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[_ Old Earth _] How well do you actually know The Theory of Evolution?


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You insinuated that since the teaching was outlawed, it is no longer plausible.
The evidence contradicts Young Earth Creationism, therefore it isn't plausible. Being outlawed was just a recognition that Creationism is religious dogma, not science, and that Evolution is a much stronger theory for the origin of species.
Does this really require elaboration? Discoveries related to the Theory of Evolution, for instance modern DNA sequencing that demonstrates relationships between different species, or The Big Bang Theory being supported by observations such as background radiation and the expanding universe.

Most of the discoveries in modern science are denied by Young Earth Creationists.
I did not say anything about creationism nor does your reply address the question..
Creationists believe that Dinosaurs and humans roamed together, no one else really does so that seemed implied.

I also made my statement to say that Creationism is not science, therefore science is not outlawed.
You believe that Trilobites, Dinosaurs and humans existed together, only Young Earth Creationists believe that to my knowledge.

Do you believe the earth is young? If so, what in the fossil record causes you to believe that?

Are you not a Young Earth Creationist?

Do you think the existence of some ancient organisms that haven't evolved much over many millions of years is proof evolution is false? What's your point about this?

Check this out Doulos. You are Christian, and have stated that you believe the bible and that it is the divinely inspired Word of God...yet you never lift up God or His Word in your posts, or give God or His Word any validity. You denounce it. That's very curious to me and I don't understand it.

Who needs a fossil record when we have the Word of God? THAT should cause us to believe it.
Please elaborate on how the Fine Tuning argument has anything to do with whether or not evolution is true. We have no answer, because it's an irrelevant argument. The Fine Tuning Argument is an argument for the existence of God.

I posted it before. Without the fine tuning of the state of the earth, then life could neither exist or evolve. Would you like for me to post all that info again? I will, but it would have to be later, as I have to go to work here real quick.
Creationists believe that Dinosaurs and humans roamed together, no one else really does so that seemed implied.

I also made my statement to say that Creationism is not science, therefore science is not outlawed.

So outlawing Creationism is ok in your eyes because it's not a science?
Removing my post as it falls under this...sticky

4- No ad hominem attacks. Again, address ideas, not people.
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Explain the genetic makeup of the Giraffe and how it could've evolved into it's present form without becoming extinct.
Certainly, Giraffes are related to other grazing mammals, such as goats, deer, antelope, etc. And many related species of Giraffes have gone extinct, such as the Samotherium and Bohlinia, and Giraffes that previously existed in Asia actually did go extinct.

The Samotherium and Shansitherium are related to the Giraffe and share the longer neck and very similar skeletal structure. See the pictures below.



The competitive advantage of the longer neck caused Giraffes to eventually evolve as the environment changed to more open habitats 8 million years ago.

I have to go eat lunch, but perhaps we can focus some more on Giraffes as I am only getting started. :)
Check this out Doulos. You are Christian, and have stated that you believe the bible and that it is the divinely inspired Word of God...yet you never lift up God or His Word in your posts, or give God or His Word any validity. You denounce it. That's very curious to me and I don't understand it.
We're talking about science. Perhaps you can go to the Apologetics forum and see how I defended the Trinity just this week. I don't treat the Bible as a scientific textbook as some here do, hence I don't quote it on this subforum.

Who needs a fossil record when we have the Word of God? THAT should cause us to believe it.
We disagree on the interpretation, how many times does this have to be stated?
I posted it before. Without the fine tuning of the state of the earth, then life could neither exist or evolve. Would you like for me to post all that info again? I will, but it would have to be later, as I have to go to work here real quick.
I do not deny Fine Tuning of the universe, so I don't see how this is an argument against evolution.
Coming to other conclusions is not denying the science that gathers the data but rather disagreeing with the conclusion.

Science is a term used too often to give greater weight to an argument, a conclusion, an idea developed by the data science provides. Science is not an entity of it's own. The man makes the conclusion. Not science


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