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How do I establish a relationship with God if I feel he has given me nothing but failure all my life?



I'm new here as of today and this is my first post...

I appreciate anyone who cares to read it. Thank you.

I've been struggling with this question for most of my life and I am wondering how I'm supposed to resolve it, honestly. I've approached it from a variety of angles and it still leaves me feeling empty and resentful. I decided to join this forum today in the hopes that someone can help me with this deep seated question that has burdned my life for as long I can remember...

Basically for 34 years of my life (my age currently) spite of whatever effort I've put forth, my life has consisted largely of failure. I've put in the time, put in the effort, put in the dedication and tenacity and God has still left me hanging...
I don't feel God has blessed me with much of anything at all the way he has with others. In the way of talent, aptitude, ability, fortune, etc. I feel as though I've been reduced to standing on the sidelines my entire life and watching other people experience success and victory while never getting to enjoy my own. Whether it be in academics, recreation, work, whatever. It's left me with a searing sense of sadness and resentment, and altogether hopelessness. To the point where I rarely put much effort into anything anymore.

Even when I look to other Christians for support and encouragement none of them seem to have received as humble a lot in life as I have. Their faith is in sync with the blessings God gives them regularly. Quid pro quo in motion, if you will.

As much as I've longed for a relationship with God it's been an immense struggle. I've found myself cursing him as much as I've desired having a relationship with him. I can't figure out why he's been so cold with me. Why he's made a purposeful point of excluding me.

I don't think faith in God is ever unconditional. Otherwise what would be the point? Investing all of your faith and love in someone that will never return it, or, in fact, curses you for it. I hope that isn't my situation.

I'm new here as of today and this is my first post...

I appreciate anyone who cares to read it. Thank you.

I've been struggling with this question for most of my life and I am wondering how I'm supposed to resolve it, honestly. I've approached it from a variety of angles and it still leaves me feeling empty and resentful. I decided to join this forum today in the hopes that someone can help me with this deep seated question that has burdned my life for as long I can remember...

Basically for 34 years of my life (my age currently) spite of whatever effort I've put forth, my life has consisted largely of failure. I've put in the time, put in the effort, put in the dedication and tenacity and God has still left me hanging...
I don't feel God has blessed me with much of anything at all the way he has with others. In the way of talent, aptitude, ability, fortune, etc. I feel as though I've been reduced to standing on the sidelines my entire life and watching other people experience success and victory while never getting to enjoy my own. Whether it be in academics, recreation, work, whatever. It's left me with a searing sense of sadness and resentment, and altogether hopelessness. To the point where I rarely put much effort into anything anymore.

Even when I look to other Christians for support and encouragement none of them seem to have received as humble a lot in life as I have. Their faith is in sync with the blessings God gives them regularly. Quid pro quo in motion, if you will.

As much as I've longed for a relationship with God it's been an immense struggle. I've found myself cursing him as much as I've desired having a relationship with him. I can't figure out why he's been so cold with me. Why he's made a purposeful point of excluding me.

I don't think faith in God is ever unconditional. Otherwise what would be the point? Investing all of your faith and love in someone that will never return it, or, in fact, curses you for it. I hope that isn't my situation.
It's late here and I'll reply tomorrow...
but your last sentence leaves me a little baffled.
Could you just explain it a little better?
Thanks and welcome to our forum!
As much as I've longed for a relationship with God it's been an immense struggle. I've found myself cursing him as much as I've desired having a relationship with him. I can't figure out why he's been so cold with me. Why he's made a purposeful point of excluding me.

I don't think faith in God is ever unconditional

Faith in God is a gift from God and that is something we don't deserve.
That said Jesus promised that those who seek him will find him.

From what you've written, to me it sounds as if you are suffering from depression.
Have you spoken to a doctor about your feelings?

Another question is how do you view Jesus?

I'm new here as of today and this is my first post...

I appreciate anyone who cares to read it. Thank you.

I've been struggling with this question for most of my life and I am wondering how I'm supposed to resolve it, honestly. I've approached it from a variety of angles and it still leaves me feeling empty and resentful. I decided to join this forum today in the hopes that someone can help me with this deep seated question that has burdned my life for as long I can remember...

Basically for 34 years of my life (my age currently) spite of whatever effort I've put forth, my life has consisted largely of failure. I've put in the time, put in the effort, put in the dedication and tenacity and God has still left me hanging...
I don't feel God has blessed me with much of anything at all the way he has with others. In the way of talent, aptitude, ability, fortune, etc. I feel as though I've been reduced to standing on the sidelines my entire life and watching other people experience success and victory while never getting to enjoy my own. Whether it be in academics, recreation, work, whatever. It's left me with a searing sense of sadness and resentment, and altogether hopelessness. To the point where I rarely put much effort into anything anymore.

Even when I look to other Christians for support and encouragement none of them seem to have received as humble a lot in life as I have. Their faith is in sync with the blessings God gives them regularly. Quid pro quo in motion, if you will.

As much as I've longed for a relationship with God it's been an immense struggle. I've found myself cursing him as much as I've desired having a relationship with him. I can't figure out why he's been so cold with me. Why he's made a purposeful point of excluding me.

I don't think faith in God is ever unconditional. Otherwise what would be the point? Investing all of your faith and love in someone that will never return it, or, in fact, curses you for it. I hope that isn't my situation.

Here is why Jesus came and paid the price by His suffering, and life for each of us to have — words of Christ in red.

  • I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

On the other hand, the thief who is the devil, is a murderer, a liar and destroyer of all things good, is come to bring suffering and despair, death and sickness, and all things evil.

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10

I don't think faith in God is ever unconditional. Otherwise what would be the point?
Hello connorwd.
Our dear Lord loved even those who hated Him (Mt.5:44.)
Investing all of your faith and love in someone that will never return it, or, in fact, curses you for it. I hope that isn't my situation.
That isn't anyones situation. In fact the religious leaders thought our Savior Jesus was being cursed by God.
Hi connorwd and welcome to CF :wave2

First off God never promised us a rose garden or great fortune as being monetarily rich, but to only supply our needs and trust in Him, Philippians 4:19.

Reading through your post it seems like you are trying to do things on your own, but yet expecting God to hand you things on a silver platter and it doesn't work that way. How does this allow you to trust and build up your faith in Christ Jesus who only wants the best for us. I hear nothing in your post about submitting all of yourself to God and being obedient to His commands as you walk in the Spirit of God. God will always make a way where there seems no way. God will open doors of opportunity, but it is up to us to walk through those doors.

When my husband and I were first married twenty six years ago we had absolutely nothing but the closes we owned and he lost his job right after we got married so we were living off my minimum wage job not even knowing where our next meal would come from. Because of our faith in Christ and trusting Him for our needs (not our material wants) as we both submitted all of our self to Him, He opened many doors of opportunity to make a way for us where there seemed to be no way. If you are not walking in the Spirit and being obedient to His word then you should expect nothing of the Lord.

Gal 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
Gal 5:17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

Gal 5:24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
Gal 5:25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Gal 5:26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

I'm new here as of today and this is my first post...

I appreciate anyone who cares to read it. Thank you.

I've been struggling with this question for most of my life and I am wondering how I'm supposed to resolve it, honestly. I've approached it from a variety of angles and it still leaves me feeling empty and resentful. I decided to join this forum today in the hopes that someone can help me with this deep seated question that has burdned my life for as long I can remember...

Basically for 34 years of my life (my age currently) spite of whatever effort I've put forth, my life has consisted largely of failure. I've put in the time, put in the effort, put in the dedication and tenacity and God has still left me hanging...
I don't feel God has blessed me with much of anything at all the way he has with others. In the way of talent, aptitude, ability, fortune, etc. I feel as though I've been reduced to standing on the sidelines my entire life and watching other people experience success and victory while never getting to enjoy my own. Whether it be in academics, recreation, work, whatever. It's left me with a searing sense of sadness and resentment, and altogether hopelessness. To the point where I rarely put much effort into anything anymore.

Even when I look to other Christians for support and encouragement none of them seem to have received as humble a lot in life as I have. Their faith is in sync with the blessings God gives them regularly. Quid pro quo in motion, if you will.

As much as I've longed for a relationship with God it's been an immense struggle. I've found myself cursing him as much as I've desired having a relationship with him. I can't figure out why he's been so cold with me. Why he's made a purposeful point of excluding me.

I don't think faith in God is ever unconditional. Otherwise what would be the point? Investing all of your faith and love in someone that will never return it, or, in fact, curses you for it. I hope that isn't my situation.
Hey All,
connorwd, through all of what you wrote, I did not read one complaint about your health. So if you are healthy, don't say God has neglected you.
If you have been so blessed, are you taking your health for granted?

Do you realize that you did not ask one question in your whole post?
I looked through it three times.
I would like to hear this question.
I don't know if I am able to answer it.
But I can give it a try.

I will also say that if you are not a believer, you may not understand the answer.
The Holy Spirit leads us, and guides us

John 16:12-13 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

You may notice that Scripture is more clear after you have received Jesus, and turned from sin.

I can take you through the Biblical reasons, if you want to; just ask.

Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
Basically for 34 years of my life (my age currently) spite of whatever effort I've put forth, my life has consisted largely of failure. I've put in the time, put in the effort, put in the dedication and tenacity and God has still left me hanging...
I don't feel God has blessed me with much of anything at all the way he has with others.

Hmmm.... What do you mean "put in the time, put in the effort, put in the dedication and tenacity"? In, or toward, what?

On what basis is God obliged to bless our efforts?

In the way of talent, aptitude, ability, fortune, etc. I feel as though I've been reduced to standing on the sidelines my entire life and watching other people experience success and victory while never getting to enjoy my own.

What do you mean by "success and victory"? Do you mean from God's perspective, which He's explained to us in the Bible, or from your point of view?

Whether it be in academics, recreation, work, whatever. It's left me with a searing sense of sadness and resentment, and altogether hopelessness. To the point where I rarely put much effort into anything anymore.

Has giving up improved things for you?

Even when I look to other Christians for support and encouragement none of them seem to have received as humble a lot in life as I have.

How large is your sampling of Christians? Have you heard of Joni Eareckson-Tada? Would you want to trade places with her? Has she let her incredible difficulties keep her in despair?

As much as I've longed for a relationship with God it's been an immense struggle. I've found myself cursing him as much as I've desired having a relationship with him. I can't figure out why he's been so cold with me. Why he's made a purposeful point of excluding me.

Excluding you from what, exactly? What He wants for your life? What He made you for? Or from the life you want to live? These aren't necessarily the same thing, right?

I don't think faith in God is ever unconditional. Otherwise what would be the point? Investing all of your faith and love in someone that will never return it, or, in fact, curses you for it. I hope that isn't my situation.

No, it isn't. But unrelieved discontentment has the effect of blinding us to the full truth of our circumstances, making us focus only on the negative.

Has God ever done you a good turn? Has He given you any cause to think He loves you? Of course. Read the Gospel of John. Also, 1 John 4:7-11, 1 John 4:16-19, 2 Corinthians 5:21 and Romans 5:6-10.
Connor — you wrote:

“How do I establish a relationship with God if I feel he has given me nothing but failure all my life?”​

We all fail. And we all fail a lot…..
God uses failure as a wise teacher — if you let it.

You seem depressed and overwhelmed by a “sense” of total failure, and that sense of failure frustrates you toward God. So try spending authentic time talking this all out with Him and asking to be shown what lesson God is trying to reveal to you in all this.

Perhaps your sense of “success” is skewed, and God has a different perspective He is trying to reveal to you. Maybe you haven’t really been a failure in the way you think.
Look sincerely and patiently for what will be revealed over the next days and weeks on this.

God is not a button to be pushed but rather a relationship to be established with.
If you get NOTHING that’s clear for you — keep asking, keep enquiring, keep looking.
Some answers may be right here in this thread you started.

Are you as focused on gratitude as much as you are on complaining?
Gratitude is the enemy of depression and low self-esteem.

Nothing brings me closer in my relationship to God than 15 minutes of SINCERE gratitude.
Really really sink into gratitude — it becomes an amazing spiritual energy you can feel.
Be TRULY thankful you’re not blind, have cancer, or are addicted to drugs.
Be TRULY thankful you can turn on a faucet and get hot water. (Think about it — don’t just throw out words)
Be TRULY thankful you’re not homeless, not starving, not in a car accident, or not living in Ukraine or Gaza. Keep going, keep going, keep going for at least 15 minutes….
Be TRULY thankful for music, for art, for flowers and the glory of the natural world.
And most important be thankful that Jesus suffered and died for YOU because God so loved YOU.

James 1:2-5 provides a helpful scripture that helps to balance life’s trials when it says,
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."

We are in a spiritual endurance race here and THATS WHERE YOUR SUCCESS LIES — not in the comparing of others’ success or the worlds’ view of success.
How did you serve God today — by starting this great thread —- SUCCESS!!

I'm new here as of today and this is my first post...

I appreciate anyone who cares to read it. Thank you.

I've been struggling with this question for most of my life and I am wondering how I'm supposed to resolve it, honestly. I've approached it from a variety of angles and it still leaves me feeling empty and resentful. I decided to join this forum today in the hopes that someone can help me with this deep seated question that has burdned my life for as long I can remember...

Basically for 34 years of my life (my age currently) spite of whatever effort I've put forth, my life has consisted largely of failure. I've put in the time, put in the effort, put in the dedication and tenacity and God has still left me hanging...
I don't feel God has blessed me with much of anything at all the way he has with others. In the way of talent, aptitude, ability, fortune, etc. I feel as though I've been reduced to standing on the sidelines my entire life and watching other people experience success and victory while never getting to enjoy my own. Whether it be in academics, recreation, work, whatever. It's left me with a searing sense of sadness and resentment, and altogether hopelessness. To the point where I rarely put much effort into anything anymore.

Even when I look to other Christians for support and encouragement none of them seem to have received as humble a lot in life as I have. Their faith is in sync with the blessings God gives them regularly. Quid pro quo in motion, if you will.

As much as I've longed for a relationship with God it's been an immense struggle. I've found myself cursing him as much as I've desired having a relationship with him. I can't figure out why he's been so cold with me. Why he's made a purposeful point of excluding me.

I don't think faith in God is ever unconditional. Otherwise what would be the point? Investing all of your faith and love in someone that will never return it, or, in fact, curses you for it. I hope that isn't my situation.
I'm new here too, but here goes. First, from the day you were born you have had a relationship with God. Why? He created you, you're His child. Probably for the last 20 years I have had to start over and start over and start over when things didn't work out, so I understand your frustration. But I would argue neither one of us is as frustrated as Abraham was. He had to wait will he was 99 to get a son.

Doesn't mean God wasn't there, just means He keeps His Promises according to His schedule not ours.

Also, what about the problems Job had to deal with? Lost his family, lost his property, lost his health and Job also thought it was all God's fault so you're not alone in feeling as you do.

But by reading the first few chapters of Job I realized that for a long time me and Job made the same mistake. None of what has happened to me or to him came from God at all. The one who brings all the trouble in our lives is the guy who wanted to God and was put in hell for his rebellion. Satan is the guilty party causing all the pain we go through, not God.

How do I know that? Scripture says God wants None to perish. God is about righteousness, He's not about fixing all the worldly grief His enemy inflicts on us on a daily basis.

Once you know these things it becomes (at least for me) easier to trust God more and more every day because I know God loves me and the other guy wants me dead and tries to turn me from God every single day.

I'm new here as of today and this is my first post...

I appreciate anyone who cares to read it. Thank you.

I've been struggling with this question for most of my life and I am wondering how I'm supposed to resolve it, honestly. I've approached it from a variety of angles and it still leaves me feeling empty and resentful. I decided to join this forum today in the hopes that someone can help me with this deep seated question that has burdned my life for as long I can remember...

Basically for 34 years of my life (my age currently) spite of whatever effort I've put forth, my life has consisted largely of failure. I've put in the time, put in the effort, put in the dedication and tenacity and God has still left me hanging...
I don't feel God has blessed me with much of anything at all the way he has with others. In the way of talent, aptitude, ability, fortune, etc. I feel as though I've been reduced to standing on the sidelines my entire life and watching other people experience success and victory while never getting to enjoy my own. Whether it be in academics, recreation, work, whatever. It's left me with a searing sense of sadness and resentment, and altogether hopelessness. To the point where I rarely put much effort into anything anymore.

Even when I look to other Christians for support and encouragement none of them seem to have received as humble a lot in life as I have. Their faith is in sync with the blessings God gives them regularly. Quid pro quo in motion, if you will.

As much as I've longed for a relationship with God it's been an immense struggle. I've found myself cursing him as much as I've desired having a relationship with him. I can't figure out why he's been so cold with me. Why he's made a purposeful point of excluding me.

I don't think faith in God is ever unconditional. Otherwise what would be the point? Investing all of your faith and love in someone that will never return it, or, in fact, curses you for it. I hope that isn't my situation.
God’s requirements-regarding prayers-are that we must lead lives in harmony with our prayers. Our course our actions must please Him; otherwise, we cannot expect Him to consider our petitions and supplications with favor.

This is an aspect of prayer that is overlooked by most of those in Christendom, even as it was overlooked by the apostate Israelites in Isaiah’s day. That is why God had his prophet represent Him. See Isaiah 1:15-17. If those Israelites wanted God’s favor, they had to act in a way that pleased him. As has well been said: “If you would have God hear you when you pray, you must hear Him when He speaks.”

In fact, God repeatedly found it necessary to remind his people Israel of these truths. Read Proverbs 28:9; 15:29. Because of this situation, Jeremiah mourned: “You [Jehovah] have blocked approach to yourself with a cloud mass, that prayer may not pass through.” (Lamentations 3:44) Truly, the warning that Micah was inspired to give was fulfilled: “They will call to Jehovah for aid, but he will not answer them. And he will conceal his face from them in that time, according as they committed badness in their dealings.”-Micah 3:4; Proverbs 1:28-32.

For our prayers to be heard by God, not only must we be morally and spiritually clean but we must also prove the sincerity of our prayers by working at what we pray for. Prayer alone is not a substitute for honest, intelligent effort. Jehovah will not do for us what we can do for ourselves by earnestly applying the counsel of his Word and following the guidance of his holy spirit. We should be willing to do all we can in this regard so that he will have a basis for answering our prayers. Thus, we ‘should not be asking for more than we are willing to work for,’ as someone has well put it.

Some may be asked: “Why pray if we have to work at what we pray for?” We should pray for at least two good reasons. First, by our prayers we acknowledge that all good things come from God. He is the Giver of every good and perfect present. (Matthew 5:45; Acts 14:16, 17; James 1:17) Second, whether our efforts are successful or not depends upon Jehovah’s blessing. Read at Psalm 127:1. Making the same point are these words of the apostle Paul at 1 Corinthians 3:6, 7.

Jesus also counseled us to ask his heavenly Father for His holy spirit. As Jesus assures us, God is more willing to give us the Holy Spirit than earthly parents are to give good things to their children. (Luke 11:13) But we cannot expect Jehovah God to impart his holy spirit to us miraculously, without any effort on our part. We must do everything we can to receive Holy Spirit. In addition to praying for it, we need to feed diligently on God’s Word. He does not give his holy spirit apart from his Word, and we cannot hope to receive Holy Spirit if we ignore the earthly channel Jehovah is using today, “the faithful and discreet slave.”-Matthew 24:45-47.

In the final analysis, it is knowledge of God’s will that governs the contents of a person’s prayers, for the supplicant must realize that, if his request is to be granted, it must please God. Knowing that the wicked and those disregarding God’s Word have no favor with Him, the supplicant obviously cannot request that which runs counter to righteousness and to God’s revealed will, including the teachings of God’s Son and his inspired disciples. (John 15:7, 16) Thus, statements regarding the asking of “anything” (John 16:23) are not to be taken out of context. “Anything” clearly does not embrace things the individual knows, or has reason to believe, are not pleasing to God. See 1John 5:14; compare James 4:15.

Acceptable prayer must be made to the right person: Jehovah God; on right matters, those in harmony with God’s declared purposes; in the right manner, through God’s appointed way, Christ Jesus; and with a right motive and a clean heart. (Compare James 4:3-6.) Along with all of this, there is need for persistence. Jesus said to “keep on asking, seeking, and knocking,“ not giving up. (Luke 11:5-10; 18:1-7) The seeming delay on God’s part in answering some prayers is not due to any inability nor to a lack of willingness, as the Scriptures make clear. (Matthew 7:9-11; James 1:5, 17) In some cases the answer must await God’s “timetable.” (Luke 18:7; 1 Peter 5:6; 2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 6:9-11) Primarily, however, it is evident that God allows his petitioners to demonstrate the depth of their concern, the intensity of their desire, the genuineness of their motive. (Psalms 55:17; 88:1, 13; Romans 1:9-11) At times they must be like Jacob in his wrestling a long time in order to obtain a blessing.-Genesis 32:24-26.
I'm new here too, but here goes. First, from the day you were born you have had a relationship with God. Why? He created you, you're His child.

Um, no, I'm afraid this isn't actually true. Yes, we are all of God's creatures - He's made all of us - but we aren't His children in the sense that we've been adopted by Him as a "joint-heir with Jesus Christ" (Romans 8:17). Only those who are "born-again" (John 3:3-7), are God children in this sense. The rest of His human creations, are alienated from Him and destined for eternal hell if they don't repent and are converted (John 3:36).

Probably for the last 20 years I have had to start over and start over and start over when things didn't work out, so I understand your frustration.

This isn't anything like the sort of life God offers to those become His born-again children. See: Romans 6, Romans 8, Galatians 5:16-25, Matthew 11:28-30.

Doesn't mean God wasn't there, just means He keeps His Promises according to His schedule not ours.


The one who brings all the trouble in our lives is the guy who wanted to God and was put in hell for his rebellion. Satan is the guilty party causing all the pain we go through, not God.

No, we humans are actually the primary source of all the sin and resulting damage we suffer. The devil encourages our own natural tendency toward self-will, rebellion and sin, poking and prodding us with lies and temptations and hastening us away from God into darkness and death. But we won't stand before God some day and be able to blame the devil for our sin. It won't be the devil God casts out into hell for the sin of the unrepentant sinner but that sinner himself.

James 1:13-16
13 Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone.
14 But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust.
15 Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.
16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.

Romans 7:18-19
18 For I know that nothing good dwells in me...
19 For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want.

Romans 8:5-8
5 For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.
6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace,
7 because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so,
8 and those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

How do I know that? Scripture says God wants None to perish.

Yes, His desire that all of mankind come to repentance. But Jesus also said,

Matthew 7:13-14
13 "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.
14 "For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

What God wants, ideally, and what He actually gets when He allows us to freely choose between Him and ourselves are miles apart.

Once you know these things it becomes (at least for me) easier to trust God more and more every day because I know God loves me and the other guy wants me dead and tries to turn me from God every single day.

God isn't merely a "guy," right? He's in a category all by Himself that no other being comes anywhere close to.

And, yes, He absolutely loves you. He also loves holiness and justice and so evil will not ever dwell with Him. As a result, since we couldn't be good enough for God on our own, He made a way through Jesus for us to be reconciled to Himself. But if we won't take what He's offering, if we won't, by faith, receive the Gift of Salvation, Jesus Christ, and submit to him as our Lord, we'll spend an eternity separated from God in darkness and torment.

2 Corinthians 5:19-21
19 namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Romans 10:9-10
9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.

John 3:36
36 "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not believe the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
Um, no, I'm afraid this isn't actually true. Yes, we are all of God's creatures - He's made all of us - but we aren't His children in the sense that we've been adopted by Him as a "joint-heir with Jesus Christ" (Romans 8:17). Only those who are "born-again" (John 3:3-7), are God children in this sense. The rest of His human creations, are alienated from Him and destined for eternal hell if they don't repent and are converted (John 3:36).

This isn't anything like the sort of life God offers to those become His born-again children. See: Romans 6, Romans 8, Galatians 5:16-25, Matthew 11:28-30.


No, we humans are actually the primary source of all the sin and resulting damage we suffer. The devil encourages our own natural tendency toward self-will, rebellion and sin, poking and prodding us with lies and temptations and hastening us away from God into darkness and death. But we won't stand before God some day and be able to blame the devil for our sin. It won't be the devil God casts out into hell for the sin of the unrepentant sinner but that sinner himself.

James 1:13-16
13 Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone.
14 But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust.
15 Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.
16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.

Romans 7:18-19
18 For I know that nothing good dwells in me...
19 For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want.

Romans 8:5-8
5 For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.
6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace,
7 because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so,
8 and those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

Yes, His desire that all of mankind come to repentance. But Jesus also said,

Matthew 7:13-14
13 "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.
14 "For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

What God wants, ideally, and what He actually gets when He allows us to freely choose between Him and ourselves are miles apart.

God isn't merely a "guy," right? He's in a category all by Himself that no other being comes anywhere close to.

And, yes, He absolutely loves you. He also loves holiness and justice and so evil will not ever dwell with Him. As a result, since we couldn't be good enough for God on our own, He made a way through Jesus for us to be reconciled to Himself. But if we won't take what He's offering, if we won't, by faith, receive the Gift of Salvation, Jesus Christ, and submit to him as our Lord, we'll spend an eternity separated from God in darkness and torment.

2 Corinthians 5:19-21
19 namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Romans 10:9-10
9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.

John 3:36
36 "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not believe the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
Thanks. I used the word guy above because I don't want give the enemy free name recognition by mentioning its name. I will refer to evil, but I won't refer to the source of it by its name.
Hi connorwd

I read over your post and I also question 'what' it is that you believe God has promised to give those who love Him in this life?

I also want to point out a slight inconsistency in your testimony. You claim to have:

I've put in the time, put in the effort, put in the dedication and tenacity and God has still left me hanging...
But then you also say:
I've found myself cursing him as much as I've desired having a relationship with him

You literally express that as an equality. That you have cursed God as much as you have desired a relationship. That would mean that you either curse Him a lot or curse Him a little and are devoted a lot, or devoted a little.

I contend that your knowledge and wisdom of God and what it is that He is doing and asks of you, if you want to be His child, and no, we are not all God's children, is lacking.

Friend, God is God. Whether or not you feel blessed or desire to curse Him... God is God. But in reading that last statement, I would contend that you aren't being honest with yourself in the first statement. If you really know 'who' God is, you're a fool to stand and curse Him over anything.

I'd consider it a privilege to discuss this further and see if we can't turn you into a true lover of God, no matter your worldly circumstance in the moment. Have you read of the woman who gave the two mites? She was as poor as dirt, but she loved God and knew who He was. And what about Job. I'm sure when his servants came to tell him that all of his children had been murdered, he didn't feel blessed either, but he didn't deny who God was. So, I'd be careful in weighing your understanding of God on the blessings that you have or haven't received. That's why I say that I don't think you're really being honest with yourself about your supposed devotion to God and therefore feel let down that He isn't giving you some greater blessings. Maybe He didn't approve of the times that you cursed Him.

Do you really believe that believers normally curse God when things don't go right for them in this life?

God bless,

I'm new here as of today and this is my first post...

I appreciate anyone who cares to read it. Thank you.

I've been struggling with this question for most of my life and I am wondering how I'm supposed to resolve it, honestly. I've approached it from a variety of angles and it still leaves me feeling empty and resentful. I decided to join this forum today in the hopes that someone can help me with this deep seated question that has burdned my life for as long I can remember...

Basically for 34 years of my life (my age currently) spite of whatever effort I've put forth, my life has consisted largely of failure. I've put in the time, put in the effort, put in the dedication and tenacity and God has still left me hanging...
I don't feel God has blessed me with much of anything at all the way he has with others. In the way of talent, aptitude, ability, fortune, etc. I feel as though I've been reduced to standing on the sidelines my entire life and watching other people experience success and victory while never getting to enjoy my own. Whether it be in academics, recreation, work, whatever. It's left me with a searing sense of sadness and resentment, and altogether hopelessness. To the point where I rarely put much effort into anything anymore.

Even when I look to other Christians for support and encouragement none of them seem to have received as humble a lot in life as I have. Their faith is in sync with the blessings God gives them regularly. Quid pro quo in motion, if you will.

As much as I've longed for a relationship with God it's been an immense struggle. I've found myself cursing him as much as I've desired having a relationship with him. I can't figure out why he's been so cold with me. Why he's made a purposeful point of excluding me.

I don't think faith in God is ever unconditional. Otherwise what would be the point? Investing all of your faith and love in someone that will never return it, or, in fact, curses you for it. I hope that isn't my situation.
Hey All,
I am going to be blunt with you.

Why should God do anything for you?
You curse Him, yet you want His blessings.

If a person came to you,and cursed you, how eager would you be to give of yourself to that person?

Frankly, you don't deserve His blessings.

But believe it or not, they are still available.
Like all that have gone before you, and have become believers, you must ask for forgiveness.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

That still applies to you.
Now that is is the love of God.
But you do not love Him.
That is not a relationship.

And that is what you are lacking.
God is not my way or the highway.

2 Peter 3:3
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

There you are. Walking after your own lusts.

2 John 1:4
I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father.

This is where you could be.

Choose wisely.

Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
I've been offline for about a week due to a computer crash. I am now back up and running. I will not go back and delete posts but I will ask you all to remember that the rules of this forum do not allow for members to engage each other but that we must answer the OP's questions only. Please stay focused.

I'm new here as of today and this is my first post...

I appreciate anyone who cares to read it. Thank you.

I've been struggling with this question for most of my life and I am wondering how I'm supposed to resolve it, honestly. I've approached it from a variety of angles and it still leaves me feeling empty and resentful. I decided to join this forum today in the hopes that someone can help me with this deep seated question that has burdned my life for as long I can remember...

Basically for 34 years of my life (my age currently) spite of whatever effort I've put forth, my life has consisted largely of failure. I've put in the time, put in the effort, put in the dedication and tenacity and God has still left me hanging...
I don't feel God has blessed me with much of anything at all the way he has with others. In the way of talent, aptitude, ability, fortune, etc. I feel as though I've been reduced to standing on the sidelines my entire life and watching other people experience success and victory while never getting to enjoy my own. Whether it be in academics, recreation, work, whatever. It's left me with a searing sense of sadness and resentment, and altogether hopelessness. To the point where I rarely put much effort into anything anymore.

Even when I look to other Christians for support and encouragement none of them seem to have received as humble a lot in life as I have. Their faith is in sync with the blessings God gives them regularly. Quid pro quo in motion, if you will.

As much as I've longed for a relationship with God it's been an immense struggle. I've found myself cursing him as much as I've desired having a relationship with him. I can't figure out why he's been so cold with me. Why he's made a purposeful point of excluding me.

I don't think faith in God is ever unconditional. Otherwise what would be the point? Investing all of your faith and love in someone that will never return it, or, in fact, curses you for it. I hope that isn't my situation.
Because we walk by faith not by sight. And I say this as I have become a cancer survivor this year. Praise God!

I'm new here as of today and this is my first post...

I appreciate anyone who cares to read it. Thank you.

I've been struggling with this question for most of my life and I am wondering how I'm supposed to resolve it, honestly. I've approached it from a variety of angles and it still leaves me feeling empty and resentful. I decided to join this forum today in the hopes that someone can help me with this deep seated question that has burdned my life for as long I can remember...

Basically for 34 years of my life (my age currently) spite of whatever effort I've put forth, my life has consisted largely of failure. I've put in the time, put in the effort, put in the dedication and tenacity and God has still left me hanging...
I don't feel God has blessed me with much of anything at all the way he has with others. In the way of talent, aptitude, ability, fortune, etc. I feel as though I've been reduced to standing on the sidelines my entire life and watching other people experience success and victory while never getting to enjoy my own. Whether it be in academics, recreation, work, whatever. It's left me with a searing sense of sadness and resentment, and altogether hopelessness. To the point where I rarely put much effort into anything anymore.

Even when I look to other Christians for support and encouragement none of them seem to have received as humble a lot in life as I have. Their faith is in sync with the blessings God gives them regularly. Quid pro quo in motion, if you will.

As much as I've longed for a relationship with God it's been an immense struggle. I've found myself cursing him as much as I've desired having a relationship with him. I can't figure out why he's been so cold with me. Why he's made a purposeful point of excluding me.

I don't think faith in God is ever unconditional. Otherwise what would be the point? Investing all of your faith and love in someone that will never return it, or, in fact, curses you for it. I hope that isn't my situation.
Connorwd: It's so strange. I actually wrote this yesterday as part of a spoof I was writing to a Pastor turned atheist. He is always talking about how much he did for the Lord and how little he's gotten out of it. He is so centered on himself and what he doesn't have, rather than all that Christ has given him spiritually (See Romans 12:1 where Paul explains that we should consider all that Christ gave, and as a "reasonable" response give him our lives. Here is the spoof article I wrote (I know it's not very good but I thought I'd share it anyway):


“I’ve given to this place for over twenty years and what have I ever gotten out of it?” stated Milton Pavernick, recently. “I have sacrificed so much” he said, “look at my run-down little home and junk car. It’s not worth it! Twenty years for nothing!” he exclaimed. “I thought maybe Marlo Thomas would thank me personally” he added, “but no. I never heard anything. For all I know Marlo Thomas may not even exist, or she’s dead” he said.

Representatives of St. Jude stated that they appreciated the twenty years Milton HAD donated. “He probably doesn’t realize how many lives he truly did affect” said Marilyn Harrison, “he seems to be so focused on himself and what HE HASN’T gotten from helping us that he can no longer see the Big Picture. Love doesn’t look for rewards. He apparently thinks he deserves something for all his sacrifice. And when he didn’t receive it, he came to the conclusion that it was no longer worth it” she added. “Thankfully most of our donors are looking to help others with no view to a reward from their sacrifice. Milton has unknowingly helped many children, despite the way he feels now. And we thank him.”