Fact: There are about 10000 professional scientists in the US who are Christian and Creation Scientists. There is a big move in Science towards intelligent design.
I recommend these PDF resources about dinosaurs to you:
Here is a sample:
Dinos that range in size from the size of a chicken to 160,000 pound, 80 ton Brachiosaurus, are in 5 groups:
HORNED Triceratops and Stegosaurus
DUCKBILLED Anatosaurus 18 feet high with 2,000 teeth!
MEATEATERS Tyrannosaurus Rex 20 feet high and 50 feet long.
SMALL Strut hiomimus [ostrich mimic] ate eggs small reptiles.
BIG PLANT EATERS Diplodocus [double beamed] 100 feet long; Brontosaurus Apatosaurus 80 feet long, 40 tons; Brachiosaurus [biggest] 50 feet high, 80 feet long, 80 tons, nostrils atop dome of head!
Evolution has a problem called The Great Dinosaur Mystery. Where did the great dinosaurs come from;
How did they grow so big; and, if it is "survival of the fittest", why did these powerful creatures become extinct?
A creationist would answer, "no problem". God created the giant reptiles and may have referred to one or two of them which existed in Job's day (see Job 40:15 - 41:34). Reptiles do not have a built-in growth inhibiting factor like other animals and man. The dinosaurs would have continued growing as long as they lived. The older they got, the bigger they grew. Reptiles function best, as cold-blooded animals, in warm temperature climates. God created large reptiles which kept growing in an efficient high pressure atmosphere with plenty of warmth and unlimited supplies of lush vegetation to eat and nothing to eat them. The Bible says, "And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is fife, I have given every green herb for meat..... (Genesis 1:30)
A creationist might say that a stable body temperature in a giant cold-blooded reptile is consistent with the creationist view that the earth's temperature was uniformly warm in the tropical pre-Flood heaven and earth system number one. Creationists would expect to find "...remarkable consistency of the oxygen isotopes in the dinosaur's bones...... Apparently these evolutionistic researchers would rather pretend that cold-blooded reptiles were actually warmblooded than to consider the pre-Flood pole-to-pole greenhouse wann condition of earth (6,000 years ago, not 70 million years ago) as presented by the creationist model.
The giant flying reptiles such as the pterosaurs (pterodactyls and pteranodons) would be unable to fly in our present atmosphere. They needed a heavier atmosphere to get enough air to lift them with their 40 to 50-foot wingspans. Heaven and earth system #1 would have provided the heavier atmospheric pressure necessary for the flight of these huge creatures. Evolutionists say we don't know how these giant reptiles could have flown in our atmosphere. To a creationist, this is not a problem. Heaven and earth system #I, before the water canopy came down at the flood of Noah's day, would have provided the air density needed for these huge creatures to fly. In order to protect their jobs the evolutionists dare not even suggest the global flood of Noah's day as part of the solution to their problems, and yet the Flood supplies the explanation for what we "see".
We even read in our older history books about ancient cultures which taught a global flood. Gigantism was common in the heavy pre-flood atmosphere. Fossil dragonflies with a 32-inch wingspan have been discovered and would be a frightful bug to hit your windshield! The homless rhinoceros grew to about "...seventeen feet high and nearly 30 feet long!"
Dinosaurs lived alongside people as Job testifies as well as “caveman” drawings. And God created them all!