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How young are the caffeine addict now?


I have noticed the line up of junior high and high school students standing in line for the Starbucks at my local grocery store.I was not allowed coffee when I was young.I thought this was interesting that they are consuming the coffee drinks at such a young age.
There was a short segment done on one of the talking heads' channel about kids drinking coffee. (I haven't found a link online to that report as yet)

The study cited said that children as young as 3 years old were drinking coffee in one form or another, with parents admitting in a few cases that they allowed the pre-school-aged child/children to drink expresso.

That's just wrong.
There was a short segment done on one of the talking heads' channel about kids drinking coffee. (I haven't found a link online to that report as yet)

The study cited said that children as young as 3 years old were drinking coffee in one form or another, with parents admitting in a few cases that they allowed the pre-school-aged child/children to drink expresso.

That's just wrong.
Yes,that is just wrong.... :neutral
Kids have no excuse to be drinking so much caffeine, or any caffeine for that matter. Of course they may feel so lethargic because so many now just sit around texting, gaming, and surfing the web. Too many inactive kids these days. It's really, really going to mess them up for adulthood.
I drank a lot of coffee when I was in my teens. (Decades ago.)...

Gave up a long while ago.

A great way to look at it is the comparison of the library VS the bookstore. The library enforces quiet, and does not contain a coffee shop, nor play music. The modern bookstore contains a coffee shop, and plays music. Another great way to look at caffeine is to compare it to nicotine, in cigarettes. Nicotine is a pesticide, the tobacco plant excretes to fight off insects. The same is true of trimethylxanthine (caffeine). So it was a killer from day one. Sure it may not kill a full grown human like an insect. But what about the vasoconstriction it causes? The heart palpatations? The panic attacks?

Jesus is LIFE

Satan is DEATH
Kids have no excuse to be drinking so much caffeine, or any caffeine for that matter. Of course they may feel so lethargic because so many now just sit around texting, gaming, and surfing the web. Too many inactive kids these days. It's really, really going to mess them up for adulthood.

A correct use of fight or flight is the case of the fire fighter rushing into a burning building looking for survivors. An incorrect use of fight or flight is the personal release of adrenaline through caffeine (energy drink) in the case of the student who chose to party all week, instead of studying for the test. So he vainly tries to cram a weeks study into one night. Through controlled adrenaline release he gets from caffeine.

But the fight or flight system was not made to be used chronically like these kids are doing. Working on 3 hours sleep and popping these energy drinks like water. Chronic stress leads to tons of health problems. Its a general downward spiral. We were all young once and had our party days. But to the youth this is not a party. This is a "normal" day. Not even the weekend.
A great way to look at it is the comparison of the library VS the bookstore. The library enforces quiet, and does not contain a coffee shop, nor play music. The modern bookstore contains a coffee shop, and plays music. Another great way to look at caffeine is to compare it to nicotine, in cigarettes. Nicotine is a pesticide, the tobacco plant excretes to fight off insects. The same is true of trimethylxanthine (caffeine). So it was a killer from day one. Sure it may not kill a full grown human like an insect. But what about the vasoconstriction it causes? The heart palpatations? The panic attacks?
What’s the chance we look at it from the perspective of scripture? I’ve heard man’s thinking, and even that from a supposed angel of God. Did you realize that one group claims superior thinking ability by not have certain foods? They fall into fourth place behind Jews, and even behind atheists; maybe they should drink more coffee huh?
What’s the chance we look at it from the perspective of scripture? I’ve heard man’s thinking, and even that from a supposed angel of God. Did you realize that one group claims superior thinking ability by not have certain foods? They fall into fourth place behind Jews, and even behind atheists; maybe they should drink more coffee huh?
Even at 10,11 or 12 years old?We are not talking about adults.
Even at 10,11 or 12 years old?We are not talking about adults.
I was raised on a farm for some years and coffee was a welcome waker-upper before chores, and I really don't remember restrictions as to quantity. I haven't read many present posts on this thread, but is the consensus that all kids are going to die for having a pop?
Rom 14:2 For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs. Even though the following scripture is referring to conscience of things offered to idols, let's say that coffee is an idol adored. :) 1 Cor 8:8 "if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse." With things considered bad, what of foods high in cholesterol; where does it end? I do not know.
A 12 Oz.Coca Cola has 30-35 mg of caffeine.
A 8 Oz. cup of coffee with no extra shots has 95-200 mg of caffeine.
I have seen some junior high and high school kids as for 2 extra shots.I do not think that is very healthy.
Well, I can think of one good thing about Some kids drinking regulated amounts of caffeine.

Some parents have found (instructed by doctors) that coffee in the morning before school has helped there ADD and even some ADHD kids get off ritalin. Ritalin is much worse for them and was causing them to be lethargic.
A 12 Oz.Coca Cola has 30-35 mg of caffeine.
A 8 Oz. cup of coffee with no extra shots has 95-200 mg of caffeine.
I have seen some junior high and high school kids as for 2 extra shots.I do not think that is very healthy.

How much caffeine is in Mountain Dew. I know several people who drink it rather than coffee.
I was raised on a farm for some years and coffee was a welcome waker-upper before chores, and I really don't remember restrictions as to quantity. I haven't read many present posts on this thread, but is the consensus that all kids are going to die for having a pop?
Rom 14:2 For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs. Even though the following scripture is referring to conscience of things offered to idols, let's say that coffee is an idol adored. :) 1 Cor 8:8 "if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse." With things considered bad, what of foods high in cholesterol; where does it end? I do not know.

Eugene, its not the adrenaline OR the caffeine that is a problem. (as both are made by living beings and God made all living beings) but it is the ABUSE of them that is the problem. These monster drinks the youth consume are like 180 mg of caffeine a pop. My brother drinks about 3 of the rockstar drinks a day. He was just diagnosed with gout and he isn't even 30 years old. There is much info online about energy drinks causing gout. I have been telling its bad for years but he wont listen.
Genesis 1:29 "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat"

But where in scripture does the lord command we consume EVERY herb bearing seed?

Comparing it to alchohol Ephesians 5:18 "
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;"

Excess to be drunk

I have this weird theory that "strong drink" in the bible might have meant coffee. I got this idea after reading a google book.
Well, I can think of one good thing about Some kids drinking regulated amounts of caffeine.

Some parents have found (instructed by doctors) that coffee in the morning before school has helped there ADD and even some ADHD kids get off ritalin. Ritalin is much worse for them and was causing them to be lethargic.
Ritalin is a medication prescribed by a physician and the patient is hopefully being watched carefully.Ritalin has caused complications as well.