Well, seems that way for some. I know people working in stores that are losing hours so they are going in whenever they can because rent is due.
Many are getting to work from home. Not sure if any employers have shut down and suspended pay, not sure if they are allowed to do that with federally mandated shut downs. My husbands work is still open and we are nervous about a shut down since he works with the public. We are hoping if a shut down were to come that he would still receive some pay.
They have also banned groups of 50 or more state wide supposedly. I am curious how they are going to be enforcing this with churches, afternoon birthday parties, etc.
I know a few in the big city that have said they have had to send people inside Costco in small groups. Didn't sound like it worked out well. Totally crazy. Really, groups of 50 or more have got to be in big retail store. It seems like only a matter of time before they limit this, but I am hoping it won't get to that point.