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How to avoid the mark of the beast

What does it say in Revelation about the church and the MOTB ?
Depends on which church you're in, there're seven, not one monolithic.

Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. (Rev. 2:22)
Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. (Rev. 3:10)
So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. (Rev. 3:16)
Mark Of The Beast .

What does it say in Revelation about the church and the MOTB ?
Thank you.

John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

John 5:28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, 29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

John 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

The Church, which represents the bride of Christ, will face seeing much tribulation as it will be hard to bare seeing Gods wrath poured out on the unjust as we are sent out to preach to them before we enter into the kingdom of God (New Jerusalem). There are many false teachings that teach we are taken out of here before some seven year Great Tribulation, which is not found in scripture no matter how they make scripture to line up with this false theory. There is no seven years, but that of only seven trumpets sounding. If you read about the first six trumpets they have a beginning and an end before the next one sounds. The seventh trumpet has a beginning, but no end until that of Christ return on the last day.

Some also teach that after Rev Chapter 4 the Church is no longer here on earth. If this were the case then why did Jesus say that those who endure until the end will be saved. The end of what, the end of days or as scripture calls it that great and terrible day of the Lord when final judgment will be passed as the Sheep are separated from the goats and the goats are cast into the lake of fire with Satan, the beast and false prophets.

By studying all the scriptures below in Revelations I come to the conclusion we will see much tribulation, but not to fear what must come first before the return of Christ, but stand strong in the faith of Christ Jesus so we can endure until the coming of the Lord. We need to be His witnesses as a faithful servant until He returns. God's wrath is not for the elect of God as they are kept from it falling on them and when we see the abomination that causes desolation, Daniel Chapter 7; Matthew 24:15-22; Rev Chapter 13, we are to flee from taking its mark as we stand in a greater faith in Christ that we need not fear that which has to come first before Christ returns, Matthew 10:28, but that we need to be prepared as His Bride when He does return on the last day and destroys the beast and false prophet at His coming, Rev 19.

Act 14:22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God as we are also His disciples.

Mat 24:13,29-31 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Matthew 24:29-31; Rev 3:5; 19:8 Jesus is telling us to watch for the signs of His coming and to overcome so that our names are not blotted out of the Lamb's book of life.

Rev 5:13; 6:17; 7:1-5 On earth and under the earth are those who are still here until the end of days as God's wrath begins with the opening of the seventh seal.

Rev 6:9-11 Note where John says fellow servants and brethren that should be killed as they were, which means those of the elect of God who refuse to take the mark of the beast and will die a martyr's death for their faith in Christ.

Rev 7:13-17 Which came out of great tribulation is the fullness of the Gentiles who also died a martyr's death for the sake of Christ.

Rev 8:13 Three woes are that of warning the people on earth that the last three trumpets are about to sound.

Rev 13:11-18 Here John is showing us about mystery Babylon ruling the world as a one world government. 666 represents the number of the beast and the mark is the action of the hands and thoughts of the mind as many will be deceived and accept this mark.

Rev 14:14-20 The harvest of Gods Children who are still alive at this time as they are being protected against the vial judgments that will fall on those who have rejected Christ.

Rev 16:11,15 And they repented not. The elect of God are told to watch for the return of Christ as He comes like a thief and we are to keep our garments clean and not found in shame

Rev 18:23, 24 We have now come out of great tribulation through the persecution of the revived Roman Empire and Christ is about to return for His Bride

Rev 19:7,8 We being the Bride of Christ have now made ourselves ready for His coming as those who are still alive at this time and asleep in the grave have endured until the last day when Christ returns and destroys the beast and false prophet and sends His angels out to gather the Bride up to meet Jesus in the air.

Rev 20:4-6 These verses show that we went through much annihilation and endured until the end being the last day when Christ returns.

Rev 20:12-15 The Great White Throne judgment and Jesus judgment for the works we did or did not do for him here on earth
The first coming of Jesus Christ spanned 33-1/2 years. it started at his birth. I believe the second coming of Jesus Christ began on May 14, 1948--the birth of the nation of Israel. We are so PRIVILEGED to be alive right now. We live in a generation that has actually witnessed a fulfillment of God's prophecy and promise. Look at a world globe---Israel is there just as God promised thousands of years ago. For two thousand years the Jews were "hidden" amongst the nations of the world. Also, for two thousand years the "dead sea scrolls" were "hidden" in caves. Isn't it amazing that the scrolls were found in 1947, and Israel was reborn in 1948? 2000 years! This is God's miraculous hand.

Israel has existed now for 76 years. Moses in Psalm 90 says a "generation" can be 70 or maybe 80 years old if the person has strength. "Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures.." (Ps. 90:10)
Jesus seems to infer by the "fig tree" sprouting, and the people who are alive to see it happen, that "this generation" shall not pass until it has happened. if a generation is 70-80 years, and Israel (the fig tree) has been alive for 76 years now---then we have drawn very close to the return of Christ.

I sincerely believe we are VERY close to the actual, physical return of Jesus. This will begin with the rapture of the Church as Jesus "comes" for the church. As the Tribulation period begins on earth for seven years, the Judgment Seat of Christ for believers will take place at the same time in Heaven. Then, after that, the Lord will "return with ten thousands of his saints" to the earth. His physical return will be in two phases: 1. He "comes" for the saints (The Rapture). 2. He "returns WITH his saints to the earth. When the second phase takes place the Anti-Christ will be destroyed and the Millenium will begin. (1000 years on earth----at the same time Satan will be locked up for 1000 years--see Revelation 20). Then Satan is released for "a little while" once again. Then the Final battle occurs and Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire. Then the Great White Throne Judgment occurs at the very end of time. And blissful eternity begins. Hallelujah!
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Christ returns and destroys the beast and false prophet and sends His angels out to gather the Bride up to meet Jesus in the air.
Find me the verse(s) that have angels gathering the bride in Revelation .
Some also teach that after Rev Chapter 4 the Church is no longer here on earth.
With good reason .
If this were the case then why did Jesus say that those who endure until the end will be saved.
The remnant , not the bride .
Thank you.

John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

John 5:28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, 29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

John 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

The Church, which represents the bride of Christ, will face seeing much tribulation as it will be hard to bare seeing Gods wrath poured out on the unjust as we are sent out to preach to them before we enter into the kingdom of God (New Jerusalem). There are many false teachings that teach we are taken out of here before some seven year Great Tribulation, which is not found in scripture no matter how they make scripture to line up with this false theory. There is no seven years, but that of only seven trumpets sounding. If you read about the first six trumpets they have a beginning and an end before the next one sounds. The seventh trumpet has a beginning, but no end until that of Christ return on the last day.

Some also teach that after Rev Chapter 4 the Church is no longer here on earth. If this were the case then why did Jesus say that those who endure until the end will be saved. The end of what, the end of days or as scripture calls it that great and terrible day of the Lord when final judgment will be passed as the Sheep are separated from the goats and the goats are cast into the lake of fire with Satan, the beast and false prophets.

By studying all the scriptures below in Revelations I come to the conclusion we will see much tribulation, but not to fear what must come first before the return of Christ, but stand strong in the faith of Christ Jesus so we can endure until the coming of the Lord. We need to be His witnesses as a faithful servant until He returns. God's wrath is not for the elect of God as they are kept from it falling on them and when we see the abomination that causes desolation, Daniel Chapter 7; Matthew 24:15-22; Rev Chapter 13, we are to flee from taking its mark as we stand in a greater faith in Christ that we need not fear that which has to come first before Christ returns, Matthew 10:28, but that we need to be prepared as His Bride when He does return on the last day and destroys the beast and false prophet at His coming, Rev 19.

Act 14:22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God as we are also His disciples.

Mat 24:13,29-31 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Matthew 24:29-31; Rev 3:5; 19:8 Jesus is telling us to watch for the signs of His coming and to overcome so that our names are not blotted out of the Lamb's book of life.

Rev 5:13; 6:17; 7:1-5 On earth and under the earth are those who are still here until the end of days as God's wrath begins with the opening of the seventh seal.

Rev 6:9-11 Note where John says fellow servants and brethren that should be killed as they were, which means those of the elect of God who refuse to take the mark of the beast and will die a martyr's death for their faith in Christ.

Rev 7:13-17 Which came out of great tribulation is the fullness of the Gentiles who also died a martyr's death for the sake of Christ.

Rev 8:13 Three woes are that of warning the people on earth that the last three trumpets are about to sound.

Rev 13:11-18 Here John is showing us about mystery Babylon ruling the world as a one world government. 666 represents the number of the beast and the mark is the action of the hands and thoughts of the mind as many will be deceived and accept this mark.

Rev 14:14-20 The harvest of Gods Children who are still alive at this time as they are being protected against the vial judgments that will fall on those who have rejected Christ.

Rev 16:11,15 And they repented not. The elect of God are told to watch for the return of Christ as He comes like a thief and we are to keep our garments clean and not found in shame

Rev 18:23, 24 We have now come out of great tribulation through the persecution of the revived Roman Empire and Christ is about to return for His Bride

Rev 19:7,8 We being the Bride of Christ have now made ourselves ready for His coming as those who are still alive at this time and asleep in the grave have endured until the last day when Christ returns and destroys the beast and false prophet and sends His angels out to gather the Bride up to meet Jesus in the air.

Rev 20:4-6 These verses show that we went through much annihilation and endured until the end being the last day when Christ returns.

Rev 20:12-15 The Great White Throne judgment and Jesus judgment for the works we did or did not do for him here on earth
I have to disagree with you here. I think the Bible is very clear that the church will not be here during the Tribulation. Many think Enoch is a type of the church. He was "taken" by God before the flood. Noah and those with him did go through a judgment period---but they were completely protected from the judgment of rain having been "shut in the ark" personally by God. And look at Lot. The angels said they could not destroy Sodom as long as he was there. And look at Lot: where did he "choose" to live? Abraham had said Lot could have any land he chose---and Lot chose to live in Sodom. He was sorry for it later: "if he rescued Lot, A RIGHTEOUS MAN, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)— if this is so, then the Lord knows how to RESCUE THE GODLY FROM TRIALS and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment". (2 Peter 2:8,9).

Please note that Lot was removed from the city by angels before judgment fell. Also note that Peter (by the Holy Spirit) declares Lot to be a "righteous man". Was Lot considered "righteous" due to his own works? No. God DECLARED Lot righteous, as he had done earlier with Abraham.

You are making the mistake of thinking that God will allow some Christians to go through Tribulation because of what THEY have done or not done. But NONE OF US is righteous----every member of the church is DECLARED RIGHTEOUS by God. The church is CHRIST'S BODY. Is Jesus going to leave part of his own body on earth to suffer through Tribulation? No----the WHOLE CHURCH WILL BE RAPTURED based on the fact they are DECLARED RIGHTEOUS by God. The church will receive rewards, or lack of rewards at the JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST--not by enduring the Tribulation. I think you are greatly mistaken to think the church will still be here when the Tribulation occurs. I Thessalonians clearly teaches that the whole church will be raptured (the dead first, followed by those still alive). It is a very clear teaching.
I have to disagree with you here. I think the Bible is very clear that the church will not be here during the Tribulation. Many think Enoch is a type of the church. He was "taken" by God before the flood. Noah and those with him did go through a judgment period---but they were completely protected from the judgment of rain having been "shut in the ark" personally by God. And look at Lot. The angels said they could not destroy Sodom as long as he was there. And look at Lot: where did he "choose" to live? Abraham had said Lot could have any land he chose---and Lot chose to live in Sodom. He was sorry for it later: "if he rescued Lot, A RIGHTEOUS MAN, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)— if this is so, then the Lord knows how to RESCUE THE GODLY FROM TRIALS and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment". (2 Peter 2:8,9).

Please note that Lot was removed from the city by angels before judgment fell. Also note that Peter (by the Holy Spirit) declares Lot to be a "righteous man". Was Lot considered "righteous" due to his own works? No. God DECLARED Lot righteous, as he had done earlier with Abraham.

You are making the mistake of thinking that God will allow some Christians to go through Tribulation because of what THEY have done or not done. But NONE OF US is righteous----every member of the church is DECLARED RIGHTEOUS by God. The church is CHRIST'S BODY. Is Jesus going to leave part of his own body on earth to suffer through Tribulation? No----the WHOLE CHURCH WILL BE RAPTURED based on the fact they are DECLARED RIGHTEOUS by God. The church will receive rewards, or lack of rewards at the JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST--not by enduring the Tribulation. I think you are greatly mistaken to think the church will still be here when the Tribulation occurs. I Thessalonians clearly teaches that the whole church will be raptured (the dead first, followed by those still alive). It is a very clear teaching.
You have every right to refute the scriptures in my post #24, but allow me to add the below scripture, and by the way many of us have faced harsh tribulations in our life, even close to death, and God has always brought us through.

John 15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
John 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
John 15:20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
John 15:21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.
John 15:22 If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.
Find me the verse(s) that have angels gathering the bride in Revelation .
It's a combination of Matthew 24:29-31 and Rev 19:11-21 which all takes place after the 3 1/2 years of the reign of the beast and its mark.

With good reason .
Please show me where it says we are Raptured out of here before the great tribulation that has ever been, nor will ever be again in Rev 4

The remnant , not the bride .
Think about what is written in Matthew 24 and where Jesus says in vs. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

The end of what! The end of all these tribulations Jesus spoke of before He returns on the last day.
You have every right to refute the scriptures in my post #24, but allow me to add the below scripture, and by the way many of us have faced harsh tribulations in our life, even close to death, and God has always brought us through.

John 15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
John 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
John 15:20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
John 15:21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.
John 15:22 If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.
for_his_glory---- yes, we can be christians and be in disagreement over this. The point I would make is that the Tribulation period is the 70th week of Daniel. It concerns the Jews. The church age is over when the 70th week begins. The Church has nothing to do with the Tribulation. They are removed before the Tribulation begins. There are those who come to a belief during the Tribulation but they are not the "church"- they are "tribulation believers". They are the ones before the throne who have "come out of great tribulation". But the 24 elders (the church) are already in Heaven at that time. "He who endures to the end will be saved" is often greatly misinterpreted. The one who endures to the end proves they are a Believer. They do not endure through their own strength---they endure BECAUSE God has truly saved them and He is working in them. "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Phil. 1:6) I put no hope in my "enduring to the end" in my own strength--I believe I will endure to the end because Christ began a good work in me and will complete it.
for_his_glory---- yes, we can be christians and be in disagreement over this. The point I would make is that the Tribulation period is the 70th week of Daniel. It concerns the Jews. The church age is over when the 70th week begins. The Church has nothing to do with the Tribulation. They are removed before the Tribulation begins. There are those who come to a belief during the Tribulation but they are not the "church"- they are "tribulation believers". They are the ones before the throne who have "come out of great tribulation". But the 24 elders (the church) are already in Heaven at that time. "He who endures to the end will be saved" is often greatly misinterpreted. The one who endures to the end proves they are a Believer. They do not endure through their own strength---they endure BECAUSE God has truly saved them and He is working in them. "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Phil. 1:6) I put no hope in my "enduring to the end" in my own strength--I believe I will endure to the end because Christ began a good work in me and will complete it.
If what you say is true, even though nothing is backed up with scripture for any proof of what you say, then what is the whole purpose of the son of perdition forcing Christians to take the mark of this beast or be beheaded for their testimony of Christ?

Nothing is done by our own strength which is weak, but can do anything by the strength of God to help us to endure the trials and tribulations set before us from this wicked world.

Rev 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Not going to get into Daniel's 70 weeks or the Elders as that needs to be another topic which would derail this one. If you would like to start a new thread and tag me in I would like to discuss this with you.
If what you say is true, even though nothing is backed up with scripture for any proof of what you say, then what is the whole purpose of the son of perdition forcing Christians to take the mark of this beast or be beheaded for their testimony of Christ?

Nothing is done by our own strength which is weak, but can do anything by the strength of God to help us to endure the trials and tribulations set before us from this wicked world.

Rev 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Not going to get into Daniel's 70 weeks or the Elders as that needs to be another topic which would derail this one. If you would like to start a new thread and tag me in I would like to discuss this with you.
The Beast does not force "Christians" to take the mark. He forces everyone alive to take the mark or not be able to buy or sell. During the Tribulation people will need to make a decision: accept the Mark, or refuse and embrace the Christian faith for salvation. if you refuse the mark you will be beheaded. Rev. 20:4 is speaking of (2) groups of people: 1. the ones given authority to judge: the 24 elders (represents the church)---Paul says: "know ye not that ye will judge angels?" but the others he mentions are those who came out of great tribulation and were beheaded for refusing the mark. Those are not part of the "church"(as the church age ended when the Tribulation began). They are "tribulation believers" and represent a different group of believers from the "church". Those tribulation believers were saved DURING the tribulation---they are not part of the church who were saved BEFORE the Tribulation. The church will not go through the Tribulation---they are raptured before the Tribulation. So, once again, the Son of Perdition isn't forcing "christians" to take the mark----he is requiring everyone to take the mark at that time. Those who refuse are those whose hearts God has opened to come to him and refuse the mark that leads to eternal ruin.
Soon we will be faced with the mark of the beast. We will have no options if we don't, there will be no way to have access to survival. You should be looking for options right now to evade the inevitable before the door closes. I have know for 30 years a way out but we must act now before it to late. God told Abraham to go into the wilderness and he would provide. What if we built a community outside of this mess. What if we worked together and started fresh off grid, say 100 families. Each of us contributes a skill I may have a sawmill others cover raising livestock a year round greenhouse making jams honey preserves etc cover the needs of the community working together. No money changes hands. Perhaps a credit system instead. I run the sawmill you need a house and an outbuilding to work on your contribution to the community. You help cut the lumber and all your brothers come out to build your home and shop. Raising you up. Eventually our combined efforts give us all we need to flourish. I know how to make free power as I have been working on this for over 30 years. if we pick the right spot we could build a lodge for tourists hunting fishing nature adventures. This would generate cash flow until the people are forced to take the mark of the beast. The lodge becomes a place of worship with a large commercial kitchen and large dining room where we all meet for dinner ever day a chance to air any concerns, ideas, problems and settle disputes. Imagine a place where you are near your family both parents within reach of there children teaching them life skills working alongside of our kids bring them to the greenhouse to weed the garden so they can identify what's a weed. Life skills survival skills. Faith in God and the love of the entire community, brotherhood. A school without political interference to confuse them. A love and understanding of nature. We are literally standing on eden we just need to take our place as the guardians of nature. Plant berries in every meadow around us, a full bear is harmless. Nature would Benefit and flourish. Harmony with God's creatures. God made nature abundant one tomato has enough seeds to feed hundreds. It's not like this lifestyle doesn't exist look at the Amish the hutterites the minonites the quakers. The biggest threat to there lifestyle is there proximity to outsiders. I have been trying to find solid Christians to make this a reality people who believe 100% THAT GOD EXSISTS and want to live guided by his word. I could go on for hours about this subject I've had a long time to think it thru. Time is running out evil is winning we need to act fast before we are trapped. I have wanted to get this idea out in the world. I just signed up to this site today to give you all a message of hope a way to live as God intended. I'm 66 and don't have much time left in this world I hope to see this take life before I go. I think God would approve. I have had a safe place in mind to do this and if we combined our skills and financial resources we could make it happen. Hard work brotherhood and gods word is the foundation. Blowing around like a leaf in the wind uncertain about a future you have no control over is not the answer you don't need the corvette and the big house you'll never pay off. Spending very little time with your family to put food on the table and bills that never end. Nature heals us we just need to take our rightful place. I love God and thank him everyday I love Jesus and can't belive all that he suffered to save me no man I have ever met could bear what he went thru for us all. Give this idea some thought. please make this happen with or without me.
Feed the light share the love. Soon we will be faced with the mark of the beast.

I am reminded of the importance of living simply, sustainably, and in communion with creation. Your proposal to establish a community that is off the grid, yet connected in spirit, is a powerful witness to the Gospel values of poverty, simplicity, and fraternity.

As you seek to bring this vision to life, I encourage you to persevere in prayer, trust in the providence of God, and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May your community be a beacon of hope and light in a world that often prioritizes material possessions and power over people and the planet.

In the words of Saint Francis of Assisi, "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." May your community be a testament to the power of faith, love, and solidarity to transform the world.

Please know that you and your community are in my prayers. May God bless and guide you on this noble endeavor.

Feed the light, share the love, and may the peace of the Lord be with you always.
Soon we will be faced with the mark of the beast. We will have no options if we don't, there will be no way to have access to survival. You should be looking for options right now to evade the inevitable before the door closes. I have know for 30 years a way out but we must act now before it to late. God told Abraham to go into the wilderness and he would provide. What if we built a community outside of this mess. What if we worked together and started fresh off grid, say 100 families. Each of us contributes a skill I may have a sawmill others cover raising livestock a year round greenhouse making jams honey preserves etc cover the needs of the community working together. No money changes hands. Perhaps a credit system instead. I run the sawmill you need a house and an outbuilding to work on your contribution to the community. You help cut the lumber and all your brothers come out to build your home and shop. Raising you up. Eventually our combined efforts give us all we need to flourish. I know how to make free power as I have been working on this for over 30 years. if we pick the right spot we could build a lodge for tourists hunting fishing nature adventures. This would generate cash flow until the people are forced to take the mark of the beast. The lodge becomes a place of worship with a large commercial kitchen and large dining room where we all meet for dinner ever day a chance to air any concerns, ideas, problems and settle disputes. Imagine a place where you are near your family both parents within reach of there children teaching them life skills working alongside of our kids bring them to the greenhouse to weed the garden so they can identify what's a weed. Life skills survival skills. Faith in God and the love of the entire community, brotherhood. A school without political interference to confuse them. A love and understanding of nature. We are literally standing on eden we just need to take our place as the guardians of nature. Plant berries in every meadow around us, a full bear is harmless. Nature would Benefit and flourish. Harmony with God's creatures. God made nature abundant one tomato has enough seeds to feed hundreds. It's not like this lifestyle doesn't exist look at the Amish the hutterites the minonites the quakers. The biggest threat to there lifestyle is there proximity to outsiders. I have been trying to find solid Christians to make this a reality people who believe 100% THAT GOD EXSISTS and want to live guided by his word. I could go on for hours about this subject I've had a long time to think it thru. Time is running out evil is winning we need to act fast before we are trapped. I have wanted to get this idea out in the world. I just signed up to this site today to give you all a message of hope a way to live as God intended. I'm 66 and don't have much time left in this world I hope to see this take life before I go. I think God would approve. I have had a safe place in mind to do this and if we combined our skills and financial resources we could make it happen. Hard work brotherhood and gods word is the foundation. Blowing around like a leaf in the wind uncertain about a future you have no control over is not the answer you don't need the corvette and the big house you'll never pay off. Spending very little time with your family to put food on the table and bills that never end. Nature heals us we just need to take our rightful place. I love God and thank him everyday I love Jesus and can't belive all that he suffered to save me no man I have ever met could bear what he went thru for us all. Give this idea some thought. please make this happen with or without me.
Feed the light share the love.
Stop following the Beast, with its false pagan worship and rites and rituals, to say nothing of its false day of worship. It's that simple...
The church isn't going anywhere during the tribulation .It stays right here on planet earth.
The church in the United States which seems to be drunk as a mule doest know the difference between good and evil.It is supporting the beast which is the Israeli government.
During the 42 months tribulation in Israel ,the Israeli government with the help of the United states government will enact legislation in Israel so that everyone in Israel will have to have the mark of the beast or they will not be able to buy or sell.
The United States supported the beast by giving the beast it's armed forces to protect and serve the Israeli government and keep it safe.
No one is killed for not having the mark and it is only required to make purchaces.
The christians in Israel are killed for their testimony.Jesus gives instructions in the gospel to Israeli christians on these matters in the gospel.They are told not to carry money and that they will be fed .Jesus instucts his followers in Israel of how they will be persecuted throughout Israel untill he comes.He even tells them that their own families will cause them to be killed.

The church outside of Israel is not killed for their testimony during this tribulation.After this tribulation ,armegeddon starts when God causes many Islamic countries to attack and overtake Israel killing the United states armed forces there.The united states answers with nuclear weapons causing the greatest tribulation of all-time..At that time the christians in those countries being destroyed by the US armed forces are saved.A great multitude which comes out of great tribulation.This great multitude from the nations are not resurected .They never died.
The Israeli saints who are killed for their testimony of Jesus during the tribulation in Israel are resurected and reign with Christ

And it will be fulfilled that Israel shall reign over the nations in the Lords land.
I fully expect while nearly everyone in israel is receiving the mark of the beast and the christians in Israel are being killed for their testimony of Jesus,that many of these people on these christians boards will still be saying the church won't be here during the tribulation.

Before this they will reelect Donald Trump because he says he will make sure Israel is still with us for thousands of years.

“I will work with you to make sure Israel is with us for thousands of years,” the Republican nominee said in a satellite address to the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual conference in Las Vegas. “You’re not going to have an Israel if she becomes president… Israel will no longer exist.”

I should just start a new thread listing some of donald trumps prophecies like this one.
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The church isn't going anywhere during the tribulation .It stays right here on planet earth.
The church in the United States which seems to be drunk as a mule doest know the difference between good and evil.It is supporting the beast which is the Israeli government.
During the 42 months tribulation in Israel ,the Israeli government with the help of the United states government will enact legislation in Israel so that everyone in Israel will have to have the mark of the beast or they will not be able to buy or sell.
The United States supported the beast by giving the beast it's armed forces to protect and serve the Israeli government and keep it safe.
No one is killed for not having the mark and it is only required to make purchaces.
The christians in Israel are killed for their testimony.Jesus gives instructions in the gospel to Israeli christians on these matters in the gospel.They are told not to carry money and that they will be fed .Jesus instucts his followers in Israel of how they will be persecuted throughout Israel untill he comes.He even tells them that their own families will cause them to be killed.

The church outside of Israel is not killed for their testimony during this tribulation.After this tribulation ,armegeddon starts when God causes many Islamic countries to attack and overtake Israel killing the United states armed forces there.The united states answers with nuclear weapons causing the greatest tribulation of all-time..At that time the christians in those countries being destroyed by the US armed forces are saved.A great multitude which comes out of great tribulation.This great multitude from the nations are not resurected .They never died.
The Israeli saints who are killed for their testimony of Jesus during the tribulation in Israel are resurected and reign with Christ

And it will be fulfilled that Israel shall reign over the nations in the Lords land.
"The church in the United States which seems to be drunk as a mule doest know the difference between good and evil.It is supporting the beast which is the Israeli government".

What?? The beast is NOT the Israeli Government. Where are you coming up with that? I've heard a lot of crazy prophecies about the beast and the Tribulation but yours takes the cake.
"The church in the United States which seems to be drunk as a mule doest know the difference between good and evil.It is supporting the beast which is the Israeli government".

What?? The beast is NOT the Israeli Government. Where are you coming up with that? I've heard a lot of crazy prophecies about the beast and the Tribulation but yours takes the cake.
Yea,I know .
It's impossible for a people who deny Jesus is the Christ to be an antichrist people

It's impossible that the people who reject God's chosen king of Israel(Messiah Yeshua)could possibly have made a beast to worship.

It's impossible for a nation which received a deadly wound and was healed to be the beast which people from all nations would follow even though the Jews who have followed after the beast are from all nations.

What's crazy is you didn't notice any of these things.

Exodus 4:22
And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:

Can you tell the difference between Israel(the son of God)and Benjamin netanyahu?
John 12:13
They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!”

Is it that crazy that someone may consider who the king of Israel is and who is not?
Why is it that very few people realize the imposter who named his kingdom Israel,is actually the beast and not the true king of Israel nor is his kingdom the true kingdom of Israel?

Blessed be he who comes in the name of the Lord,Blessed is the king of Israel.
An interesting conversation; what do you think will happen when the lights go out? There will be no electricity, internet or gas. Many will be lost without these "modern luxuries"; and will have no choice but to live "off grid".

And yes, I know no one can have any opinion about anything in that Bible; unless said opinion aligns with the "powers that be".