How to avoid the mark of the beast

I like your survival ideas.
Ive dwelt on that sometimes, and i have plenty of ideas, like have preachers carry metal shields as they walk to protect from shots, etc.
Amen thank you for that insight and ì believe share your thoughts on this subject I'm 64 yrs old my husband is 70 we don't have much time in this world God's timing we see signs as it says in the Bible we don't know when but look forward I pray to endure we would welcome the idea of living in a community like that so much of this life is worldly we are caught up in it they make money a priority of friendship and all these electronics is the devils playground families are torn apart as mine is its really sad I have no friends to speak of most of my friends left me but I talk to God and read sometimes I'm inpatient and I'm not thankful enough for anything we live in a government based apt I'm waiting for God to move us in the country un safe living conditions we are on the 8th floor my husband is crippled there was a fire here 4 floor he had to walk 8 flights of stairs leave the wheel chair so pray for us would you like to be friends my name is Shirley I'm living waters God bless
Soon we will be faced with the mark of the beast. We will have no options if we don't, there will be no way to have access to survival. You should be looking for options right now to evade the inevitable before the door closes. I have know for 30 years a way out but we must act now before it to late. God told Abraham to go into the wilderness and he would provide. What if we built a community outside of this mess. What if we worked together and started fresh off grid, say 100 families. Each of us contributes a skill I may have a sawmill others cover raising livestock a year round greenhouse making jams honey preserves etc cover the needs of the community working together. No money changes hands. Perhaps a credit system instead. I run the sawmill you need a house and an outbuilding to work on your contribution to the community. You help cut the lumber and all your brothers come out to build your home and shop. Raising you up. Eventually our combined efforts give us all we need to flourish. I know how to make free power as I have been working on this for over 30 years. if we pick the right spot we could build a lodge for tourists hunting fishing nature adventures. This would generate cash flow until the people are forced to take the mark of the beast. The lodge becomes a place of worship with a large commercial kitchen and large dining room where we all meet for dinner ever day a chance to air any concerns, ideas, problems and settle disputes. Imagine a place where you are near your family both parents within reach of there children teaching them life skills working alongside of our kids bring them to the greenhouse to weed the garden so they can identify what's a weed. Life skills survival skills. Faith in God and the love of the entire community, brotherhood. A school without political interference to confuse them. A love and understanding of nature. We are literally standing on eden we just need to take our place as the guardians of nature. Plant berries in every meadow around us, a full bear is harmless. Nature would Benefit and flourish. Harmony with God's creatures. God made nature abundant one tomato has enough seeds to feed hundreds. It's not like this lifestyle doesn't exist look at the Amish the hutterites the minonites the quakers. The biggest threat to there lifestyle is there proximity to outsiders. I have been trying to find solid Christians to make this a reality people who believe 100% THAT GOD EXSISTS and want to live guided by his word. I could go on for hours about this subject I've had a long time to think it thru. Time is running out evil is winning we need to act fast before we are trapped. I have wanted to get this idea out in the world. I just signed up to this site today to give you all a message of hope a way to live as God intended. I'm 66 and don't have much time left in this world I hope to see this take life before I go. I think God would approve. I have had a safe place in mind to do this and if we combined our skills and financial resources we could make it happen. Hard work brotherhood and gods word is the foundation. Blowing around like a leaf in the wind uncertain about a future you have no control over is not the answer you don't need the corvette and the big house you'll never pay off. Spending very little time with your family to put food on the table and bills that never end. Nature heals us we just need to take our rightful place. I love God and thank him everyday I love Jesus and can't belive all that he suffered to save me no man I have ever met could bear what he went thru for us all. Give this idea some thought. please make this happen with or without me.
Feed the light share the love.
Where is that song from I'd love to hear it?
If you click on the lyrics in my post it is a link to the rest of the song lyrics . The rest of the lyrics are PG rated by the way .

The song is "Spanish Pipedream " by John Prine .

Welcome to the forum living waters :Heywlcme .
Yea,I know .
It's impossible for a people who deny Jesus is the Christ to be an antichrist people

It's impossible that the people who reject God's chosen king of Israel(Messiah Yeshua)could possibly have made a beast to worship.

It's impossible for a nation which received a deadly wound and was healed to be the beast which people from all nations would follow even though the Jews who have followed after the beast are from all nations.

What's crazy is you didn't notice any of these things.

Exodus 4:22
And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:

Can you tell the difference between Israel(the son of God)and Benjamin netanyahu?
"It's impossible for a nation which received a deadly wound and was healed to be the beast which people from all nations would follow even though the Jews who have followed after the beast are from all nations."

No one is "following" Israel. The world hates Israel. Isaiah 11 has been fulfilled. The Jews were scattered into all nations but have returned to form a Nation. Don't call Israel "the Beast". That is far from the truth. Israel is a miracle---people hidden for 2000 years retaining their identity, reborn in 1948. And their word, hidden for 2000 years in caves (the Dead Sea Scrolls) found in 1947. Coincidence? The scrolls found one year before Israel is reborn--both hidden for 2000 years?? This is God's hand. You greatly dishonor God to call his Nation the Beast!!
"It's impossible for a nation which received a deadly wound and was healed to be the beast which people from all nations would follow even though the Jews who have followed after the beast are from all nations."

No one is "following" Israel. The world hates Israel. Isaiah 11 has been fulfilled. The Jews were scattered into all nations but have returned to form a Nation. Don't call Israel "the Beast". That is far from the truth. Israel is a miracle---people hidden for 2000 years retaining their identity, reborn in 1948. And their word, hidden for 2000 years in caves (the Dead Sea Scrolls) found in 1947. Coincidence? The scrolls found one year before Israel is reborn--both hidden for 2000 years?? This is God's hand. You greatly dishonor God to call his Nation the Beast!!

It is the Jews who followed the beast from all nations.

The nation in judea which received a deadly wound in 70 ad is the nation who's deadly wound was healed in 1948.
And you believe it's a

It's a miracle.A country set aside for people who deny Jesus is the Christ.An antichrist nation and you say it's a miracle.
It is the Jews who followed the beast from all nations.

The nation in judea which received a deadly wound in 70 ad is the nation who's deadly wound was healed in 1948.
And you believe it's a

It's a miracle.A country set aside for people who deny Jesus is the Christ.An antichrist nation and you say it's a miracle.
The WHOLE world denies that Jesus is the Christ.

"The nation in judea which received a deadly wound in 70 ad is the nation who's deadly wound was healed in 1948.
And you believe it's a".
That is just a VERY BAD INTERPRETATION of that scripture in Revelation. Babylon (the actual kingdom) received a "deadly wound" and could easily revive in the last days--who knows? There are many different interpretations for those verses.

But you should be careful. You sound ANTI-SEMITIC and God said to the Jews "those who bless you I will bless, and those who curse you I will curse". Yes--- the formation of Israel as a nation again is a MIRACLE. It could have only come from God. God during the Tribulation will DEAL with Israel. But God is not going to destroy Israel, They will become a GREAT BLESSING to the whole world. Your theology is warped.
The WHOLE world denies that Jesus is the Christ.

"The nation in judea which received a deadly wound in 70 ad is the nation who's deadly wound was healed in 1948.
And you believe it's a".
That is just a VERY BAD INTERPRETATION of that scripture in Revelation. Babylon (the actual kingdom) received a "deadly wound" and could easily revive in the last days--who knows? There are many different interpretations for those verses.

But you should be careful. You sound ANTI-SEMITIC and God said to the Jews "those who bless you I will bless, and those who curse you I will curse". Yes--- the formation of Israel as a nation again is a MIRACLE. It could have only come from God. God during the Tribulation will DEAL with Israel. But God is not going to destroy Israel, They will become a GREAT BLESSING to the whole world. Your theology is warped.
Oh wait ,I get it now.

You believe Benjamin netanyahu and his kingdom.he rules is the son of God because they call themselves Israel.

Well,do you really think they are the true son of God,even his first born son?

Exodus ,4:22
Then say to Pharaoh, ‘This is what the LORD says: Israel is my firstborn son,
Oh wait ,I get it now.

You believe Benjamin netanyahu and his kingdom.he rules is the son of God because they call themselves Israel.

Well,do you really think they are the true son of God,even his first born son?

Exodus ,4:22
Then say to Pharaoh, ‘This is what the LORD says: Israel is my firstborn son,
So, do you think the nation in the Middle East, Israel, is an impostor? Is that what you are saying? If you are I would just ask that you consider this:

In AD 70 the Temple was destroyed, and the Jews were scattered. At that time a group of Essenes hid what are called the "Dead Sea Scrolls" in many caves in the desert. Now think about this carefully: those scrolls were put in clay containers and placed in caves near the front of the cave. They were not deeply hidden within the caves---in fact, in 1947 a little shepherd boy threw a rock into the cave and heard a breaking sound. He investigated, and very near the front of the cave he found a clay container with old scrolls in it. Now, this was not the only cave----there were MANY caves that these containers were hidden in. And how LONG were these containers and scrolls hidden? 2000 years!! NO ONE FOUND THEM FOR 2000 YEARS! They were right there at the front of the caves---BUT GOD KEPT THEM FROM BEING FOUND UNTIL THE TIME WAS RIGHT. These scrolls contained copies of every book in the Old Testament except Esther.

God literally PRESERVED his WORD for 2000 years! The scrolls of Isaiah have changed little from what we have today---proving that God's word HAS NOT CHANGED. God has protected his WORD for 2000 years. These scrolls were found in 1947.

What also happened in AD 70? The Jews themselves were scattered among the nations. It was like a nation being HIDDEN among other nations for 2000 years. When was Israel reborn? 1948. One year after the scrolls were found---God preserved his WORD for 2000 years--and God preserved his PEOPLE for 2000 years!!

Think of the timing!!! 2000 years for the scrolls---found in 1947. 2000 years for the Jews---reborn in 1948. Only one year apart after 2000 years!!! Coincidence??? No way! This was the very hand of God. You can deny this MIRACLE all you want. But Israel right now is a nation GOD HAS CREATED. They are NOT the BEAST as you state. They are the earthly people of God-----back in the Middle east just as Isaiah 11 promised. You are missing a HUGE BLESSING by saying what you are. We are blessed to see a prophecy fulfilled right before our eyes. The formation of Israel in 1948 was the start of the return of Jesus Christ to the earth! The clock is ticking and Jesus will return very soon. Imagine his displeasure if you are calling his blessed people "the Beast"?? You need to think about that carefully.
Oh wait ,I get it now.

You believe Benjamin netanyahu and his kingdom.he rules is the son of God because they call themselves Israel.

Well,do you really think they are the true son of God,even his first born son?

Exodus ,4:22
Then say to Pharaoh, ‘This is what the LORD says: Israel is my firstborn son,
You simply believe "todays isreal bad" because you attach your Private Interpretation TM onto Scripture where your ideas aren't there. Eigesis.
I think the Bible is very clear that the church will not be here during the Tribulation.
Hi Fish153

Just curious, but where do you find the place in Scripture where they are very clear that the church will not be here during the tribulation?
Hi Fish153

Just curious, but where do you find the place in Scripture where they are very clear that the church will not be here during the tribulation?
Well you know, when they say something is "very clear" they only *hope* to make it clear to those for whom it is *not* very clear! ;)

What they really mean is that if you look at things their way, accepting their presuppositions are all true, then it *would be* very clear. Of course, if those suppositions are wrong, then things are not only unclear, but they may very well be false!
Oh wait ,I get it now.

You believe Benjamin netanyahu and his kingdom.he rules is the son of God because they call themselves Israel.

Well,do you really think they are the true son of God,even his first born son?

Exodus ,4:22
Then say to Pharaoh, ‘This is what the LORD says: Israel is my firstborn son,
Hey Shilohsfoal

I'd say drop the reference to Benjamin Netanyahu and that his kingdon is somehow the 'son of God'. Israel, the nation, is filled with God's children that are His children through the Abrahamic promise. And God still loves them. You know why? Because they did everything that God needed them to do to bring us salvation through His Son, Jesus.

The people of Israel, wrote the Scriptures. The people of Israel put God's Son, our Messiah, to death. All of that was God's plan when he called a man named Abram from the city of Ur some 4,000 years ago. God still loves Israel, though just like the believers in Jesus, we are still a bunch of stiff-necked people. Just as there are hundreds of thousands of Jews who don't understand what God is doing and has done, there are hundreds of thousands of people sitting in pews/chairs on Sunday/Saturday morning who don't understand what God is doing and has done.

God loves Israel and His own words are that His love for them is an undying love. He has promised that His punishment for them will not last forever. And that's what we're seeing.

Israel, the nation, it doesn't matter who is leading the nation, is the apple of God's eye. You might also recall that throughout the old covenant about 80% of the kings of Israel and Judah were wicked leaders. Why do you think that's any different today? Maybe PM Netanyahu is a wicked leader in God's sight, I don't know, but that doesn't make the nation of Israel any less loved in God's sight and according to His testimony.
Well you know, when they say something is "very clear" they only *hope* to make it clear to those for whom it is *not* very clear! ;)

What they really mean is that if you look at things their way, accepting their presuppositions are all true, then it *would be* very clear. Of course, if those suppositions are wrong, then things are not only unclear, but they may very well be false!
Hi RandyK

I appreciate your response, but I was really hoping to get an honest explanation to my question from the person of whom it was asked. I think that's proper English. Which is why I asked the question. I agree with you and so I want the poster to explain to me why they think the Scriptures are clear on this matter.

Usually they bring to the table the piece of Scripture that says that God's children are not destined for God's wrath. I agree with that 100%. But, I think the issue is really what event and time God's word is talking about when it talks about God sending His wrath upon those left upon the earth vs. what event and time God's word is talking about when it talks about the Days of Great Tribulation.

Many think that those two references to some point in the real goings on here on the earth, are references to the same time and events. I don't.
Don't want to bust your bubble, but in Matthew 24:15-21 when Jesus told us to flee when we see the son of perdition take its seat in Jerusalem, I don't think He had it in mine that we would build communities out in the wilderness. These would be out in the open where the enemy will find and destroy all that is within it, including killing or taking captive all the people and make them their slaves if they refuse the mark of this beast. Just like the Israelites in Exodus 16, God provided for their needs sending them manna and quail. We are to flee to the wilderness where God already has a place prepared for us until Christ returns.
He meant "flee" literally as he was prophesing about the siege of Jerusalem in 70AD. They didn't build communities in the wilderness, though, they became refugees in the Roman Empire. Most people ignore the context of the Olivet Discourse, they jump right to the end time, that's a pitfall. In the proveious chapter the disciples marveled at the grandeur and splendor of the temple in Jerusalem, but Jesus told them that it would go down in ruins, "not one stone will be left upon another" (Lk. 21:6). The disciples were shocked, so they asked, "Teacher, but when will these things be? And what sign will there be when these things are about to take place?” (Lk. 21:7) And there goes the Olivet Discourse. The "desolation" is not about the Antichrist sitting in the temple with his image held high, but literal desolation of the once beautiful city and the temple, and here's the key verse that bridges 70AD and the end time: "And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled." (Lk. 20:24). After that, the second coming in the following verses (Lk. 20:25-28).

The "sign" Jesus mentioned in Luke's account is the siege - "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near." Again, that's desolation in a literal sense, Jerusalem was about to be sacked. I learnt it in one sermon that the local Roman army was pushed out of the city by the rebels, then they stationed outside and waited for reinforcement, that gave the civilians in the city a precious window of opportunity to flee into the nearby mountains, and the Christians who remembered the Olivert Discourse and followed the instruction survived. This insight in Lk. 20:21-24 doesn't exist in Matthew's account, but it must be taken into consideration.
He meant "flee" literally as he was prophesing about the siege of Jerusalem in 70AD. They didn't build communities in the wilderness, though, they became refugees in the Roman Empire. Most people ignore the context of the Olivet Discourse, they jump right to the end time, that's a pitfall. In the proveious chapter the disciples marveled at the grandeur and splendor of the temple in Jerusalem, but Jesus told them that it would go down in ruins, "not one stone will be left upon another" (Lk. 21:6). The disciples were shocked, so they asked, "Teacher, but when will these things be? And what sign will there be when these things are about to take place?” (Lk. 21:7) And there goes the Olivet Discourse. The "desolation" is not about the Antichrist sitting in the temple with his image held high, but literal desolation of the once beautiful city and the temple, and here's the key verse that bridges 70AD and the end time: "And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled." (Lk. 20:24). After that, the second coming in the following verses (Lk. 20:25-28).

The "sign" Jesus mentioned in Luke's account is the siege - "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near." Again, that's desolation in a literal sense, Jerusalem was about to be sacked. I learnt it in one sermon that the local Roman army was pushed out of the city by the rebels, then they stationed outside and waited for reinforcement, that gave the civilians in the city a precious window of opportunity to flee into the nearby mountains, and the Christians who remembered the Olivert Discourse and followed the instruction survived. This insight in Lk. 20:21-24 doesn't exist in Matthew's account, but it must be taken into consideration.
I have to disagree as the son of perdition has not yet taken his seat in Jerusalem. Many are taught that this all happened in 70AD with the destruction of the Temple, but yet Jesus has not returned yet. During its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed at least twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times.
I have to disagree as the son of perdition has not yet taken his seat in Jerusalem. Many are taught that this all happened in 70AD with the destruction of the Temple, but yet Jesus has not returned yet. During its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed at least twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times.
Jesus hasn’t returned because the time of the gentiles hasn’t finished yet. Also the son of perdition has not been revealed, until he is revealed, no second coming. 2 Thess. 2:3. During the history, at no other time in no other events were all the people of Jerusalem slaughtered and taken into captivity, and the second temple was only destroyed ONCE, that’s what the disciples asked and what Jesus was referring to.
I have to disagree as the son of perdition has not yet taken his seat in Jerusalem. Many are taught that this all happened in 70AD with the destruction of the Temple, but yet Jesus has not returned yet. During its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed at least twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times.
You disagree because you neglected Lk. 21:20-24, you didn't combine that with Matthew's account, thereby you didn't see the whole picture. Does it really make any sense that Jesus would skip the catastrophic destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD that directly ruined the city into an "abomination of desolation" - when some of his disciples were still alive - and jump right into those other 23 sieges? Maybe it is so to me, but not to me and those "many".