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Humans controling the weather


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How to control natural weather patterns.

Rain generation

All of these tools work equally individually well but are much more powerful if combined.

1. put washing on clothesline.
2. wash your car and polish it to perfection.

3. Plan to go camping and put the tent in the car, using the car above increases likelihood dramatically here. Tents have amazing rain attraction qualities, the material they are made from will make rain clouds travel thousands of miles across continents just to bond with them.

4. Water the garden.

Perfect day fine weather generation tool.

This is less complicated and controls weather easily.

1 . Rise early, eat breakfast and go to place of employment or study. This is a very powerful way of generating the best weather patterns for humans. This technique although powerful is made much more accurate if the beach is visible throughout the day.
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:lol :clap

:thumbsup The best scientific weather changing facts I've heard in a long time. More truth there than what I've heard during the past years. :biggrin
The prettiest sunrises occur on Monday mornings. :yes (But that may be more psychological than meteorological.)
How to control natural weather patterns.

Rain generation

All of these tools work equally individually well but are much more powerful if combined.

1. put washing on clothesline.
2. wash your car and polish it to perfection.

3. Plan to go camping and put the tent in the car, using the car above increases likelihood dramatically here. Tents have amazing rain attraction qualities, the material they are made from will make rain clouds travel thousands of miles across continents just to bond with them.

4. Water the garden.

Perfect day fine weather generation tool.

This is less complicated and controls weather easily.

1 . Rise early, eat breakfast and go to place of employment or study. This is a very powerful way of generating the best weather patterns for humans. This technique although powerful is made much more accurate if the beach is visible throughout the day.

when jason mows his yard it rains that day or that week. it happens at least 80% of the time here in my county. happened on august 8th, i barely finished the yard, as soon as i was done blowing and put the stuff away it came down hard.
when jason mows his yard it rains that day or that week. it happens at least 80% of the time here in my county. happened on august 8th, i barely finished the yard, as soon as i was done blowing and put the stuff away it came down hard.
sometimes I am sure we control it. rainclouds can smell car polish a continent away.
mowed it today and lo and behold clouds formed and it rained to the south. hardly fails.

danus i have met the enemy grass and slain that green dragon.:lol


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