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How do Calvinists know, that they have eternal life ?

If you are a Calvinist, when did you realize that you became a child of God or one of the elect ? What assures you a place in Heaven ? Was it a thought, a feeling, a message, or something else that made you realize you were one of God's elect ?
God made me realize, the moment I accepted His's salvation for me through the his grace for me. It wasn't a "Was". Some point in time. It is a changed that started at a point, but that has grown exponentially from a small conversion to one that seems to have no end, but more importantly exist outside of myself.

I spouse you could tie thoughts and feelings to it, but that in and of itself does not do justice to Gods truth. My salvation, is not about me to me.
One isn't born a Calvinist.

The salvation process is the same for all: either you sense the wooing of the Holy Spirit and accept Christ, or you don't.

Taking up a type of theology about the process usually comes later. ;)
You pray, turn to God, and hope for the best. Only He can save you.

1 John:5:13 states that, "These things have I written to you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that you may "KNOW" that you have eternal life, and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God." Assurance of your Salvation belongs to a "true" believer in Christ. You must first put your "faith" in Christ after "hearing the word of your Salvation." Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the "Word of God." It's the "Holy Spirit" that convicts the hearts of "ALL" men to come to Christ...So you see, it's not just a matter of "hoping" it's a matter of "knowing" in whom you have believed...
God made me realize, the moment I accepted His's salvation for me through the his grace for me. It wasn't a "Was". Some point in time. It is a changed that started at a point, but that has grown exponentially from a small conversion to one that seems to have no end, but more importantly exist outside of myself.

I spouse you could tie thoughts and feelings to it, but that in and of itself does not do justice to Gods truth. My salvation, is not about me to me.

Do you believe that, you were "chosen" to be saved before the foundation of the world, or that you heard about God's Grace somewhere and the Holy Spirit convicted your heart and you placed your faith in Christ ? (Remember, "These things have I written to you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God.")
One isn't born a Calvinist.

The salvation process is the same for all: either you sense the wooing of the Holy Spirit and accept Christ, or you don't.

Taking up a type of theology about the process usually comes later. ;)

When you say, "one isn't "born" a Calvinist." That statement "nullify's" the idea of Calvinistic belief. Due to the fact that, true Calvinists believe they were "chosen" from the foundation of the world to be "of the elect." Having brought that to light, would you still consider yourself, "a Calvinist ?"
Do you believe that, you were "chosen" to be saved before the foundation of the world, or that you heard about God's Grace somewhere and the Holy Spirit convicted your heart and you placed your faith in Christ ? (Remember, "These things have I written to you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God.")

Am answering you because I'm obligated to do so. YES I was chosen for salvation before the foundation of the world, and YES I heard about God's grace "somewhere" and YES the Holly spirit convicted my heart in this matter allowing me to accept Christ, and further allowing me accept, understand and believe the quote you have there from 1 John.

If you have some other way you came to Christ then great. If you simply believe and are saved for that without God doing so for you then have at it.

I am not, nor was not, able to come to Christ on my own, by my choice. I had absolutely no desire for Christ or God at one point in my life. I did not choose to be a Christian and why on earth God wants me I have no idea.

I'm not full of pride over being chosen, nor do I think I belong to an exclusive club of any kind. I can't count the people chosen, but like them, I simply saw myself for what I was and accepted Gods grace for what he wanted and wants for me to be.

My theology is not based on a man named John Calvin. I did not discover John Calvin until years after I became a Christian. When I did, it was more like; "Cool! this old guy wrote about what I know years ago. Hum John about that?" Then I started reading about other old dead guys and finding out they also wrote about what I know. Fascinating.....then I started going to a church. :)
In one's zeal to point out some of the weaker theology by John Calvin, it's best not to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Due to the fact that, true Calvinists believe they were "chosen" from the foundation of the world to be "of the elect."

All true Christians should believe this, as it is taught to us as truth in Scriptures:

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:3-6
How does anyone know they have eternal life? Conviction by the Holy Spirit.

But, how we got to that point is, where the "dilemma" begins...The Calvinist believes he was "chosen" before the foundation of the world, as one of the elect and therefore, had no "choice" in the matter...However, on the other side of the spectrum, there are those who believe, we must put our personal faith in Christ after we have heard the "Word of our Salvation," and that comes also from the conviction of the Holy Spirit. So in the end analysis, what separates the two different beliefs is, "how," we got from A to B."

Personal interpretation of Scripture is everything I suppose. Calvinism has more of a, intellectual/philosophical slant, that decries, man is incapable of seeking after God, due to his "fallen state." Whereas, those who believe that, God's Word (the Bible) must be heard first, then the Holy Spirit works through the Word to "convict" men's hearts, is a more "simple" child like faith approach to believing.
I have left the Calvinist church due to what I felt was theology that is irreconcilable with the Scriptures....

But the fact that it is God who chooses us is something that is clearly taught in many texts...not just the one from Ephesians.

The steps to salvation: Hearing God's word, having the spirit awaken to it, being wooed by the Spirit...these take place because God chose us and is bringing us to Him. Left to ourselves...the Bible is very clear on this, we none of us would come to Him.
Am answering you because I'm obligated to do so. YES I was chosen for salvation before the foundation of the world, and YES I heard about God's grace "somewhere" and YES the Holly spirit convicted my heart in this matter allowing me to accept Christ, and further allowing me accept, understand and believe the quote you have there from 1 John.

If you have some other way you came to Christ then great. If you simply believe and are saved for that without God doing so for you then have at it.

I am not, nor was not, able to come to Christ on my own, by my choice. I had absolutely no desire for Christ or God at one point in my life. I did not choose to be a Christian and why on earth God wants me I have no idea.

I'm not full of pride over being chosen, nor do I think I belong to an exclusive club of any kind. I can't count the people chosen, but like them, I simply saw myself for what I was and accepted Gods grace for what he wanted and wants for me to be.

My theology is not based on a man named John Calvin. I did not discover John Calvin until years after I became a Christian. When I did, it was more like; "Cool! this old guy wrote about what I know years ago. Hum John about that?" Then I started reading about other old dead guys and finding out they also wrote about what I know. Fascinating.....then I started going to a church. :)
You say,"If you have some other way you came to Christ then great. If you simply believe and are saved for that without God doing so for you then have at it." No one comes to Christ without first hearing the Word of God, and next having the Holy Spirit "convict" the heart of a man, through that same Word. On that we agree. Man, of himself will not come to God. The Word and the Holy Spirit combined are necessary...I eventually came to Christ after asking my Mother, (at 12 year's old) "were we going to Hell?" She said, "probably." That was "many year's ago." And God lead me and my family to the truth soon thereafter. The Calvinist would say, I came because I was "chosen" I believe I came to truth because, God was helping me in the direction of "seeking" Him...As He does with ALL men...
But, how we got to that point is, where the "dilemma" begins...The Calvinist believes he was "chosen" before the foundation of the world, as one of the elect and therefore, had no "choice" in the matter...However, on the other side of the spectrum, there are those who believe, we must put our personal faith in Christ after we have heard the "Word of our Salvation," and that comes also from the conviction of the Holy Spirit. So in the end analysis, what separates the two different beliefs is, "how," we got from A to B."

Personal interpretation of Scripture is everything I suppose. Calvinism has more of a, intellectual/philosophical slant, that decries, man is incapable of seeking after God, due to his "fallen state." Whereas, those who believe that, God's Word (the Bible) must be heard first, then the Holy Spirit works through the Word to "convict" men's hearts, is a more "simple" child like faith approach to believing.
Why do you present predestination and free will as mutually exclusive?
In one's zeal to point out some of the weaker theology by John Calvin, it's best not to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Due to the fact that, true Calvinists believe they were "chosen" from the foundation of the world to be "of the elect."

All true Christians should believe this, as it is taught to us as truth in Scriptures:

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:3-6

It's true that we were "chosen" (predestined) to be conformed to the "image" of Christ. But not "chosen" to be of the elect and the rest would be chosen for damnation. God "foreknew" who would place their faith in His Son therefore, He predestined those believers to become conformed to the "image" of His Son...He "foreknew," not "selected" who would be saved... John 3:16, For God so loved the "world" (ALL) ...
I have left the Calvinist church due to what I felt was theology that is irreconcilable with the Scriptures....

But the fact that it is God who chooses us is something that is clearly taught in many texts...not just the one from Ephesians.

The steps to salvation: Hearing God's word, having the spirit awaken to it, being wooed by the Spirit...these take place because God chose us and is bringing us to Him. Left to ourselves...the Bible is very clear on this, we none of us would come to Him.
Exactly. :thumb

A good text for this is Romans 9-11.
I have left the Calvinist church due to what I felt was theology that is irreconcilable with the Scriptures....

But the fact that it is God who chooses us is something that is clearly taught in many texts...not just the one from Ephesians.

The steps to salvation: Hearing God's word, having the spirit awaken to it, being wooed by the Spirit...these take place because God chose us and is bringing us to Him. Left to ourselves...the Bible is very clear on this, we none of us would come to Him.
A post worth repeating!

EDITED: I didn't see Nick's post
I have left the Calvinist church due to what I felt was theology that is irreconcilable with the Scriptures....

But the fact that it is God who chooses us is something that is clearly taught in many texts...not just the one from Ephesians.

The steps to salvation: Hearing God's word, having the spirit awaken to it, being wooed by the Spirit...these take place because God chose us and is bringing us to Him. Left to ourselves...the Bible is very clear on this, we none of us would come to Him.

My question to you would be, "do you believe that God reaches out to ALL people or just to a small remnant of "elect" that He choose before the foundation of the world ? Because this makes a big difference...
It's true that we were "chosen" (predestined) to be conformed to the "image" of Christ. But not "chosen" to be of the elect and the rest would be chosen for damnation. God "foreknew" who would place their faith in His Son therefore, He predestined those believers to become conformed to the "image" of His Son...He "foreknew," not "selected" who would be saved... John 3:16, For God so loved the "world" (ALL) ...
Aren't the elect the one and the same who were chosen (predestined) to be conformed to the image of Christ? I.E. Christians? Isn't 'chosen' the same as 'selected'?