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How Can The U.S.A. Reduse Mass Shootings?

it is not up to the politicians,, it is not education .... it is us we who call ourselves Christians to first humble ourselves pray and seek Him while turning from our wicked ways
Gen 18:32 And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake.

How wicked are we.. are there not 10 righteous ..
I agree with you Reba. I do believe God will answer prayers just not on our time. in that I mean we can pray now with earnest and God may not move on those prayers right this second. America may have more to go through before those prayers get answered.
Restrictions on gun smithing, manufacturing, and sale, I think would be a step in reducing the threat of gun violence, by reducing the source of guns, regardless if it's legal to carry or not.

That won't stop the dynamic we're in though with mass shootings...
Then why would you suggest such draconian measures when you admit it won't work?
Heavy artillery is already prohibited from sale to the general public.
if one buys a licence he can buy automatic weapons today and with the right licence and money one can buy a military helicopter or other things. but yes the general public does not usually delve into guns that deep.
Darn,I wanted my 155 howitzer. Seriously you can with a license buy some of that for historical,filming use.

if one buys a licence he can buy automatic weapons today and with the right licence and money one can buy a military helicopter or other things. but yes the general public does not usually delve into guns that deep.
I said general public. Can the local gangster with a rap sheet 10 pages long get this license? I didn't think so.
My son knew by the time he was a freshman in high school the names of various people who had access to guns for sale. Prices ranged from $25 to 4-or-5 hundred. When I asked him what was wrong with a $25 gun, he said it would have been used more recently in a crime.

Remove legally owned guns from law-abiding citizens, and the criminals still have the guns, with access to more. The same goes for ammo.
there is no real man solution's to this issue part of it our government helped stir up. but every nation is being attacked . most certainly we as Christians should pray. Luke 12:51 (ASV) Think ye that I am come to give peace in the earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: question is this a attack on Christians only ? i dont see it as that .but i do believe we are in tribulation . i also believe God is using this as awake up call. for some odd reason liberals have been given free reign... somebody has been asleep at the wheel. as in the days of noah.. they went on about everyday life unconcerned . live let live if it fells good do it. the united states is gradually turning into a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah . in the book of acts the more the Church body of Christ was persecuted .the more the body of Christ grew. i do feel it is coming down to armed guards and i also believe our law enforcement is right in opening gun fire and taking these terrorist /thugs out. i hate to see a life took away. but as christ said live by the sword die by the sword. . i hope someday our president will wake up and stop being so soft. perilous times are here 2nd chronicles 7:14 has all kinds of instructions for each one of us to do.
Is it possible? Your spiritual biblical views.
Once you admit that murder is a sin problem, you are obligated as a believer to deal with it right away. As long as the issue of murder is social and not spiritual, it will never be dealt with in any ultimate sense.

“The one who says he is in the Light and yet hates his brother is in the darkness until now.” 1 John 2:9
Once you admit that murder is a sin problem, you are obligated as a believer to deal with it right away. As long as the issue of murder is social and not spiritual, it will never be dealt with in any ultimate sense.

“The one who says he is in the Light and yet hates his brother is in the darkness until now.” 1 John 2:9
It is obvious that you are trying to say something, but what, is not clear.
Once you admit that murder is a sin problem, you are obligated as a believer to deal with it right away. As long as the issue of murder is social and not spiritual, it will never be dealt with in any ultimate sense.

“The one who says he is in the Light and yet hates his brother is in the darkness until now.” 1 John 2:9
1. Jesus says in "Luke 6:27-36 NKJV" to love your enemies and pray for them. Pray for your enemies is a constant reminder that no one is outside the bounds for God's grace and mercy.

2. The bible says our souls are wounded through sin and trauma (tragedies). A wounded soul gives the demonic the legal right for access to your soul to make war with us because you share things that are in common with that spirit(s).

Now, before you go off binding and rebuking strong men, you need to make sure you have the authority to do so. How do you get it? The answer is by receiving healing in your soul.

Evil spirits get their right to attack us from unhealed areas in our inner man. This includes strong men. Just look at the meaning of the word strong man from the Strong's Lexicon. "one who has strength of soul to sustain the attacks of Satan."

Wow, according to the Bible, Satan and his high ranking officers are strong men but in order for you to defeat them you must be a strong man too! Strong in soul, that is. Your inner man must be healed for you to have dominion over every strong man! Jesus backs this up with this statement in John 14:30 AMP, I will not talk with you much more, for the prince (evil genius, ruler) of the world is coming. And he has no claim on Me. [He has nothing in common with Me; there is nothing in Me that belongs to him, and he has no power over Me.]

Did you get that? Jesus said that Satan had no power over Him because He had nothing in common with Satan. Your spirit man has nothing in common with the enemy. It's your wounded soul that does. However, when you get healed through the power of the cross (Blood of Jesus) and resurrection of Jesus (Dunamis), then your soul will be strong and you will have nothing in common with Satan and any of his strong men. Thus you will have dominion over them!

3. Ephesians 6:12 Amplified Bible (AMP)
12 For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.

What are despotisms? Despotisms are Demonic Kings! This is why Jesus is the King of Kings - Lord of Lords! Jesus says, "No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house." Mark 3:27 NKJV

What is a Strong Man? A Strong Man is Satan, principalities (despotisms), powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
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1. Jesus says in "Luke 6:27-36 NKJV" to love your enemies and pray for them. Pray for your enemies is a constant reminder that no one is outside the bounds for God's grace and mercy.

2. The bible says our souls are wounded through sin and trauma (tragedies). A wounded soul gives the demonic the legal right for access to your soul to make war with us because you share things that are in common with that spirit(s).

Now, before you go off binding and rebuking strong men, you need to make sure you have the authority to do so. How do you get it? The answer is by receiving healing in your soul.

Evil spirits get their right to attack us from unhealed areas in our inner man. This includes strong men. Just look at the meaning of the word strong man from the Strong's Lexicon. "one who has strength of soul to sustain the attacks of Satan."

Wow, according to the Bible, Satan and his high ranking officers are strong men but in order for you to defeat them you must be a strong man too! Strong in soul, that is. Your inner man must be healed for you to have dominion over every strong man! Jesus backs this up with this statement in John 14:30 AMP, I will not talk with you much more, for the prince (evil genius, ruler) of the world is coming. And he has no claim on Me. [He has nothing in common with Me; there is nothing in Me that belongs to him, and he has no power over Me.]

Did you get that? Jesus said that Satan had no power over Him because He had nothing in common with Satan. Your spirit man has nothing in common with the enemy. It's your wounded soul that does. However, when you get healed through the power of the cross (Blood of Jesus) and resurrection of Jesus (Dunamis), then your soul will be strong and you will have nothing in common with Satan and any of his strong men. Thus you will have dominion over them!

3. Ephesians 6:12 Amplified Bible (AMP)
12 For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.

What are despotisms? Despotisms are Demonic Kings! This is why Jesus is the King of Kings - Lord of Lords! Jesus says, "No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house." Mark 3:27 NKJV

What is a Strong Man? A Strong Man is Satan, principalities (despotisms), powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
4. Finally, releasing Christ authority in us by speaking the name of Jesus. When we speak the name of Jesus it releases the anointing of "exousia" that Christ gives to all His disciples. Remember the word "exousia" means the power of Him who's will and commands must be submitted to and obeyed. So your soul just got healed by "dunamis", now as you say the name of Jesus, demons will have to submit to your commands.
4. Finally, releasing Christ authority in us by speaking the name of Jesus. When we speak the name of Jesus it releases the anointing of "exousia" that Christ gives to all His disciples. Remember the word "exousia" means the power of Him who's will and commands must be submitted to and obeyed. So your soul just got healed by "dunamis", now as you say the name of Jesus, demons will have to submit to your commands.
https:// www. youtube. com/ watch?v =FOw Rp9 u1XmI
I put spaces to off set the url so you need to remove them hope you like as much as I do, ps the second sonng is great too.
4. Finally, releasing Christ authority in us by speaking the name of Jesus. When we speak the name of Jesus it releases the anointing of "exousia" that Christ gives to all His disciples. Remember the word "exousia" means the power of Him who's will and commands must be submitted to and obeyed. So your soul just got healed by "dunamis", now as you say the name of Jesus, demons will have to submit to your commands.
Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” 2 The Lord shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion. Rule in the midst of Your enemies! Psalm 110:1-2

Ephesians 1:20, 22–23 (NIV)...He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand...And God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be head over everything for the church, which is His body...

We, the church, are the body of Christ. And who is the one who makes the enemies our footstool? It is not us, but God Himself! God’s Word is the truth and He keeps His Word. God is telling us to have the same throne attitude as Jesus—to rest, while He makes our enemies our footstool.
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https:// www. youtube. com/ watch?v =FOw Rp9 u1XmI
I put spaces to off set the url so you need to remove them hope you like as much as I do, ps the second sonng is great too.
Psalm 100:4 NKJV
4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
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Laying hands on people is biblical. Jesus gave His disciples dunamis (power) and exousia (spiritual authority). God gave Jesus this anointing and Jesus has given it to us (followers that are His disciples). This must be done in the name of Jesus. Dunamis heals the soul and body where it has been wounded by sickness, disease, trauma, and all infirmities. It also deals with all miracles.

Exousia deals with commanding all demonic forces to leave that have put a person in bondage and strongholds from their sins or however they got permission to afflict you. It gives spiritual authority to the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to bind and loose in Heaven and Earth. However you must always begin with the blood of Jesus and repent and confess your sins. The blood atones for every sin known and unknown.

1. Lord Jesus, I repent for any sin that I have committed that has wounded my soul. I know your blood atones for every sin in me. So wash me clean, every trespass, every transgression, every iniquity, every rebellion, every sin of unforgiveness, every sin of offense I committed against a person, every sin of offense that a person has sinned against me, and every sin both known and unknown in the name of Jesus. I decree your blood is going back in time to every place that I or my ancestors made a sin. Sin your blood all the way back to the garden and wash away every sin throughout time in my family line. I apply the power of the cross right now to my soul. I decree I am forgiven in the name of Jesus - Amen.

2. Lord Jesus, I forgive anyone that has sinned against me no matter what that sin was. I know my breakthrough is going to come when I forgive. I believe You! You will bring me into freedom as I walk through this with you. So I forgive every person that has hurt me, cheated me, abuse me, robbed me, talked about me, criticize me, and abandon me. I forgive anyone that has rejected me, hated me, betrayed me, deceived me, or neglected me. I release the power of the cross into everyone of these situations, and I repent for any unforgiveness I have held onto. And I ask You, would You cleanse me of it right now by the power of your blood in Jesus name - Amen.

Remember we need the cross and the resurrection (dunamis power) because sin has wound our soul.

3. Lord Jesus, I decree the same power that You used to heal people in their bodies and their souls lives in me. I have been resurrected with you so dunamis power lives in my spirit. I release it right now into my wounded soul and into my physical body. I decree every wound inside of me that came from sin or trauma is being healed right now by resurrection dunamis power. I am excellent of soul! I am excellent of soul! I am excellent of soul and I have the power to perform a miracle in my physical body as well. I decree that dunamis is healing every sickness, every disease, and every disorder in my soul and my body right now in Jesus name. I am being healed in soul and body in the name of Jesus - Amen.

Finally releasing Christ authority in us by speaking the name of Jesus. When we speak the name of Jesus it releases the anointing of exousia that Christ gives to all His disciples. Remember the word exousia means the power of Him who's will and commands must be submitted to and obeyed. So your soul just got healed by dunamis, now as you say the name of Jesus demons will have to submit to your commands.

4. In the name of Jesus, I release exousia anointing I am carrying right now. Jesus gave it to me so every spirit afflicting my soul, my body, and any part of my life must go now in Jesus name. I decree every demonic assignment you must obey my command now in the name of Jesus. I command you to leave right now in Jesus name. Loose me in Jesus name! Go in the name of Jesus! Take with you every disease, and every affliction they you put on me. I break your assignments right now in the mighty name of Jesus. In Jesus name - Amen.
Laying hands on people is biblical. Jesus gave His disciples dunamis (power) and exousia (spiritual authority). God gave Jesus this anointing and Jesus has given it to us (followers that are His disciples). This must be done in the name of Jesus. Dunamis heals the soul and body where it has been wounded by sickness, disease, trauma, and all infirmities. It also deals with all miracles.

Exousia deals with commanding all demonic forces to leave that have put a person in bondage and strongholds from their sins or however they got permission to afflict you. It gives spiritual authority to the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to bind and loose in Heaven and Earth. However you must always begin with the blood of Jesus and repent and confess your sins. The blood atones for every sin known and unknown.

1. Lord Jesus, I repent for any sin that I have committed that has wounded my soul. I know your blood atones for every sin in me. So wash me clean, every trespass, every transgression, every iniquity, every rebellion, every sin of unforgiveness, every sin of offense I committed against a person, every sin of offense that a person has sinned against me, and every sin both known and unknown in the name of Jesus. I decree your blood is going back in time to every place that I or my ancestors made a sin. Sin your blood all the way back to the garden and wash away every sin throughout time in my family line. I apply the power of the cross right now to my soul. I decree I am forgiven in the name of Jesus - Amen.

2. Lord Jesus, I forgive anyone that has sinned against me no matter what that sin was. I know my breakthrough is going to come when I forgive. I believe You! You will bring me into freedom as I walk through this with you. So I forgive every person that has hurt me, cheated me, abuse me, robbed me, talked about me, criticize me, and abandon me. I forgive anyone that has rejected me, hated me, betrayed me, deceived me, or neglected me. I release the power of the cross into everyone of these situations, and I repent for any unforgiveness I have held onto. And I ask You, would You cleanse me of it right now by the power of your blood in Jesus name - Amen.

Remember we need the cross and the resurrection (dunamis power) because sin has wound our soul.

3. Lord Jesus, I decree the same power that You used to heal people in their bodies and their souls lives in me. I have been resurrected with you so dunamis power lives in my spirit. I release it right now into my wounded soul and into my physical body. I decree every wound inside of me that came from sin or trauma is being healed right now by resurrection dunamis power. I am excellent of soul! I am excellent of soul! I am excellent of soul and I have the power to perform a miracle in my physical body as well. I decree that dunamis is healing every sickness, every disease, and every disorder in my soul and my body right now in Jesus name. I am being healed in soul and body in the name of Jesus - Amen.

Finally releasing Christ authority in us by speaking the name of Jesus. When we speak the name of Jesus it releases the anointing of exousia that Christ gives to all His disciples. Remember the word exousia means the power of Him who's will and commands must be submitted to and obeyed. So your soul just got healed by dunamis, now as you say the name of Jesus demons will have to submit to your commands.

4. In the name of Jesus, I release exousia anointing I am carrying right now. Jesus gave it to me so every spirit afflicting my soul, my body, and any part of my life must go now in Jesus name. I decree every demonic assignment you must obey my command now in the name of Jesus. I command you to leave right now in Jesus name. Loose me in Jesus name! Go in the name of Jesus! Take with you every disease, and every affliction they you put on me. I break your assignments right now in the mighty name of Jesus. In Jesus name - Amen.
So banning machinists ,who haven't commited a crime.banning guns didn't work for the soviets nor russia.they have the highest murder rate.remember we react emotionally to thus but not wince with the higher deaths from drunk driving.

Restricting is what I meant. Not banning. But if it's at least more difficult to find access to a gun the criminal markets for a gun would suffer based on the lack of planning that usually occures with oppurtinitistic crimes and crimes of passion. At least make it more difficult then being able to buy one at a pawn shop.

As for manufacturing guns, yeah I think if there were restrictions on what types of guns they were allowed to make, as well as how many they were allowed to make that would slow the supply, and make it harder to get a gun for a criminal. At least have zoning laws simular to liquor stores so that if a person wanted a gun it's harder to get to. The suggestions were hopefully to refuse the impact. I don't know if there's anything we can do to make these thing go away. But who knows it might go farther then just reduce.
well I see it like this; If there are 20 people in a place and 10 have a concealed weapons on them and three or four terrorist come in the terrorist are going to lose. if one wont stand and fight they do not deserve liberty and freedom.

Right now there seems to be communities that are more involved with guns and communities that aren't. A community that is involved will have gun sports, hunting, target practice, paintball, and probabley ya few other aspects that comes with the different cultures that like guns. And in each of those there's a healthy respect for the gun by most in the community. Taught how to handle it. Possibly even how to spot if someone is carrying one. The other kind of community isn't that versed in it, nor had the culture to stabilize it.

A community that doesn't have much knowledge of guns, sometimes only gets a gun out of fear of those around them and for their own protection. If they don't know how to use it they might not be able to protect themselves, or when they do accidentally harm a family member they mistook for an intruder (I've heard both types of news stories, and think it would be so easy to correct with some training to handle the gun, or with family members identifying themselves when they use a key to come in.

What I mean is that as of now there are communities that even if they accepted the idea of a need for arming themselves don't have the tools to keep the process safe, and might only harm the outlook for seeking guns by stories of inexperienced people doing badly with their newly owned, or never practiced weapons.