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How Do You Honor the Sabbath?

It never stops at just one law. Bank on it. Before the Sabbath day law ends in a legalistic assembly adherents will be carting out a large parcel of other performance requirements. Been there, done that. Gave it up for the worthless drivel of fleshly idealists that it is.
More bitterness.
We might ask Paul how much flesh is going to align with the Spirit?

Galatians 5:
17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

Did Paul have this CONFLICT in himself?

Uh huh.

Philippians 1:30
Having the same conflict which ye saw in me, and now hear to be in me.

What sits in every pew, according to Paul?

Philippians 3:21
Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

Most people are naturally fleshily inclined away from this type of information, because it is an affront. But, the Gospel is offensive in this direction.
Actually, it is Paul that told us the fleshly inclined mind cannot subject itself to Yahweh's Law.

Rom 8:4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
Rom 8:5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
Rom 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.​

Is your mind subject to His Law? If so, then subject yourself to the 4th commandment as well as the other 9. If not, then you are the subject of Paul's teaching.
3“ ‘There are six days when you may work, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, a day of sacred assembly. (Leviticus 23:3 NIV)
Are you a 7th Day Adventist?
What are you talking about?
When did you start keeping Friday night to Saturday night sacred?
So when did this thread about how we honor the Sabbath turn into a thread about how to dishonor those who honor the Sabbath? And why do you persist in attacking me personally rather than sticking to the issue of the Sabbath?
I'm not attacking you.
I'm stating what I personally have witnessed. I'm not doubting your statements. I don't know you well enough to judge one way or the other.

But your actions are providing tons of fodder for Judgement.
Both your highly defensive posture AND your lack of interest on the wide variety of subjects that occasion this forum except Saturday worship...and when you do talk about this one subject it carries tones of how you are more righteous than others because of your Saturday worship.
All of these actions speak to self righteousness and self reliance for your salvation. Not saying that it is this case...but your average passer by would tend to think in such a fashion.
The whole of our salvation is NOT wrapped up in the day of the week we go to church.
The whole of my salvation is in Christ's righteousness and his holiness (which includes grace and goodness)

Maybe join in conversations about other topics. Join in some fun posts talking about your day to day stuff. Be an approachable guy.
Just some thoughts.
I'm not attacking you.
I'm stating what I personally have witnessed. I'm not doubting your statements. I don't know you well enough to judge one way or the other.

But your actions are providing tons of fodder for Judgement.
Both your highly defensive posture AND your lack of interest on the wide variety of subjects that occasion this forum except Saturday worship...and when you do talk about this one subject it carries tones of how you are more righteous than others because of your Saturday worship.
All of these actions speak to self righteousness and self reliance for your salvation. Not saying that it is this case...but your average passer by would tend to think in such a fashion.
The whole of our salvation is NOT wrapped up in the day of the week we go to church.
The whole of my salvation is in Christ's righteousness and his holiness (which includes grace and goodness)

Maybe join in conversations about other topics. Join in some fun posts talking about your day to day stuff. Be an approachable guy.
Just some thoughts.
So, you are not attacking me? This entire post is one big attack.

I have posted on a wide variety of topics and joked around as well. The problem is, you cannot defend your unscriptural anti-Sabbath view, so you say all manner of evil against me and then imply that you don't necessarily hold those views about me, but others might. Yeah right.

Not reacting to any specific member or post, but I was hoping to focus more on practice (how) rather than timing (when). Which day is the actual Sabbath, if any, is certainly an important topic, just not the topic I was driving for here. Granted that it might be unavoidable to discuss the one without a mention of the other.
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Assuming you do... Church? Avoid work for monetary gains? Avoid any work? Business as usual? Read Scripture? More of an old covenant thing to you? I know this question has been asked many times, just wondering in realtime.

Added: For those who avoid secular work on the "Sabbath" (for the moment not concerned with what day or days that is), what do you think about studying (i.e. scholastic work)?
As far as a literal Mosaic Sabbath, I fall in the category of 'it's an old covenant thing to you'.
I believe that the lawful requirement for Sabbath rest gets satisfied when one has faith in Christ, just as the lawful requirement for blood gets satisfied when one has faith in Christ. IOW, when I have faith in Christ, God looks at me and says, "I see no violation of the lawful requirement for Sabbath Rest here".

I was hoping to focus more on practice (how) rather than timing (when).
If one feels compelled by conscience to keep the literal Sabbath command (just as the rest of us feel compelled by conscience to keep, for example, the literal command to 'do not steal') then the law spells out how to do that. In addition, the prophet Isaiah gives us insight into the spiritual intention of the Sabbath Rest:

"13“If because of the sabbath, you turn your foot
From doing your own pleasure on My holy day,
And call the sabbath a delight, the holy day of the LORD honorable,
And honor it, desisting from your own ways,
From seeking your own pleasure
And speaking your own word,

14Then you will take delight in the LORD,
And I will make you ride on the heights of the earth;
And I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father,
For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” (Isaiah 58:13-14 NASB)

He's showing how the Mosaic Sabbath is a picture and illustration of how we the people of God are to come into a rest from our sinful pleasures and abuses of each other. A rest from sin which we now know is entered into through faith in Christ. And look at the promise of God for doing that (vs.14). It seems so many of us Christians prefer our back biting and selfish sinful pleasures over and above delighting in the manifest joy of the Lord he gives when we choose to do right and treat each other right.

We show that we have truly entered into God's Sabbath Rest, Jesus Christ, when we obey his commands to love Him, and love our neighbor (see passage above). That Sabbath Rest--the rest from sin--shows you are in covenant with God, just as circumcision and Sabbath keeping in the old covenant were the outward signs of being in covenant with God in the old covenant.
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Doing it on Saturday is the way to keep the Sabbath like God said
It's true.
If you're going to keep a literal Mosaic Sabbath you need to do that on Saturday, not Sunday. Man changed the literal Sabbath day to Sunday, not God.
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Man changed the literal Sabbath day to Sunday, not God.
Then why does God call the first day of the week "the LORD's Day"? (Rev 1:10). No the Lord of the sabbath established the first day of the week for worship (since He rose on that day) as well as for rest (so that it becomes the Christian sabbath), and told us through the Holy Spirit that the sabbaths were "shadows" because the reality is Christ (Col 2:16,17). Christians should be in the habit of calling Sunday "the Lord's day", and for decades, "the Lord's day" was also in the law of the land as a day of rest from all business. Since Christ Himself is our rest, we honor the sabbath by observing the Lord s Day.
when you do talk about this one subject it carries tones of how you are more righteous than others because of your Saturday worship.
But we do that too with the command 'do not murder' and other commands.
Whenever someone posts a news article about a murderer or child molester, or rapist, or whatever, we get all high and righteous and want him put to death for what he's done.

But your actions are providing tons of fodder for Judgement.
Both your highly defensive posture AND your lack of interest on the wide variety of subjects that occasion this forum...
If that's true then so do our actions when we judge and condemn the criminals I just spoke about above. And those kinds of threads usually get way more of our participation than other threads, and with much more enthusiasm.

Our 'not murdering', or 'not stealing' provides tons of Judgment for those who don't obey those commands to think we are self-righteous The point is, simply doing what you think you are to do as a believer is not wrong just because it is a source of condemnation for others who don't.

All of these actions speak to self righteousness and self reliance for your salvation.
But 'do not murder', and 'do not commit adultery' don't do that?
How is it not hypocritical to say keeping the Sabbath command automatically speaks to your self-righteousness while 'do not steal' doesn't? Unbelievers are quite quick to tell us believers that our keeping the command 'do not steal', for example, does speak to our self-righteousness. Why are they wrong to do that to us, but we are right in doing that to the Sabbath keeper who is keeping the Sabbath for the same reason we 'do not steal'?

The whole of my salvation is in Christ's righteousness and his holiness (which includes grace and goodness)
Then why do you 'do not murder', and 'do not steal'?
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Then why does God call the first day of the week "the LORD's Day"? (Rev 1:10). No the Lord of the sabbath established the first day of the week for worship (since He rose on that day) as well as for rest (so that it becomes the Christian sabbath), and told us through the Holy Spirit that the sabbaths were "shadows" because the reality is Christ (Col 2:16,17). Christians should be in the habit of calling Sunday "the Lord's day", and for decades, "the Lord's day" was also in the law of the land as a day of rest from all business. Since Christ Himself is our rest, we honor the sabbath by observing the Lord s Day.
You misunderstand the argument.
The argument is not that there is no day of worship on Sunday. I will be joyfully celebrating the Lord's resurrection on Sunday this year. The point is, God did not switch the Sabbath Day to Sunday. He simply added the Lord's Day.
It never stops at just one law. Bank on it. Before the Sabbath day law ends in a legalistic assembly adherents will be carting out a large parcel of other performance requirements. Been there, done that. Gave it up for the worthless drivel of fleshly idealists that it is.
You gave up performance requirements in your faith in Christ?
Surely that must include these large parcels of performance requirements Jesus and Paul and others saddled the church with. They're too lengthy to post, so I'll just post the references to them....some of them:

Matthew 5:3 to Matthew 7:15
Ephesians 4:17 to Ephesians 6:18
Colossians 3:5 to Colossians 4:6
Galatians 5:13 to Galatians 6:10
Romans 12:1 to Romans 15:7

My fingers are getting tired. I will post some more references to the lengthy performance requirements for the church tomorrow if you'd like me to.
This thread is absolutely classic.

Yes, any discussion of the Sabbath will bring out the naysayers.

Now that we've established the hypocrisy and misunderstanding of the church in regard to our condemnation of literal Sabbath keepers we can talk about how each of us observes the lawful command for Sabbath rest (you know, the one we say we don't have to keep but do in our own way anyway). But besides jocor I think all you're going to get is 'I go to church on Sunday and take it easy' and little else. I'm not saying that's wrong. I'm just pointing out that basically there really is no observance of the Sabbath in the church. We can't even get the day of the week right for what we are doing. :lol
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