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How can you believe in something that can't be scientifically proven?

What you mean by that?

A scientific model must be falsifiable and so therefore always leaves the door open to being incorrect. The longer a scientific theory survives without conflicting evidence, and the more supporting data it attracts, the stronger the theory gets and the higher probability it is fact. Barbarian has a higher probability of explaining this better probably :D
Your decision is fine. I have no issues with it. But the reasons you give for it make no sense.

Well think of it this way. Throughout history there has always been belief in many gods even though there is only one true God. The other gods have names that distinguish them and calling Yahweh God doesn't distinguish Him from let's say Vishnu. Notice also how God identified Himself to Moses.

Lev 18:2 KJV Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, I am the LORD ( YHWH ) your God.

He named Himself. Now if you want to dispute the rendering Yahweh ( as different from Yahveh or Jehovah etc ) that's ok I understand. When I speak to people about God there is no confusion which god I'm talking about. :D
Well think of it this way. Throughout history there has always been belief in many gods even though there is only one true God. The other gods have names that distinguish them and calling Yahweh God doesn't distinguish Him from let's say Vishnu. Notice also how God identified Himself to Moses.

Lev 18:2 KJV Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, I am the LORD ( YHWH ) your God.

He named Himself. Now if you want to dispute the rendering Yahweh ( as different from Yahveh or Jehovah etc ) that's ok I understand. When I speak to people about God there is no confusion which god I'm talking about. :biggrin

Maybe this should be a topic of it's own.
From a Biblical point of view you are right and God named himself.
But using this self-description of God as a proper names makes it sound much more like some polytheisitc tribal god name (because those needed names as there were many different ones that people had to tell appart), and much more so than just calling Him "God", at least in my head.
Don't get me wrong, I think there's nothing wrong with refering to God by that name. But it's interesting how it's the opposite way around in my head than it is in yours.
A scientific model must be falsifiable and so therefore always leaves the door open to being incorrect. The longer a scientific theory survives without conflicting evidence, and the more supporting data it attracts, the stronger the theory gets and the higher probability it is fact. Barbarian has a higher probability of explaining this better probably :biggrin

Oh well, that's true, but that's not "based on likelyhood", but rather on observation and plausibility.
Scientific theories aren't carved in stone like some religious dogmata are, and may have a certain margin of error. Anyway, most scientific theories are still supported by more evidence than most religious doctrines. :biggrin2
Alot of Jehovah Witness refer to God as "Yahweh".
I thought the call Him "Jehovah"? I've talked to a number of them and used to read their publications regularily and almost all of the time they called Him "Jehovah" (although being okay with other forms of pronouncing His name).
I thought the call Him "Jehovah"? I've talked to a number of them and used to read their publications regularily and almost all of the time they called Him "Jehovah" (although being okay with other forms of pronouncing His name).
You might be right Claudya :thinking
Alot of Jehovah Witness refer to God as "Yahweh".
I was one and no they didn't then. they said that is the name in Hebrew but his name in English is Jehovah and that should be used since YHWH is said Yahweh and the vowels weren't said then.
I like to say Yahweh because God has a name ( I'm not saying Yahweh is specifically correct ) . I do say God sometimes but He is my Father and I like to use a name esp one that no other god has.

The Proper Name of God in the Old Testament: In the Scriptures, the name of god is most significant and understandably so. It is inconceivable to think of spiritual matters without a proper designation for the Supreme Deity. Thus the most common name for the deity is God, a translation of the original Elohim. One of the titles for God is Lord, a translation of Adonai. There is yet another name for which is particularly assigned to God as His special or proper name, that is, the four letters YHWH (Exodus 3:14 and Isaiah 42:8). this name has not been pronounced by the Jews because of reverence for the great sacredness of the divine name. Therefore, it has been consistently translated Lord. The only exception to this translation of YHWH is when it occurs in immediate proximity to the word Lord, that is, Adonai. In that case it is regularly translated God in order to avoid confusion. It is known that for many years YHWH has been transliterated as Yahweh, however no complete certainty attaches to this pronunciation.
The Proper Name of God in the Old Testament: In the Scriptures, the name of god is most significant and understandably so. It is inconceivable to think of spiritual matters without a proper designation for the Supreme Deity. Thus the most common name for the deity is God, a translation of the original Elohim. One of the titles for God is Lord, a translation of Adonai. There is yet another name for which is particularly assigned to God as His special or proper name, that is, the four letters YHWH (Exodus 3:14 and Isaiah 42:8). this name has not been pronounced by the Jews because of reverence for the great sacredness of the divine name. Therefore, it has been consistently translated Lord. The only exception to this translation of YHWH is when it occurs in immediate proximity to the word Lord, that is, Adonai. In that case it is regularly translated God in order to avoid confusion. It is known that for many years YHWH has been transliterated as Yahweh, however no complete certainty attaches to this pronunciation.

Correct !
When I encounter this question I counter with a question. How can anyone believe the Theory of Evolution? and then as the conversation I ask about the big Bang Theory and go on to explain that because of my physical interaction with God it requires more blind faith to believe He doesn't exist than I can muster because I once placed all of my faith in science but was left wanting for evidence but once I approached God in the manor He requires He answered me with His real presence. I cannot say that for either of the scientific theories of our origin.
Money is what's needed to buy things on earth. "FAITH" is the currency that is needed for the unseen (Hebrews 11:1 NKJV). Without "FAITH" you can not please GOD. "FAITH" is the currency of heaven. GOD works by "FAITH".