- Apr 10, 2012
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Divine Creation doesn't have a model that can demonstrate how it works. Its a concept taken on faith that God created everything in a specific way. If that is something you believe then, ok.As opposed to Divine creation?
Perfection implies that there are ways inwhich the universe could be differnt. In what ways is the universe perfect as opposed to imperfect? How is this perfection gauged?Since the universe is perfectly designed
I don't think you are aware of a mathematical concept called game theory. In Game theory there is always a small percentage of chaos due to a massive amount of factors. You bring up cause and effect, but with cause and effect its understood that for every action there is an equal reaction. That doesn't mean there isn't any chance involved. For instance, I can drop a ball and I know that the kinetic force from the ball will cause it to bounce due to the acceleration of the ball towards a surface caused by gravity. However, there are a ton of mathematical variables. For instance the ball could bounce left or right, or could bounce up then come back down until the kinetic energy reaches rest.and nothing happens by "chance" in the universe -- the Law of Cause and Effect --
Well, the theory of evolution has nothing to do with the Universe for starters, that would be cosmology, while evolution is biology. Evolution makes the most sense in regards to track ancestry based on the most current understanding of genetics, morphology, eccology, and micro biology.why would evolution make the most sense?
Even ardent evolutionists have given up on evolution. And here's the reason why:
False. Evolution is the tracking of Gene frequencies in populations. This is fully testable because of the Hardy Weinberg equation. For instance, when I was in college I had to oversee and take down data for lineages in specific plant species and track the geneotypes. I would first identify the Feneotype and then record through generations when mutations would crop up and isolate those mutations. In the wild, we can observe this when a species starts to split off due to isolation from a variety of different factors. Evolution occurs when Allele frequencies shift when the populations are issolated long enough from each other. Ghould noted though that this can happen rapidly if a large event seperates or causes a a flood of new specification.1. Evolution is not accepted on the basis of scientific merit but as a religious preference by it's proponents.
Evolution doesn't have any doctrines. It has mechanics that explain how it functions. Such as natural selection, genetics, population mechanics etc. I think this example is playing off of pop science/ popular acceptance and ignoring the core foundation of science, which is mathematics and mechanics.2. Science has no more proven the doctrines of evolution than it has proven the existence of Peter Pan.
Its not a religion because there is no diety, doctrine, dogma, place of worship, etc when it comes to the theory. Natural selection is a vastly studied and accepted mechanic because its easily observable. Genetics is vastly accepted and was founded by a Christian Monk, and the Human Genome was finally sequenced by an Evangelical Christian. Lineages have been mapped due to our understanding of genetics, and breeders use the concepts of Evolution to breed specific lines. The agricultural industry uses evolutionary mechanics to strengthen crop yield. Medicine uses the concepts for gene therapy, watching for family cases for specific disorders and disease, and for developing cures based on how viruses and other foreign organisms react to human genetics. Basically almost all of biology is unified by the theory of evolution because it helps to explain why its all related and how it functions.3. Evolution is entirely a faith based religion; the evidences that have been fabricated to support it under the banner of science are entirely without mreit and falter under the most benign scrutiny.
The theory of Evolution has nothing to do with salvation or about undermining Christianity. Its simply an observation on natural mechanics and backed up through reams of research. Its not trying to destroy concepts.4. It is a weak satanic deception standing in mortal opposition to the scriptures to undermine your chances for eternal salvation
For example, the Bible makes statements that things happened in a certain way, but it doesn't explain how these things happened. Science focuses on mechanics. The only discrepancy I really seen between science and religion is that sometimes the numbers don't always add up the same as the Biblical claims. Then again, this has nothing to do with salvation because salvation is based on the acceptance of Jesus Christ as the bridge from original sin to redemption with the Father. Evolution explains why cats are cute, small and fluffy.
I don't see the conflict. To be honest, Christianity has more problems coming from Philosophical arguments than it does from the natural sciences.