- Apr 10, 2012
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- 1,057
What is a kind?There are two theories of evolution, the special theory is about changes and small variations, which can be observed today...its also a part of Creation theory predictions, within kinds there should be variation up to certain boundaries.
What are the boundaries?
What do you mean by Small variation?
What is creation theory, and are you saying its a scientific or theological theory?
Can you define this theory as to what it means. I think that would be more fruitful than shooting into the dark about what you mean.Then there is the general theory of evolution, and this has never been observed, nor has any part of the this theory even remotely true...the predictions this theory make is false...even modern scientists who are atheists acknowledge the general theory or Neo-Darwinism theory is dead.
I really wish claiming Gould was a supporter of creationism when he was a vehement denouncer of many creationist theories and many people don't seem to understand what PE even is. Gould figured out that when large niches become available there are great and "rapid" bursts in experimenting with the new niche. Then there is a great dieing off. This still takes millions of years, all it changed in Evolutionary Biology, is that that it became another explanation that fit better than Gradualism. See my link for further studies....
Richard Goldschmidt (1878-1958) of the University of California beginning In 1930, and Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard, have developed a new theory of general evolution called the "hopeful monster theory" or "punctuated equilibrium" in which large changes to the DNA sequences occurred all at once suddenly. They proposed this new theory because the older one is dead, and will never work, because genetics have well and truly destroyed the general theory of evolution.
There is no such thing as the General Theory of Evolution, there is just the theory of evolution. That includes allele frequencies and population mechanics. The thoery of evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life.
Actually that means natural selection will let it pass. Its the main reason why we have variation within species. However many neutral mutations can become beneficial or detrimental based on the ecosystem.For example the very atoms and molecules of proteins have to arrange themselves at atomic levels of nano-scale structure to get new information, and nearly all such changes are neutral and natural selection will not select them....
I split this off from the last statement because the paragraph is saying to contradictory things. You can't have 2 majorities. You can have 2 incidents that are just as likely to happen, but not the other way around. Also this is genetics and Chemistry, not Evolutionary biology.the other problem is most mutations are destroyers of DNA so too many mutations and the organism dies...
Source please. Also, the entire population wouldn't die because of instances of bad mutations. Mutations aren't viruses. It would be years down the line that specific lineages would be hurt, and guess what, that would be natural we see a massive rise in mutations in humans for example, around 4% of the human genome and most scientists now see the human race is heading for extinction due to mutations happening too rapidly....
This old thing? Its been debunked a long time ago, like back in the 80s. Plus the bacteria flagellum is found in many types of bacteria with variations on how it works and what parts are there. What we see is a highly specialized part that adapted to its specific task. The bacteria flagellum is but one example of genetic information that cannot be inherited simply by small changes...over 40 proteins, 10,000 amino acids, 40 DNA genes, and regulation proteins, the machine is just way too complex....its not rocket scientist is a person sees an old machine lying on the sea floor we know intelligent design made it...but somehow living biological motors are not given the same credit?
This is based on the encode project, but as a dude who is both into computer science and biology, its not impressive. DNA doesn't have a "code" it functions similar to how code functions, but no where near as sophisticated or as complex. DNA follows the rules of chemistry and reacts like how chemicals react. For instance in human coding language, we have bodies, headers, footers, shortcuts, hyperlinks, etc.The real killer of evolution is the DNA code....code comes from coders, not materials....ACTG are letters of DNA code, and arranged in information sequences.... even neural networks do not write themselves new code based on their environment stimuli...code only comes from a intelligent coder....
DNA is a sequence of proteins and appears to look like code, because we write it to look similar to code, In reality, it looks like molecules and we just named the structures.
Wrong, now you have butchered Evolutionary biology and Newtonian mechanics. In Newtonian Mechanics the first law states that matter can't be created nor destroyed, it just changes phases. This is debatable when we get to the quantum level, but that isn't my field.At the physics end evolution is also dead....matter and energy are running down and wearing out....physical laws do not create, laws only describe... in fact evolutionists have to believe things came into being by nothing and using nothing....
the second law of thermo dynamics means that within a finite system, eventually the energy will come to rest. That means all energy in known universe. This Law can be shown if you light a match and throw it into a vacuum. Eventually the match will stop burning because the vacuum runs out of oxygen. If you allow more oxygen in, the match will continue to burn until the match is gone.
On this planet organisms feed on resources to survive, the resources are converted to energy to help sustain the organism, and to create offspring. The offspring carries genetic information and mutations, natural selection weeds out the organisms that can't survive, evolution occurs when species become genetically isolated from the mother or father species, or due to an incident that causes a shift in the ecosystem, the gene pool is reduced and then bounces back with traits replacing other traits as dominant.
As long as the Earth has resources, and the Sun exists, evolution will continue. Evolution will end when there is no long a sustainable amount of resources.