On another thread they are debating the issue of condemning sinners in the name of love. By this I mean pointing out to people that their sins will cast them into the fires of hell etc. and are an abomination to God.
There are some sins that do not really bother people and others that really upset them. With each person it is different. On this thread we were discussing sexuality. But I must also confess to gluttony.
My thinking was that since Love was the "Most Important" commandment it would trump everything else. But many disagreed with me and said that the loving thing to do was to confront sinners. To shame them for their own good. My mother used to say when she hit me, "This is for your own good."
I tried to suggest a compromise. I offered them a form of communication that could do both. SET
S = Support. I can see you are depressed.
E = Empathy. I was depressed before I found God. I understand you.
T = Truth. What you are doing is a sin. Would you like to talk about it.
This was largely ignored by the sin chasers. As a psychologist, I could analyze this behavior under the heading of building yourself up by looking down on others, but I won't. LOL.
So help me out here. Isn't the most loving thing to do is just leave sinners alone and love them so that they will come to us for help and we can tell them about God. If they do come to God they will find out soon enough they are sinners if they do not already know.
My sin, which was being discussed, was called an abomination. Such name calling hurts and makes me want to run away from other Christians. Unfortunately, the Holy Spirit sent me here and so staying trumps my urge to flee. I look forward to your comments.
My name is Susannah.