Nathan Alterton
- Nov 9, 2011
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I never said that God does not speak to individuals at times, even today, and I do believe in a present gift of prophesy. I happen to know several individuals whom I believe that God spoke to in a very audible way at a specific time of need in their lives. But again, those people weren't seeking to hear from God at the time, He broke through and communicated with them in an unmistakable way.Nathan, thanks for pointing out that particular instance in Acts 15. I think that's why it's important for us to constantly renew our minds in the Word of God so that, just like the Apostles, when we're looking for direction and clarity we have God's Word (or the mind of Christ) in us and we can go off what His Word speaks to us.
Let me ask you a question, Nathan. How do you believe modern day Prophets hear from God? I know they have a special gift from God that we don't have... but do you believe God speaks directly to them concerning another person, or a situation?
I believe that God has spoken to me through a man with the gift of prophesy. He was a stranger I had met for a day, and before we parted company, he spoke to me very specifically about a serious personal crisis I was going through at that time. He knew details there was no way he could have known, which was a sign that his message was genuine. How God communicated that information to him, I don't know, nor does it really matter to me. I don't have that gift, and prophesy is not something one can learn - it's a gift that either one has or one doesn't have.
What I find troubling is that so many Christians, many I know personally, are very caught up in this view that they should be trying really hard to listen for God's whisperings to them. This seems spiritual, and the language of listening for the "still small voice" has become all but ubiquitous in the Church. But in my time with teaching both adults and highschoolers I have found that this mindset almost always leads to confusion and doubt. I can't count the number of times I have been asked by fellow believers how they can tell whether some idea that popped into their heads is the voice of God, or Satan, or possibly just came straight from their own mind.
What I always point out is that they shouldn't spend so much time worrying about the source. Maybe it is the Holy Spirit that gave them the thought or maybe it's their own idea, but does it really matter, shouldn't we evaluate all decisions we face the same way? The Bible tells us repeatedly to exercise wisdom and good judgment and to bend our minds toward the things of God. If we are presented with a course of action and it appears a Godly and righteous thing to do based on our knowledge of the principles God has given us, and we have the desire and ability to carry it out, then it really shouldn't matter whether the Holy Spirit prompted us to it or we decided to do it on our own. God has given us enough information to allow us to make wise decisions and be faithful and righteous children of His Kingdom. As we grow and mature we should be continously becoming more able to stand and reflect the mind of God in our lives.
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