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How to avoid the mark of the beast

Soon we will be faced with the mark of the beast. We will have no options if we don't, there will be no way to have access to survival. You should be looking for options right now to evade the inevitable before the door closes. I have know for 30 years a way out but we must act now before it to late. God told Abraham to go into the wilderness and he would provide. What if we built a community outside of this mess. What if we worked together and started fresh off grid, say 100 families. Each of us contributes a skill I may have a sawmill others cover raising livestock a year round greenhouse making jams honey preserves etc cover the needs of the community working together. No money changes hands. Perhaps a credit system instead. I run the sawmill you need a house and an outbuilding to work on your contribution to the community. You help cut the lumber and all your brothers come out to build your home and shop. Raising you up. Eventually our combined efforts give us all we need to flourish. I know how to make free power as I have been working on this for over 30 years. if we pick the right spot we could build a lodge for tourists hunting fishing nature adventures. This would generate cash flow until the people are forced to take the mark of the beast. The lodge becomes a place of worship with a large commercial kitchen and large dining room where we all meet for dinner ever day a chance to air any concerns, ideas, problems and settle disputes. Imagine a place where you are near your family both parents within reach of there children teaching them life skills working alongside of our kids bring them to the greenhouse to weed the garden so they can identify what's a weed. Life skills survival skills. Faith in God and the love of the entire community, brotherhood. A school without political interference to confuse them. A love and understanding of nature. We are literally standing on eden we just need to take our place as the guardians of nature. Plant berries in every meadow around us, a full bear is harmless. Nature would Benefit and flourish. Harmony with God's creatures. God made nature abundant one tomato has enough seeds to feed hundreds. It's not like this lifestyle doesn't exist look at the Amish the hutterites the minonites the quakers. The biggest threat to there lifestyle is there proximity to outsiders. I have been trying to find solid Christians to make this a reality people who believe 100% THAT GOD EXSISTS and want to live guided by his word. I could go on for hours about this subject I've had a long time to think it thru. Time is running out evil is winning we need to act fast before we are trapped. I have wanted to get this idea out in the world. I just signed up to this site today to give you all a message of hope a way to live as God intended. I'm 66 and don't have much time left in this world I hope to see this take life before I go. I think God would approve. I have had a safe place in mind to do this and if we combined our skills and financial resources we could make it happen. Hard work brotherhood and gods word is the foundation. Blowing around like a leaf in the wind uncertain about a future you have no control over is not the answer you don't need the corvette and the big house you'll never pay off. Spending very little time with your family to put food on the table and bills that never end. Nature heals us we just need to take our rightful place. I love God and thank him everyday I love Jesus and can't belive all that he suffered to save me no man I have ever met could bear what he went thru for us all. Give this idea some thought. please make this happen with or without me.
Feed the light share the love.
Be sealed with the Holy Spirit, that's the only solution. You know, in the parable of the sowers, there're four kinds of soil - stony soil, shallow soil, thorny soil and fertile soil. Traditionally, the first three are all lost causes, only the last allows the seed of gospel to take root and bear fruit; I believe only the first kind is a lost cause, shallow and thorny soil can be tilled, those are the mission field for cultivation. But by the time of the great tribulation, there won't be such a mission field anymore, no fence for you to sit on, everybody is either sealed with the Holy Spirit or marked by the Beast.
The beast is in the promised land and many have followed him since the deadly wound was healed.If you truly don't want to be around him,then don't follow him.
Hi guardian of eden

Don't want to bust your bubble, but in Matthew 24:15-21 when Jesus told us to flee when we see the son of perdition take its seat in Jerusalem, I don't think He had it in mine that we would build communities out in the wilderness. These would be out in the open where the enemy will find and destroy all that is within it, including killing or taking captive all the people and make them their slaves if they refuse the mark of this beast. Just like the Israelites in Exodus 16, God provided for their needs sending them manna and quail. We are to flee to the wilderness where God already has a place prepared for us until Christ returns.

Personally I am not afraid to die for the sake of Christ as my last breath being that of my witness of Christ to my executioner. Until that time comes, whether in my life or not, I will continue to be about my Fathers business.

Luke 19:43 For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side,
Luke 19:44 And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.

Rev 12:6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

John 15:20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
John 15:21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.

Mat 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Soon we will be faced with the mark of the beast. We will have no options if we don't, there will be no way to have access to survival. You should be looking for options right now to evade the inevitable before the door closes. I have know for 30 years a way out but we must act now before it to late. God told Abraham to go into the wilderness and he would provide. What if we built a community outside of this mess. What if we worked together and started fresh off grid, say 100 families. Each of us contributes a skill I may have a sawmill others cover raising livestock a year round greenhouse making jams honey preserves etc cover the needs of the community working together. No money changes hands. Perhaps a credit system instead. I run the sawmill you need a house and an outbuilding to work on your contribution to the community. You help cut the lumber and all your brothers come out to build your home and shop. Raising you up. Eventually our combined efforts give us all we need to flourish. I know how to make free power as I have been working on this for over 30 years. if we pick the right spot we could build a lodge for tourists hunting fishing nature adventures. This would generate cash flow until the people are forced to take the mark of the beast. The lodge becomes a place of worship with a large commercial kitchen and large dining room where we all meet for dinner ever day a chance to air any concerns, ideas, problems and settle disputes. Imagine a place where you are near your family both parents within reach of there children teaching them life skills working alongside of our kids bring them to the greenhouse to weed the garden so they can identify what's a weed. Life skills survival skills. Faith in God and the love of the entire community, brotherhood. A school without political interference to confuse them. A love and understanding of nature. We are literally standing on eden we just need to take our place as the guardians of nature. Plant berries in every meadow around us, a full bear is harmless. Nature would Benefit and flourish. Harmony with God's creatures. God made nature abundant one tomato has enough seeds to feed hundreds. It's not like this lifestyle doesn't exist look at the Amish the hutterites the minonites the quakers. The biggest threat to there lifestyle is there proximity to outsiders. I have been trying to find solid Christians to make this a reality people who believe 100% THAT GOD EXSISTS and want to live guided by his word. I could go on for hours about this subject I've had a long time to think it thru. Time is running out evil is winning we need to act fast before we are trapped. I have wanted to get this idea out in the world. I just signed up to this site today to give you all a message of hope a way to live as God intended. I'm 66 and don't have much time left in this world I hope to see this take life before I go. I think God would approve. I have had a safe place in mind to do this and if we combined our skills and financial resources we could make it happen. Hard work brotherhood and gods word is the foundation. Blowing around like a leaf in the wind uncertain about a future you have no control over is not the answer you don't need the corvette and the big house you'll never pay off. Spending very little time with your family to put food on the table and bills that never end. Nature heals us we just need to take our rightful place. I love God and thank him everyday I love Jesus and can't belive all that he suffered to save me no man I have ever met could bear what he went thru for us all. Give this idea some thought. please make this happen with or without me.
Feed the light share the love.
To be honest, I believe it's a much better idea to not resist the mark of the beast, in fact I would (and I'm taking to account that I'm not facing the mark right now so this is only in theory, and if the Lord gives me strength) let them capture me torture or even kill me so I can be done with this world.

Death is not a finality it's only a transportation device

Do you really want to stay on this planet and in this world? With all the sexual immorality and temptations? The idolatry the blasphemy and the hatred for god? The child sacrifice, child abuse, the occult, and so many unspeakable things that are done to the vulnerable? Do you really want to charge your life on this cursed planet that hates Jesus so much that the very Earth itself cries out to God everyday for its redemption? Do you really want to still be alive for the entirety of when God is pouring out his wrath on this country, and on the rest of the world? Whenever the Antichrist starts killing, unless the Lord tells me otherwise, I'm much rather be one of the first. Cuz that's really a free ticket to heaven if you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Personally, and I hope if you want to we can have a theological discussion about it, I found in my studies of scripture that it supports a post tribulation rapture.

Plus I know a lot of Christians don't really want to suffer for God so they just hope God will send the rapture so they won't have to face any trouble, and none of the things Jesus said would happen to Christians would come true and they can just get away Scott free, while the rest of the world suffers.
To be honest, I believe it's a much better idea to not resist the mark of the beast, in fact I would (and I'm taking to account that I'm not facing the mark right now so this is only in theory, and if the Lord gives me strength) let them capture me torture or even kill me so I can be done with this world.

Death is not a finality it's only a transportation device

Do you really want to stay on this planet and in this world? With all the sexual immorality and temptations? The idolatry the blasphemy and the hatred for god? The child sacrifice, child abuse, the occult, and so many unspeakable things that are done to the vulnerable? Do you really want to charge your life on this cursed planet that hates Jesus so much that the very Earth itself cries out to God everyday for its redemption? Do you really want to still be alive for the entirety of when God is pouring out his wrath on this country, and on the rest of the world? Whenever the Antichrist starts killing, unless the Lord tells me otherwise, I'm much rather be one of the first. Cuz that's really a free ticket to heaven if you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Do you realize that if you take the mark of this beast your allegiance is then to Satan as you have now renounced Jesus as your Lord and Savior. This is going to be a time of greater faith in God as we flee into the wilderness where God has a place prepared for us and will supply our needs like He did for the murmuring Israelites in Exodus 16 as God supplied manna, quail and fresh water. It's all about being Spiritually aware of what is yet to come and continue to be that faithful servant of God, even with your dying breath.

Mat 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

John 15:20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
John 15:21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.
Do you realize that if you take the mark of this beast your allegiance is then to Satan as you have now renounced Jesus as your Lord and Savior. This is going to be a time of greater faith in God as we flee into the wilderness where God has a place prepared for us and will supply our needs like He did for the murmuring Israelites in Exodus 16 as God supplied manna, quail and fresh water. It's all about being Spiritually aware of what is yet to come and continue to be that faithful servant of God, even with your dying breath.

Mat 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

John 15:20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
John 15:21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.
Sorry I should have rephrase what I said.

When I said not resist the mark of the beast, I meant the era of it. So when they hunt you down and force you to take the mark, I wouldn't be the one who would advise a plan to try to hide in the wilderness.

I would just rather die for not taking it right then and there. I didn't actually mean that I would take the mark.

So if I hear some new world order police coming to arrest Christians I wouldn't run away (unless it meant the safety of others), I will just let them rid me of this miserable life on Earth, for a glorious life awaiting me in heaven .

No naturally I probably would run, but I won't be sitting up here trying to devise a whole scheme of how to evade the clutches of the Antichrist, just let him kill me, then I can be join with my savior
Sorry I should have rephrase what I said.

When I said not resist the mark of the beast, I meant the era of it. So when they hunt you down and force you to take the mark, I wouldn't be the one who would advise a plan to try to hide in the wilderness.

I would just rather die for not taking it right then and there. I didn't actually mean that I would take the mark.

So if I hear some new world order police coming to arrest Christians I wouldn't run away (unless it meant the safety of others), I will just let them rid me of this miserable life on Earth, for a glorious life awaiting me in heaven .

No naturally I probably would run, but I won't be sitting up here trying to devise a whole scheme of how to evade the clutches of the Antichrist, just let him kill me, then I can be join with my savior
Unfortunately, I think we'll all be dead in the four horsemen judgements BEFORE that era. If you believe in rapture, then you'll be raptured. It's not a far stretch to link the crying souls of martyrs in the fifth seal to the quarter of global population casualty in the previous verse, is it?

So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth. When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” (Rev. 6:8-10)
Sorry I should have rephrase what I said.

When I said not resist the mark of the beast, I meant the era of it. So when they hunt you down and force you to take the mark, I wouldn't be the one who would advise a plan to try to hide in the wilderness.

I would just rather die for not taking it right then and there. I didn't actually mean that I would take the mark.

So if I hear some new world order police coming to arrest Christians I wouldn't run away (unless it meant the safety of others), I will just let them rid me of this miserable life on Earth, for a glorious life awaiting me in heaven .

No naturally I probably would run, but I won't be sitting up here trying to devise a whole scheme of how to evade the clutches of the Antichrist, just let him kill me, then I can be join with my savior
Thank you for clarifying that as I thought maybe you did not word that right.

If they take me they will have to kill me as no matter what I will never denounce Christ and His witness will be spoken even with my dying breath.
Unfortunately, I think we'll all be dead in the four horsemen judgements BEFORE that era. If you believe in rapture, then you'll be raptured. It's not a far stretch to link the crying souls of martyrs in the fifth seal to the quarter of global population casualty in the previous verse, is it?

So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth. When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” (Rev. 6:8-10)
IMO, and just my opinion, I think we are in the midst of the six seals approaching the coming day of the seventh seal being opened by Jesus. No man knows the day or the hour of Christ return, but He has given us many signs to watch for His return.
IMO, and just my opinion, I think we are in the midst of the six seals approaching the coming day of the seventh seal being opened by Jesus. No man knows the day or the hour of Christ return, but He has given us many signs to watch for His return.
Well I think not. Where are those cosmic disturbances in the sixth seal? And keep in mind that the definitive end time events take place on a global scale, not a regional scale. We ought to discern the time and season, but we mustn't be the boy crying wolf.
Well I think not. Where are those cosmic disturbances in the sixth seal? And keep in mind that the definitive end time events take place on a global scale, not a regional scale. We ought to discern the time and season, but we mustn't be the boy crying wolf.
Like I said it's only my opinion, plus I will not derail this thread. If you want to start a topic about the four horsemen then please tag me into it and we can discuss there.
Soon we will be faced with the mark of the beast. We will have no options if we don't, there will be no way to have access to survival. You should be looking for options right now to evade the inevitable before the door closes. I have know for 30 years a way out but we must act now before it to late. God told Abraham to go into the wilderness and he would provide. What if we built a community outside of this mess. What if we worked together and started fresh off grid, say 100 families. Each of us contributes a skill I may have a sawmill others cover raising livestock a year round greenhouse making jams honey preserves etc cover the needs of the community working together. No money changes hands. Perhaps a credit system instead. I run the sawmill you need a house and an outbuilding to work on your contribution to the community. You help cut the lumber and all your brothers come out to build your home and shop. Raising you up. Eventually our combined efforts give us all we need to flourish. I know how to make free power as I have been working on this for over 30 years. if we pick the right spot we could build a lodge for tourists hunting fishing nature adventures. This would generate cash flow until the people are forced to take the mark of the beast. The lodge becomes a place of worship with a large commercial kitchen and large dining room where we all meet for dinner ever day a chance to air any concerns, ideas, problems and settle disputes. Imagine a place where you are near your family both parents within reach of there children teaching them life skills working alongside of our kids bring them to the greenhouse to weed the garden so they can identify what's a weed. Life skills survival skills. Faith in God and the love of the entire community, brotherhood. A school without political interference to confuse them. A love and understanding of nature. We are literally standing on eden we just need to take our place as the guardians of nature. Plant berries in every meadow around us, a full bear is harmless. Nature would Benefit and flourish. Harmony with God's creatures. God made nature abundant one tomato has enough seeds to feed hundreds. It's not like this lifestyle doesn't exist look at the Amish the hutterites the minonites the quakers. The biggest threat to there lifestyle is there proximity to outsiders. I have been trying to find solid Christians to make this a reality people who believe 100% THAT GOD EXSISTS and want to live guided by his word. I could go on for hours about this subject I've had a long time to think it thru. Time is running out evil is winning we need to act fast before we are trapped. I have wanted to get this idea out in the world. I just signed up to this site today to give you all a message of hope a way to live as God intended. I'm 66 and don't have much time left in this world I hope to see this take life before I go. I think God would approve. I have had a safe place in mind to do this and if we combined our skills and financial resources we could make it happen. Hard work brotherhood and gods word is the foundation. Blowing around like a leaf in the wind uncertain about a future you have no control over is not the answer you don't need the corvette and the big house you'll never pay off. Spending very little time with your family to put food on the table and bills that never end. Nature heals us we just need to take our rightful place. I love God and thank him everyday I love Jesus and can't belive all that he suffered to save me no man I have ever met could bear what he went thru for us all. Give this idea some thought. please make this happen with or without me.
Feed the light share the love.
I like your survival ideas.
Ive dwelt on that sometimes, and i have plenty of ideas, like have preachers carry metal shields as they walk to protect from shots, etc.