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How Do You Honor the Sabbath?

The question in the OP is "How do you honor the Sabbath?", not "How do you honor God?" However, by honoring the Sabbath, we honor God;

If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD (YHWH), honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD (YHWH); and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD (YHWH) hath spoken it. Isa 58:13-14
This is a simple rule of sowing and reaping. Honor Yahweh by honoring the Sabbath and He will honor you.
I understand. My point was that if we truly lived the Christian life we are meant and called by our Lord to live, every day would be to God's glory and therefore every day would be a Sabbath unto the Lord. Just my thoughts.
Shabbat is a taste of the Olam HaBa. The 39 forbidden labors are what give it this flavor. It is like a good recipe: The recipe must be followed exactly, down to the smallest detail, if it is to produce the desired results. The 39 forbidden labors are:
1. Carrying
14. Plowing
27. Chain-stitching
2. Burning
15. Planting

28. Warping
3. Extinguishing
16. Reaping
29. Weaving
4. Finishing

17. Harvesting
30. Unraveling
5. Writing
18. Threshing
31. Building

6. Erasing
19. Winnowing
32. Demolishing
7. Cooking
20. Selecting

33. Trapping
8. Washing
21. Sifting
34. Shearing
9. Sewing

22. Grinding
35. Slaughtering
10. Tearing
23. Kneading
36. Skinning

11. Knotting
24. Combing
37. Tanning
12. Untying
25. Spinning

38. Smoothing
13. Shaping
26. Dyeing
39. Marking
This list is not derived from Scripture and includes many burdensome man-made laws imposed upon the Sabbath. For example, #1 is "carrying". So the Jews came up with a law stating that one could not carry a handkerchief, but if it was pinned to the garment it was OK. It was laws/traditions like that that Yeshua came against, but he never came against the lawful use of the Sabbath as commanded by Yahweh.
Let me be straightforward.

I want to know something about you other than that you go to church on Saturday (and are thin skinned about it) and that you only watch football on Sunday (jets fan).

But you seem to be rather stubborn about letting us see your fruits of the Spirit.
Not asking for you to crow about them.
You see the fruit of love for Yahweh and my neighbor by my desire to obey Him and not cause my neighbor to sin, but you reject that love choosing, instead, to call it self-righteousness. Do you not see the longsuffering I have with you and smaller as you come against me personally? Do you not see how gentle I am trying to be with you rather than rebuking you? Do you not see that my faith produces my works? Do you not see the fruit of meekness as I submit to Yahweh's laws rather than exalting my ways above His? If you cannot see the fruit of the Spirit through these, it is because you do not wish to see them in me. (No crowing intended).
Do you not see the longsuffering I have with you and smaller as you come against me personally?

Uh, I've already said I don't care what you do or how you do it.

What I DID say is if you personally end up condemning believers for not doing "like you do" on the Sabbath to condemnation, you are in violation of the very laws you seek to uphold and are not doing yourself any favors.

What you do has no bearing on how I see it. I do make a practice of avoiding condemnation to believers as a rule, for any reason. Not doing this practice breaks all churches up into pockets of sect sights, all justifying their ways and condemning others. Which has where the churches have wallowed in the mud for quite some time.

I don't wallow.
You see the fruit of love for Yahweh and my neighbor by my desire to obey Him and not cause my neighbor to sin, but you reject that love choosing, instead, to call it self-righteousness. Do you not see the longsuffering I have with you and smaller as you come against me personally? Do you not see how gentle I am trying to be with you rather than rebuking you? Do you not see that my faith produces my works? Do you not see the fruit of meekness as I submit to Yahweh's laws rather than exalting my ways above His? If you cannot see the fruit of the Spirit through these, it is because you do not wish to see them in me. (No crowing intended).
No. Don't see it at all. (Really)
Just you going on about a minor thing.
Yeshua NEVER broke the Sabbath as Yahweh intended it to be kept. If he did, then he wasn't sinless. He did, however, break the Sabbath as the Jews intended it to be kept.
That's going beyond what is written, intended, or inferred.
Just before that Jesus said he was always working just like his Father.
That's going beyond what is written, intended, or inferred.
Just before that Jesus said he was always working just like his Father.
Are you seriously trying to teach me that Yeshua sinned by breaking the Sabbath?
Are you seriously trying to teach me that Yeshua sinned by breaking the Sabbath?
Obviously that didn't happen, except for how those religious phonies "made up" their own rules about the Sabbath, which Jesus assuredly DIDN'T follow.

The fact that they condemned Him and eventually lent their full on to kill Him using "law" as their justifications for doing so shows that they and ALL the participants were in fact captured internally by condemnation.

AND that is one of the critical lessons of the law, as in "see and avoid" those angles. The law was always meant for LIFE. But we have issues, which the Law pinpoints. It's called sin dwelling in the flesh. One of the reasons I think lawkeepers are pulling their own legs.

Paul found out that when he wanted to do good, evil was present with him. Romans 7:21. And Paul figured this out from Jesus Words about what "sin" really is. An internal matter. And a matter that is empowered to resist the LAW.

All people have an evil conscience. Evil internally is part of our construct. On this basis NOBODY is technically legal whatsoever, and can't be. Evil can't be legal.
Are you seriously trying to teach me that Yeshua sinned by breaking the Sabbath?
Just that the Lord of the Sabbath intended something different other than Saturday worship.

Especially since Sabbath is always a singular and not plural or a singular meaning a plural when speaking about God's Sabbath.
Just that the Lord of the Sabbath intended something different other than Saturday worship.

Especially since Sabbath is always a singular and not plural or a singular meaning a plural when speaking about God's Sabbath.
The Sabbath of the O.T. is in fact A SHADOW. It has nothing, exactly NOTHING to do with ritualism or practice.
The Sabbath of the O.T. is in fact A SHADOW. It has nothing, exactly NOTHING to do with ritualism or practice.
Yes, look at the order of the Commandments. The Sabbath is fourth. Honoring parents the fifth and murder the sixth.

Two whole Commandments before the horrible if something was more important than life itself.
Surely it wasn't just going to church on Saturday.

Obviously something else is going on...
Then why do you 'do not murder' (assuming you keep that, lol).

Paul is saddling the church with law with condemnation and penalty attached to it. And not just for fear of 'or else', but for the sake of conscience. Should I ignore him?

How can you say that you do not commit murder unless you are ignoring him and the law of condemnation? You would claim that you keep the law "do not murder" for the sake of your own conscience in order to not sin against the law.

But I am not in denial of the fact that according to the law I am a murderer, and in my flesh I am full of murder. For my own conscience sake, I have accepted this fact. While I have not physically killed anyone, there are times when the hate just overflows. Even though my desire is to be peaceful with all man, there are times the flesh just boils over into anger. Sometimes, even being conscious of that anger that resides just under the surface and being cautious of it has lead to further outburst, like throwing my laptop across a conference room. We live in this world, and we exist in the flesh. In our daily interactions our flesh reacts to other flesh as we deal with the burdens of this world.

Jesus said if you hate your brother you have committed murder in your heart. For my conscience sake, as it pertains to the law, I keep the law of do no murder by understanding that a murderer resides in my flesh: But in Christ I am justified!
Yes, look at the order of the Commandments. The Sabbath is fourth. Honoring parents the fifth and murder the sixth.

Two whole Commandments before the horrible if something was more important than life itself.
Surely it wasn't just going to church on Saturday.

Obviously something else is going on...

I've spent a considerable portion of my adult life, post belief, studying Gods Laws. And yes, I love them ALL, dearly, every Word. But they are NOT what they appear to be on the surface.

Colossians 2:
15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.
How can you say that you do not commit murder unless you are ignoring him and the law of condemnation? You would claim that you keep the law "do not murder" for the sake of your own conscience in order to not sin against the law.

But I am not in denial of the fact that according to the law I am a murderer, and in my flesh I am full of murder. For my own conscience sake, I have accepted this fact.

Brilliant conclusion! Bravo. Just BRAVO! The Law has done it's finer detail work with you, because you have sprouted the fruit of the Spirit called, HONESTY.

When we see this, that the law reveals sin as an internal matter, and there is no AVOIDING this conclusion, we have in fact SUBMITTED to our Maker in LAW, in that conclusion and produced an HONEST conclusion!

It is these who will go on to the much finer Spiritual aspects and understandings of LAW, as Jesus Fully Intends them. And they will see wonders of God in Christ, with their own eyes, in the NOW.

The law was always meant for LIFE. But we have issues, which the Law pinpoints. It's called sin dwelling in the flesh. One of the reasons I think lawkeepers are pulling their own legs.
A law keeper sees his sin when he looks into the mirror of the Law. He then goes to Yeshua to have the sin cleansed. Those that abolish the Law and want nothing to do with it have thrown away the mirror and cannot go to Yeshua for cleansing because they don't see their sin.
I will post this one more time.

Constantine Made Sunday a Civil Rest Day

When Emperor Constantine I—a pagan sun-worshipper—came to power in A.D. 313, he legalized Christianity and made the first Sunday-keeping law. His infamous Sunday enforcement law of March 7, A.D. 321, reads as follows: “On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed.” (Codex Justinianus 3.12.3, trans. Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, 5th ed. (New York, 1902), 3:380, note 1.)
The Sunday law was officially confirmed by the Roman Papacy. The Council of Laodicea in A.D. 364 decreed, “Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday but shall work on that day; but the Lord’s day they shall especially honour, and, as being Christians, shall, if possible, do no work on that day. If, however, they are found Judaizing, they shall be shut out from Christ” (Strand, op. cit., citing Charles J. Hefele, A History of the Councils of the Church, 2 [Edinburgh, 1876] 316).
Just that the Lord of the Sabbath intended something different other than Saturday worship.
What Scripture tells us Yeshua "intended something different other than Saturday worship"? There is no command from him telling us the 7th day (Saturday) Sabbath is abolished or changed to Sunday.