic. I would agree that the same daily recommitment could relate to criminal behavior, sexual immorality, and many other behaviors. That is why they are included in the passage.

One time getting drunk doesn't make you a drunkard. Repent of the sin of getting drunk, and He will wash you anew. If the person does not repent of the sin, and continues to commit the sin, then he falls into a life long pattern. The one who continually gets drunk, then becomes a drunkard.

The thing with homosexuality is that it is often a life long choice. However, if one truly repents of this sin, they are no longer a Homosexual, but a redeemed child of God. What I feel Paul is bringing to light is how those who let these sins become part of their regular lifestyle do not truly love God. Paul is showing them that you can not claim both titles.

As for the your example of marriage, the two become one, who are to serve one master, Christ. If the wife is living to please her husband before she pleases Christ, or vice versa, then they are indeed outside of God's will.

We who profess Christ must only serve Christ. He is our Master. Through him, we may be asked to serve him in different fashions, in different manners, or with different people. Through all things, we must live for Christ first!
Bonsai said:
It isn't just a sin under certain circumstances. It is ALWAYS a sin. No homosexual will be allowed into heaven - even if they are saved.
I don't think you understand the definition of salvation if you are making this statement. Sinners of all kinds, including homosexuals, will be in heaven if they are saved.
Timothy said:
The thing with homosexuality is that it is often a life long choice. However, if one truly repents of this sin, they are no longer a Homosexual, but a redeemed child of God. What I feel Paul is bringing to light is how those who let these sins become part of their regular lifestyle do not truly love God. Paul is showing them that you can not claim both titles.

I appreciate the tone of your post, Timothy. I do beg to differ, however, with your bringing to light (through Paul) that those with homosexual tendencies (in this case) do not truly love God. The facts are that homosexuals may well love God as surely as the heterosexual ...or not. But human beings are also sexual beings and they were created as such by the same God. The 'desire for sex gene', if you like, was placed there by God unlike the 'gene' to alcohol, lying, sin, etc.

The fact that one is predisposed to sexual attraction for someone of the same gender should not be the basis for whether one does or does not love God. It just means that the individual is sexually attracted to someone of the same gender. In order for a homosexual Christian (and yes, they DO exist) to satisfy the criteria of the Bible, they need to refrain from acting on their (natural?) desires and either, 1. live a lie and take a wife/husband, for 'appearance' sake, or 2. live a life of celibacy thereby denying the sexual being that God created.

I wonder how many 'heterosexual' Christians have ever considered those two options for the homosexual? I wonder how many 'heterosexual' Christians might apply the latter option to their own lives? Also, are any Christians out there who might prefer to spend less time condemning these brothers and sisters in Christ and instead expend this negative energy into something positive by trying to understand where the homosexual is coming from?

It's a tough call since the homosexual first needs to find a way into the bigotted heart of the individual Christian. This is a FAR MORE difficult task than finding one's way into the heart of God. I don't wonder at times why Ghandi made the quote that he did.
Heidi said:
That's an absolute falsehood. Jesus didn't just die for the thieves and murderers, and not the sexually immoral. He didn't just die for the slanderes and liars and not the thieves and murderers! A sin is a sin is a sin. All people who call on the name of the Lord and repent of their sins will be saved. The passage you quoted in 1 Corinthians is talking about practicing homosexuals and people who practice wickedness and who don't repent. As John tell us; "no one born of God continues to sin." Once we are born again of the Holy Spirit, we do not seek or endorse any sin. But those who do seek and endorse sin cannot be born again of the Holy Spirit and are thus not saved until they repent. And that is what that passage is talking about.

Paul also says the same thing about those who are sexually immoral, which includes heterosexual lust, not just homosexuals. If they don't repent, they will not be saved either. But anyone who calls on the name of the Lord and repents, will be saved. :)

Totally agree with this. Thank Heidi.

cubedbee said:
Bonsai said:
It isn't just a sin under certain circumstances. It is ALWAYS a sin. No homosexual will be allowed into heaven - even if they are saved.
I don't think you understand the definition of salvation if you are making this statement. Sinners of all kinds, including homosexuals, will be in heaven if they are saved.

And under that same definition I'd question profession of salvation from a practicing homosexual.

Heidi said:
Once we are born again of the Holy Spirit, we do not seek or endorse any sin.

So it gets back to the same old debate.
Is the practice of homosexuality a sin?
Unless I use some fancy mental gymnastics it sure appears as though The Word says so. Both in the OT and the NT. It's quite clear what's being spoken of.
SputnikBoy said:
Timothy said:
The thing with homosexuality is that it is often a life long choice. However, if one truly repents of this sin, they are no longer a Homosexual, but a redeemed child of God. What I feel Paul is bringing to light is how those who let these sins become part of their regular lifestyle do not truly love God. Paul is showing them that you can not claim both titles.

I appreciate the tone of your post, Timothy. I do beg to differ, however, with your bringing to light (through Paul) that those with homosexual tendencies (in this case) do not truly love God. The facts are that homosexuals may well love God as surely as the heterosexual ...or not. But human beings are also sexual beings and they were created as such by the same God. The 'desire for sex gene', if you like, was placed there by God unlike the 'gene' to alcohol, lying, sin, etc.

The fact that one is predisposed to sexual attraction for someone of the same gender should not be the basis for whether one does or does not love God. It just means that the individual is sexually attracted to someone of the same gender. In order for a homosexual Christian (and yes, they DO exist) to satisfy the criteria of the Bible, they need to refrain from acting on their (natural?) desires and either, 1. live a lie and take a wife/husband, for 'appearance' sake, or 2. live a life of celibacy thereby denying the sexual being that God created.

I wonder how many 'heterosexual' Christians have ever considered those two options for the homosexual? I wonder how many 'heterosexual' Christians might apply the latter option to their own lives? Also, are any Christians out there who might prefer to spend less time condemning these brothers and sisters in Christ and instead expend this negative energy into something positive by trying to understand where the homosexual is coming from?

It's a tough call since the homosexual first needs to find a way into the bigotted heart of the individual Christian. This is a FAR MORE difficult task than finding one's way into the heart of God. I don't wonder at times why Ghandi made the quote that he did.

Sputnik, you're writing your post on the basis that Homosexuality is not a choice. I can agree that it is not an instant "I wanna be Gay." choice, but it is the result of choice. God told his people that to lie with a man as one lies with a woman is an abomination. He would not then create those who would be forced to desire a homosexual lifestyle.

Science still has nothing but possible links between genetics and homosexual tendencies. Science does have evidence of heterosexuality being genetically programed that can simple be seen through the course of reproduction.

You're last paragraph makes the most true point. Far too many Christians refuse to get over their homophobia and love these sinners as every other sinner. What makes a prostitute any less a sinner than a homosexual? While I will not accept thier sin as "okay" I will not show any less love to them on the account of this sin.
Timothy said:
SputnikBoy said:
Timothy said:
The thing with homosexuality is that it is often a life long choice. However, if one truly repents of this sin, they are no longer a Homosexual, but a redeemed child of God. What I feel Paul is bringing to light is how those who let these sins become part of their regular lifestyle do not truly love God. Paul is showing them that you can not claim both titles.

I appreciate the tone of your post, Timothy. I do beg to differ, however, with your bringing to light (through Paul) that those with homosexual tendencies (in this case) do not truly love God. The facts are that homosexuals may well love God as surely as the heterosexual ...or not. But human beings are also sexual beings and they were created as such by the same God. The 'desire for sex gene', if you like, was placed there by God unlike the 'gene' to alcohol, lying, sin, etc.

The fact that one is predisposed to sexual attraction for someone of the same gender should not be the basis for whether one does or does not love God. It just means that the individual is sexually attracted to someone of the same gender. In order for a homosexual Christian (and yes, they DO exist) to satisfy the criteria of the Bible, they need to refrain from acting on their (natural?) desires and either, 1. live a lie and take a wife/husband, for 'appearance' sake, or 2. live a life of celibacy thereby denying the sexual being that God created.

I wonder how many 'heterosexual' Christians have ever considered those two options for the homosexual? I wonder how many 'heterosexual' Christians might apply the latter option to their own lives? Also, are any Christians out there who might prefer to spend less time condemning these brothers and sisters in Christ and instead expend this negative energy into something positive by trying to understand where the homosexual is coming from?

It's a tough call since the homosexual first needs to find a way into the bigotted heart of the individual Christian. This is a FAR MORE difficult task than finding one's way into the heart of God. I don't wonder at times why Ghandi made the quote that he did.

Sputnik, you're writing your post on the basis that Homosexuality is not a choice. I can agree that it is not an instant "I wanna be gay" choice, but it is the result of choice. God told his people that to lie with a man as one lies with a woman is an abomination. He would not then create those who would be forced to desire a homosexual lifestyle.

A human being is a complex piece of machinery. I guess we all have been tainted with sin and are therefore not the ideal human model that God would have intended. And we'll likely remain that way until we die. As for choice ...I gave the two options (choices) for the homosexual in my previous post. Neither of them are terribly promising for the individual.

Science still has nothing but possible links between genetics and homosexual tendencies. Science does have evidence of heterosexuality being genetically programed that can simply be seen through the course of reproduction.

Yes, but let us face facts. Sex was evidently not simply intended as a means to reproduction. In fact, one might be forgiven for believing that sex has got NOTHING to do with reproduction if the popular media is anything to go by. Sex has become a commodity. More and more young people today appear to give the act of sex as much meaning as one's relieving their bowels ...excuse the crudity but it's true. This increasing behavior of our immoral society should be of most concern for us but we tend to brush it off and instead zero in on the homosexual. Come to think of it, I don't ever recall seeing a thread on "Christians and our immoral society". Maybe I should start one and see how many of the hostile 'anti-gays' come out to condemn it with similar enthusiasm. Or, how about a thread on "Christians and the sin of pride"? Or, how about ...? Oh my, the list could be endless.

Your last paragraph makes the most true point. Far too many Christians refuse to get over their homophobia and love these sinners as every other sinner. What makes a prostitute any less a sinner than a homosexual? While I will not accept their sin as "okay" I will not show any less love to them on the account of this sin.

That's right. And thanks again for the tone of your post, Timothy. It's actually less aggressive than mine. :-?
It isn't just a sin under certain circumstances. It is ALWAYS a sin. No homosexual will be allowed into heaven - even if they are saved.
:o Whoa, Jake, my man... that one even caught me by surprise.

Timothy said:
When you look at the passage in 1 Corinthinas 6, you have to keep in mind that God doesn't judge by the outside but the inside. To be homosexual, it requires a constant return to sin. Day after day, you have to recommit your life to that sin. In that sense, how can one truly be saved and live as a homosexual? As Christ said, you can not serve two masters...
Timbob brings up a good point. My question is usually this when approaching this topic. Is being homosexual a sin or is committing a homosexual act the sin?
Vic said:
It isn't just a sin under certain circumstances. It is ALWAYS a sin. No homosexual will be allowed into heaven - even if they are saved.
:o Whoa, Jake, my man... that one even caught me by surprise.

Timothy said:
When you look at the passage in 1 Corinthinas 6, you have to keep in mind that God doesn't judge by the outside but the inside. To be homosexual, it requires a constant return to sin. Day after day, you have to recommit your life to that sin. In that sense, how can one truly be saved and live as a homosexual? As Christ said, you can not serve two masters...
Timbob brings up a good point. My question is usually this when approaching this topic. Is being homosexual a sin or is committing a homosexual act the sin?

it's interesting to note that the act of sex within homosexuality is actually an externality of the situation itself. a person isn't gay or lesbian because they have sex with a person of the same gender (at least, to themselves- i'm sure there's all kinds of off-the cuff definitions people like to toss around)- rather, it's feelings of love towards someone of the same sex.

is that something that you can actually control?
Loren Michael said:
Vic said:
It isn't just a sin under certain circumstances. It is ALWAYS a sin. No homosexual will be allowed into heaven - even if they are saved.
:o Whoa, Jake, my man... that one even caught me by surprise.

Timothy said:
When you look at the passage in 1 Corinthinas 6, you have to keep in mind that God doesn't judge by the outside but the inside. To be homosexual, it requires a constant return to sin. Day after day, you have to recommit your life to that sin. In that sense, how can one truly be saved and live as a homosexual? As Christ said, you can not serve two masters...
Timbob brings up a good point. My question is usually this when approaching this topic. Is being homosexual a sin or is committing a homosexual act the sin?

it's interesting to note that the act of sex within homosexuality is actually an externality of the situation itself. a person isn't gay or lesbian because they have sex with a person of the same gender (at least, to themselves- i'm sure there's all kinds of off-the cuff definitions people like to toss around)- rather, it's feelings of love towards someone of the same sex.

is that something that you can actually control?

Oh-oh you have your combat helmet ready? :wink:
is that something that you can actually control?

Oh-oh you have your combat helmet ready?

I hope I can control my feelings, otherwise I have a few co-workers who are in trouble. :o

j/k, j/k :-D

My question remains unanswered still. :-?
Vic said:
is that something that you can actually control?

[quote:ae54c]Oh-oh you have your combat helmet ready?

I hope I can control my feelings, otherwise I have a few co-workers who are in trouble. :o

j/k, j/k :-D

My question remains unanswered still. :-?[/quote:ae54c]

i'm no scholar with the bible, so i'm not in a position to answer the initial question. i'm sorry.

with respect to feelings, i think you can manage them, choose not to act on them, repress them, ignore them, etcetera.

unless you have done some truly terrible things to yourself though, you will always have feelings in the first place, though.

I hope I can control my feelings, otherwise I have a few co-workers who are in trouble. :o

j/k, j/k :-D

:lol: i lol'd.


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