You're the only one to post in this thread who seems to think so. So why don't you just back off?
I agree 100% with you SD. It is one of the most important questions that anyone with one ounce of love within themselves would have to ask.
And man, am I so glad that it is answered over and over and over in scripture. Though there are those who obscure this answer so that ultimately, you will become imbondaged to them or their organization, or so it seems to me.
Those unbelieving in the message of Christ live a life of burning here in this world. They don't know who they are, who God is, or if he exist in some instances, why they are here on earth, or what exactly is going to be their fate at the death of the flesh. Even though they may be comfortable and at peace physically, spiritually they are dead to these great truths that give real comfort and peace.
What happens to your "athiest" wife when she dies? Her spirit returns unto God who gave it (Eccl 12:7).
Many people misunderstand that it is not in heaven that God wipes away all tears, it is in the new covenant that God wipes away all tears. Once you enter into this second covenant by believing the simple truths JC taught (that God is our Father, we are his children, and just like God is a eternal spirit, so are we), then God your Father wipes away all your tears about the suffering you and all others do here on this earth. It is all worth it and is not able to be compared with the glory that will be revealed after this life. God is putting us all through the suffering of death to perfect us, to give us an understanding of just how valuable our free gift of eternal life is.
Those last two chapters of revelation describe the new covenant, of which we are living now, not heaven. The spiritual city of Jerusalem is here now, and the gates are open, unbelief is the only thing that keeps us out. The healing can begin now, living water is offered to all who thirst. The time is here, at hand, as the book says in conclusion.
The only difference between you and your wife (if indeed that scenario is true), is that you have the peace of God ruling in your heart because you know all things are going according to God your Father's will, your wife would be lost to the fact that all things are going accordng to God her Father's will and would not have that peace of God.
What is the same about both of you, is that God is your Father, both of you are his children, and both of you are spirit, not the flesh. One knows it, the believer, the other doesn't, the unbeliever. But there is no way you will be mourning for her in heaven, she'll be right beside you, in the room JC has prepared for her.