Yes and no. Look at the verse I put in. Jesus wasn't throwing stones. I liken our hard stance to throwing stones. For members of our congregation sure encourage repentance. For people that have nothing to do with us why force them to abide by what we want. They are no threat to us. Wouldn't free will conversion and repentance be our goal for people over forcing our will.
On the contrary,it could be looked at as them imposing their values on us..and many times that is exactly the case.
In numerous courtrooms and govt installations the ten commandments or other displays of faith have been removed.They werent a distraction to justice or other govt affairs,but small groups of atheists demanded through court action they be removed because they were offended..even though the majority of americans are either indifferent or would like them to stay.
Military chaplains have come under heavy fire in latter years for praying in Jesus' name,or gathering for other christian activities.Again special interest groups were key in this procedure and continue to pursue the harassment of our chaplains and other military personnel for daring to mention Jesus.I guess its totally acceptable to lay down the double standard these days.Nothing is said at the mention of other religious figures,and many have even begun to unfairly give more room to muslim figures to the point of outright brown-nosing.
Various displays of faith in general have been attacked in this country.Statues of Christ,crosses,etc have been removed,by court order,again through special interest intervention.
Kids have been barred by school staff for carrying bibles or simply meeting with other like-minded students for prayer or bible studies on campus.And usually theres an atheist or other anti-God teacher/school board member at the helm,again forcing their beliefs on people who pose no threat to them.
We have a book set before us that tells us how to live.We are tasked with bringing others to God,and I fully believe that each has his own choice.I also believe that just like civilizations in the past that any society who pushes God aside and ignores His rules will fail,without question.This has been demonstrated repeatedly in the bible,and we continue to see further examples around us today.Those of us left who do not wish to see this happen to our country are doing what they can to both maintain what ground we have,and make people aware of what is to come should we continue to roll over and let corruption swell because were afraid to rock the boat.
I fully believe that we have a duty to defend what God has graciously given us.Here in America,we have many wonderful things to be thankful for.This,at least for now,is a free nation though I wonder how much longer this will last.We cannot maintain integrity by allowing those with corrupt agendas wreck everything the Lord has set in motion here.
I believe it was Mike that made an excellent observation.Everyone here agrees that murder,thievery,kidnapping,etc should not be legal,and for good reason.These are dark acts which do nothing but tear down society and corrupt many along the way.Likewise it could be stated with a number of other things.Activists and politicians who struggle to bar homosexual marriage are fighting to preserve the way of life that we have enjoyed here for years and ultimately to stave off the coming judgement should we become another Sodom and Gomorrah.
If the extremely passive approach would work,I would be all for it.It would mean less arguments,struggles and hassle for us all.We can plainly see that it does not.Society has continued to decline over the generations when we adopt the hands-off approach and allow those around us to do what they will unhindered.Edmund Burke said it best in his quote "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing."
If you wish to keep what you have intact,then inevitably you will have to speak your mind,and you will have to fight for it at times.Some people will never accept the truth as it is,no matter how you phrase it or candy-coat it.Most of the accusations leveled from the other side are nothing but smoke and mirrors designed to divert attention from their agenda and oppress those they proclaim are the oppressors.
Ill wrap it up here with an opinion on the so-called "tolerance" that people encourage these days.It seems that for christians to be tolerant to others we should always smile,nod and hug everyone who comes along.Always agree with their deviant lifestyles,never speak against any action and never,
ever,mention the name Jesus.In short,for us to be tolerant we are expected to ignore everything the bible tells us,while at the same time silently accepting the condemnation that comes when we do follow the bible.Never voice an opinion,and never talk to anyone about morality.I guess the more we go,the more this starts to look like total censorship..or religious discrimination.We should not be apologetic about acknowledging God,and just cant be expected to bow down and cease all thought for fear of offending someone.People have grown into crybabies.What happened to the time when we could all disagree without calling the cops,or meet with friends to discuss common beliefs,within reason obviously,(christian or otherwise) without someone alerting the press and calling in the dogs?Things have gotten a bit squirrely.