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[_ Old Earth _] Humans and Dinosaurs lived together - History Uncovered


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Here is a trailer to the 7 part series of this very interesting subject. If you watch the series all the way through, you will find many bible references to the fact that humans co-existed with Dinosaurs.

Here is a trailer to the 7 part series of this very interesting subject. If you watch the series all the way through, you will find many bible references to the fact that humans co-existed with Dinosaurs.
Which suggests that those references are either wrong or, more likely, wrongly interpreted in order to fit a pre-existing belief. I choose (B).
The Dinosaur Series by Pastor Billy Crone:

A Fearful Creation - Did Man Really Walk With Dinosaurs?
How will evolutionists explain this ??
I will watch the rest of it later. I've got to get to work.

I'm not convinced, . . . . but even if it turned out to be true, it would not automatically conclude anything of the religious/supernatural nature. . . . . including the Noah story.

I will comment further after seeing the rest of the videos.
The Dinosaur Series by Pastor Billy Crone:

A Fearful Creation - Did Man Really Walk With Dinosaurs?
How will evolutionists explain this ??
Ill-informed (or deliberately deceitful?) rubbish.
My 5th grade (California public school) science book about 1956 showed a picture of dinosaur foot prints and mans foot prints in what they said was the same mud....
My 5th grade (California public school) science book about 1956 showed a picture of dinosaur foot prints and mans foot prints in what they said was the same mud....
And this science text book was offering this as evidence of what, exactly?
That would be surprising. I've been down to the Paluxy River valley where these "man tracks" were supposed to have been found. They were investigated and debunked by YE creationists, no less. There are lots of dinosaur tracks, some of which were eroded to make a track which with a little imagination and some touch-up, could be made to look vaguely like human footprints.

The ICR commented that they needed these "like we need a hole in the head", because it would be absurd to imagine anything (much less humans) walking around in the middle of what they claimed to be "Flood deposits."
We were told they lived at the same time....
By whom and why? Simply on the basis of a photograph? What was made of the evidence from palaeontology that dinosaurs became extinct tens of millions of years before humans appeared on Earth?
reba, . . . feel free to be here! It is okay when you [or anyone, for that matter] promotes an idea that has been refuted. It just means that the learning process is working, and that's a good thing! :waving
Nope i "get in"... the system does not auto stop because i am a mod, so i din't notice, but that does not give me the right to break the rules..

Nor do i have the education to post in a science forum unless the kitchen is considered a lab... :tongue
Nope i "get in"... the system does not auto stop because i am a mod, so i din't notice, but that does not give me the right to break the rules..

Nor do i have the education to post in a science forum unless the kitchen is considered a lab... :tongue
I dont think you need an educational background in science to be able to discuss scientific topics intelligently and thoughtfully. For my part, I don't have a formal science background, but rather have simply read extensively around various aspects of science.
Furthermore, . . . it is far better to find answers to misunderstandings rather than going through life with that misunderstanding believed as fact. I used to be in those same shoes.

For example. . . . years ago, a speaker came to my church and proposed that all mountain ranges were created during the flood, and showed the "evidence" by taking a piece of flat foam [like you'd find for the top of a matress] and pushing on one end, while the other end was held down. It, of course, bulged up in the center. His case was made, and I was amazed, . . . even at the other "evidences" he proposed. It wasn't until I actuall learned about WHY it was wrong that I argued this speaker's point. I would rather learn than speak with ignorance. Now, saying that someone speaks ignorantly DOES NOT mean that the person is completely ignorant. Ignorance is just the pre-position before learning takes place. :)
Nope i "get in"... the system does not auto stop because i am a mod, so i din't notice, but that does not give me the right to break the rules...
This forum, okay. Men's forum, not so good. If you would put in your request to join, I just might let you in, as long as you agree to behave. :biggrin
icr recently posted that type of statement on their site in response to discovery science stating the yecers do believe the paluxy river thing.

however, what is of note is that recently a type of dinosaur that had large teeth appears to be an herbivore.

hmm, i know a biologist that works for the state, i should ask her on that creature.
Also there has been found evidence in a lake that is located in Texas that there is a human foot and a dinosaur bone next to each other. Humans and dinosaurs could co-exist as I have done some thinking on it.

Some dinosaurs we're herbivores and some of the carnivores had VERY small brains. Dinosaurs have eyes on the side of their head and a very big body impairing their vision and ability to get into small places humans could get into. Most dinosaurs needed tons and tons and tons of food to survive on 50K+. So basically 100,000 pounds at the least. If a dinosaur were to hunt a 150 pound human he would use more energy trying to catch him then if he were to hunt bigger prey.
Some dinosaurs we're herbivores and some of the carnivores had VERY small brains.

Actually, the carnivores had large brains, relative to the herbivores. That's always the way it is, even with mammals.

Dinosaurs have eyes on the side of their head and a very big body impairing their vision and ability to get into small places humans could get into.

Most of the carnivorous dinosaurs had binocular vision. It's one reason we think they were predators, not mere scavengers. You need binocular vision to catch prey effectively. And many were rather small, human-sized or even less. There is some evidence that some of the smaller ones hunted in packs.

Look at the binocular vision capability of a T-rex:


Most dinosaurs needed tons and tons and tons of food to survive on 50K+. So basically 100,000 pounds at the least. If a dinosaur were to hunt a 150 pound human he would use more energy trying to catch him then if he were to hunt bigger prey.

The smaller ones would have considered humans a good target. They were likely warm-blooded, but probably no more metabolically-challenged than modern mammalian carnivores.
Actually, the carnivores had large brains, relative to the herbivores. That's always the way it is, even with mammals.

Most of the carnivorous dinosaurs had binocular vision. It's one reason we think they were predators, not mere scavengers. You need binocular vision to catch prey effectively. And many were rather small, human-sized or even less. There is some evidence that some of the smaller ones hunted in packs.

Look at the binocular vision capability of a T-rex:


The smaller ones would have considered humans a good target. They were likely warm-blooded, but probably no more metabolically-challenged than modern mammalian carnivores.
My knowledge seems to be outdated on dinosaur vision. However, I am sticking with the brain because most dinosaurs actually we're quite dumb.
how does one test that hypothesis?

just because of some reptiles of today arent that smart doesnt mean that the dinosaurs were like that and uh, the some dinosaurs are warmblooded.

unlike modern reptiles.


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