Drew said:
Sparrowhawke said:
I am now pleading with my Christian Canadian to accept this token. It is a peace offering. A twig and not an arrow.
I appreciate the spirit of this, but I think it is the responsibility to each Christian to point out error.
- Agreed but when we do we are wisely cautioned, "Look to yourselves first" < it could be a case of the log removing the splinter> and I need to heed this as much or moreso than any other (maybe?) well that aside, we all need to hear it.[/*:m:3vwl4l1l]
And, frankly, I think there is a clear and robust case that the Levitical food laws no longer apply to anyone.
- I know this: You don't think food laws apply. Agreed. Wholeheartedly agreed. Stated many times, over and over and over again. But we don't stop there?? - shall we turn from the quote "levitical food laws" and consider the law as it speaks to greater things like idolatry? or like adultery? It would suite our purpose to agree that we are no longer talking about mr. porky pig here but the very law itself. I quickly apologize for the tone of that statement -- paul said it much better when he spoke about eating meat (it was an analogy) that were offered to idols -- this isn't idolatry (eating the thing offered) and I'm sure you will quickly agree that none of that stuff [the "idols"] can mean anything to us who serve the Almighty in Spirit and Truth. All things will pass away - only those things that remain are of Him. So there are no "real" idols - but can we then say, to those who refrain from worshiping idols in any way shape or form, that they are limiting the liberties of all men??? I hope you could hear that - but if not it is unimportant. I'll reply briefly in the comment below. [/*:m:3vwl4l1l]
You, and others may well wonder if this is worth arguing about. I think it is. Bad theology - even in respect to items that seem entirely disconnected with the content of "real life" - almost always has negative consequences.
- I think we can all agree on this point. Let's also agree to sweep away the rhetorical and seek the end.[/*:m:3vwl4l1l]
It is important to understand that the food laws have been done away with to properly integrate the cross into the larger story of Israel and of humanity in general. Jesus did away with the written code in its entirety - food laws, ceremony, sacrifice in the temple, all of it. He came to fulfill Israel's destiny and in so doing pass
judgement on two of the key elements of Jewish life: temple and Torah.
- IN a spiritual sense, I agree with what you say. The law about "murder" is written into His temples -- our hearts. What was once law is not engraved but being engrafted into us. Our hearts then can never become "hardened like stone" but must remain pliant and willing before our King.[/*:m:3vwl4l1l]
Jesus did away with
both of these, replacing them with a new kingdom model with
new symbols (communion, baptism) and a
new way of "being Israel". If one still thinks that Torah (e.g. the food laws) are still in force, it is hard to see how one has developed an understanding of how God's story is actually moving forward in time.
In short, to think the food laws are still in place is not to realize how history turns on the cross.
Short and sweet because this thread is indeed coming to an end.
Read between the lines written by your brother and sister here.
I love the way that our sister "
handy" made a brief statement,
"because the Lord is doing a work within each of our hearts, dependent upon where each person is in their individual walk with God" and will spare you elaboration but only refer back to that post. <
http://www.christianforums.net/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=38938&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=135#p472040 >
We all know and I hope agree that Jesus did not break the law.
The question becomes: Was Jesus One with the Father?
He is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. Is this not also true of Christ?
It is the job of the Holy Spirit to convict each person. Are we the greater? If so, how so?
These are the things we struggle with when we ask and peer into the Law itself.
If they are not heard then it is safe to consider that unto us is not given an ear to hear and let that be the conclusion. The blind shall not lead the blind because our trust is firmly placed in the only one who does not judge by the hearing and also not by what "appears" to his sight. He judges righteous judgment and we can all safely trust in him.
Drew, if you are stumbling on the word that I bring today - feel free to PM me. I am happy to search with you and discuss at any length how Jesus fullfilled the Law, how the Holy Spirit (Who by definition is 'holy' and utterly apart from sin) can use the law as a tool and convict sinners... They, while under the conviction of the Holy Spirit are being brought to grace, to the very cross for the unsaved -- or are being goaded by His Spirit to run to their Father for grace. It is this action that is seen here.
The type (pattern) that we who judge by our ear only is a mere reflection of what is true (and hidden).
If I were under conviction for sexual sin for example - but didn't want to talk about it because of my shame - and feared to be exposed... I could say, "My righteousness is that I follow the law better than ye all". Of course that is only filthy rags. But unto me it is the only thing that covers me. There is sin that leads to death (I don't say ye shall pray for that) and there is sin that does not: For that we simply ask our Father and He gives life. It is a sweet and abundant life as many here can say. In the garden both Adam and Eve hid from the Lord because they were naked. Today the "hiding behind false righteousness can be seen as a similar thing.
When we grab the filthy garment from our brothers hand and do not offer better - the full righteousness of Christ (in trade for nakedness) who is willing to trade His glory for our shame we are robbing God and violating the intent of the Holy Spirit who like
handy said [and clearly does as seen in her actions --- (but I'm not thinking this to show how 'special' she is and know she won't take it that way -same true for all who are doers and not hearers only)] deals with us
where we are.
Unto us who are given feet that are agile and swift is also given responsibility. If you love me? Obey me. If you love me? Feed (not spank) my sheep. The sheep hear his voice and WILL NOT follow another. Translated from Hebrew are the words from psalm 22: (23??) The Lord is my shepherd I will not fear.
- Stare straight into the face of the translation now: Yahweh is my rah-'aw (leader) -- not chaser!
The sheep understand the difference between being led to the sweet love they crave and being chased.
Jesus never chases the sheep and doesn't use the rod nor staff except in the way that results in comfort.
You are his sheep. I can not chase you (drive you / force you) in right spirit. I dare not go too far in front of you that you lose sight and cry --- you are a man, bah! Yes, it is true I am mere flesh as you. We each can bring to the other the truth.
I said I would be brief and mayhaps this is misspoken. It was the need for speed that compelled for I feared the thread would close and should have accepted the Lords assurances. Should have trusted the moderators here. I do fully agree with your most recent thought about what Paul wrote regarding the law making sin even more detestable. The statements you have made have enlightened me but more so it is because for some reason (and pardon the folly of my preaching to you here) ... it so because for some reason I was given peace to see it. The Lord is NOT my chaser. That sexual sin that I spoke of in analogy (by calling it pork) is the symptom. We struggle not against flesh and blood. We speak not about swine and blood. We speak here of sin and death and the resurrection and life. The law clearly states if we are guilty in one small point-- we are guilty of all. Beware though because the same one who says "love your brother" also says, "I am no respecter of persons". This is why when we go to reprove our brother (me) we must first consider ourselves so that we have a heart of understanding and can speak to him in a meek and quiet spirit as you have spoken to me this day.
My heart rejoices to see you standing next to me in the field that our Father has placed us in. Do not look at me - I am dark but lovely. I have been toiling in the direct light of the sun. My argument, my sin, my law, my God, my Grace and my brother and sister are One. May we conclude this discussion that shows my shame all too clearly to any who are given an eye to see?
Many thanks to all for their patience -- please understand how difficult it is for me to confess myself this way. Here though for your consideration the working within me, the struggle against sin of and for the redeemed, the chosen - even me.
PS - It is my intent to go back though this thread an glean further depths of the truth [closed] or not --and I would invite all to do so with thanks in their hearts for this thread, this meal, these various "meats" that have been set before us today by our King.