You have undoubtedly 'learned' a very real lesson of active faith. To receive Divine Mercy one must dispense same to others. To receive forgiveness one must also deliver same to others. That IS in fact how 'faith' works, especially according to Jesus.
What one will commonly see in most religious organizations is the opposite of those simple measures. Yes, you will find lip service, but even as in the opening post
'faith' in many translates to this: I am justified and you are not if you don't believe 'like me.'
What happened to Adam happens to us all just as Jesus taught. The Word is sown in us, the tempter enters to deceive, to steal and eventually to kill. That is the role of the tempter. Yet rather than deal with the reality of the entrance of the tempter into the heart of Adam, and thusly also into his 'inner man' Eve, the tempter leads believers to only blame THE CHOICE OF ADAM or of EVE and to ignore the fact of the tempter WITHIN THEM.
The Words of Blessings of God were sown upon Adam by God.
THEN this is what happened, just as Jesus taught:
Mark 4:15
And these are they by the way side,
where the word is sown; but when they have heard,
Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown
in their hearts.
After the Word of blessings to Adam how soon did the above happen?
From that point on it is futile to look at Adam alone in his so called and supposed 'choices.' Why? Because Satan entered the heart of Adam and deceived and stole and eventually killed him.
How then should one view Adam? There is Adam and there is the TEMPTER who entered his heart and deceived, stole and killed him.
This is rightfully how 'all' people should be viewed from the point of Adam onward. It is downright laughable to hear believers chortling about the choices of Adam when Adam himself was clearly not 'alone' in these matters. The lawless one ENTERED the heart of Adam exactly how Jesus taught us.
Some will say, well, how do we know that happened to Adam? It's very simple. The next Words from God to Adam was THE LAW. That LAW was DO NOT EAT and we know from the scriptures that the LAW is for THE LAWLESS. And we also know that the TEMPTER is LAWLESS.
The Law then was not just delivered to Adam, but the LAWLESSNESS of the TEMPTER that was WITHIN the heart of Adam.
The non-fruit of the tempter is encountered immediately in the first offspring of Adam and Eve. Cain was the elder son. Abel the younger. This is the first picture of this principle in the text.
The elder is a representative of the ancient SERPENT, the worker of darkness in the heart of Cain who was MADE prior to Adam and prior to any of humanity. If you go through the scriptures you will find many physical examples of this fact, but it is meant to convey a picture of that which is within our hearts and that is the TEMPTER. Wonder why God hated Esau?
God hated the TEMPTER within the heart of Esau. Wonder why God favored the younger son of Joseph, Ephraim, rather than Manneseh? Same principle in play. Twin like.
There are many such examples of God favoring the younger and
that is a SPIRITUAL picture of God favoring HUMANITY and NOT the Tempter within our hearts. It's a very simple lesson really.
Satan, the tempter was assuredly in the heart of Cain also as he was A MURDERER. The scriptures again also tell us this is so:
1 John 3:12
Not as
Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.
This does not mean that Abel had no sin. Not at all. Both men were just as all mankind are. Sinners. But Abel overcame the tempter and Cain was snared by him and was overcome. Neither man should be viewed alone, but we know 'who' is in charge within their hearts
by simply observing their actions.
This exercise within each person is the exercise that God Himself has decreed for all mankind:
Ecclesiastes 1:13
And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven:
this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.
Ecclesiastes 3:10
I have seen
the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.
Good and Evil assuredly exists within the hearts of ALL mankind. Of this there is no doubt. So to paint FAITH upon the lips as if EVIL no longer resides in the heart is really the HEIGHT of LIE within the heart and really shows the deception of EVIL within that person. Believers are clearly 'exercised' with GOOD and with EVIL, even moreso after salvation because now we are Satan's enemies.
Paul taught us clearly in a first hand example that EVIL is with us as it was with him:
Romans 7:21
I find then a law, that, when I would do good,
evil is present with me.
Many believers ripple in anger when this little fact is presented to them, but in reality it is the TEMPTER within their hearts who is rippling with anger when this fact is brought forth. The human body is the hiding place of the TEMPTER. He does not WANT LIGHT to be shed upon this fact. He just wants to blame and accuse MANKIND only. And if you look at some of the posters in this thread, that is EXACTLY what they do. But who is doing it, really? I already know it is NOT THEM as Gods child, but the tempter within them, falsely justifying himself and accusing others. That is not the child of God speaking.
The child of God knows FROM GOD how to overcome the Tempter.
We GIVE as we truly WANT in our hearts. That is the FRUIT of the SPIRIT coming forth in THE GOOD TREE.
A bad tree can NOT produce that FRUIT. And now you know who the 'real' bad tree is, don't you?
3 John 1:11
follow not that which is evil, but that which is good.
He that doeth good is of God: but
he that doeth evil hath not seen God
And I also know as I write this, that all children of God will hear and the Tempter will be very mad within their hearts and will show his ugly face in MOST. You see the ELDER VESSEL comes forth FIRST!