Douglas Summers
- Jun 1, 2015
- 2,515
- 754
Hi Randy, Catholicism has a different belief system and practices than protestants. You can't be born again and then claim to be an atheist. And it's no wonder, Satan can pass himself off as an angel of light to the nominal Christian. Born again believers are a small body compared to the world wide visible church. The Lord is coming and multitude will say Lord, Lord...…………..And He will not know them.Thats true just read about a women who claimed Christianity but left the catholic church because of their abuses. She stated she is now a atheist. So one can ask if you left the church because of their perceived hypocrisy how do you know good from evil since you no longer believe in God? Could it be a Holy God made such things known to man.
I like to ask those who once claimed Christianity and walked away, "How can one have the Spirit of Christ in them and not know Jesus lives?" Obviously to those that have that Spirits witness they never belonged to Jesus.