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Humans wrote the Bible - Period!!!


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Its a source. The only confirmation that the Bible was written by God, is the Bible itself.
And also the Spirit of GOD in you. Absolutely it's the Bible (the Word of GOD) that should do that. Other source may be flawed. Christians use HIS Word to interprete HIS Word. Should we use a human source?

Not to mention a plethora <i>of</i> a plethora of fulilled prophecy. Forsooth, other religious texts are inspired by demons. I believe its in either 1 or 2 Timothy that says in latter times people would leave the faith seeking teachers to sooth their itching ears and they would fall for " doctrines of devils". The Bible is no myth. It is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. As Leonard Ulrich says <a href=""> <i>"if the Bible's explanation is just a myth, why are there antichrists trying to fulfill the said myth?"</i></a>
I have 2 simple options.

1. Trust the bible and Jesus.
2. Wait for each weeks lotto draw and possibly win a diamond encrusted glove that i can hand polish the new lamborghini.

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Matthew 6; Matthew 13; Mark 8; Matt 19; Matt 6

I don't think God really wants to be all that materialistic, maybe.... People cry about overpopulation. But we could easily shew overpopulation a myth by selling our diamond encrusted gloves, Lamborghinis, $5000000 Facebook machines (otherwise known as Mac computer;, and also stop stuffing our faces at McDonald's, buffets; giving up consumerism, tearing down a lot of pointless sky-and-water-polluting factories that produce these unnecessary inconveniences and build up some farms to get us some Jobs and food even to those that perpetually lack food around the world even third world countries. But that's not on any government agenda. (save for the depopulative part).

........ Just saying...

Just bedazzle a latex glove from the hospital with hot glue and glitter. It will be just as pretty.
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why not. Some of them are also inspired - not by Jehovah. Some may be inspired through demons.
Heres the thing. I've read them. I've read your Bible. I wanted to be a pastor. Many of the stories within the old testament are shockingly similar to some Hindu, Zorastrian, and Sumarian myths. The Star of David actually has a root in Hinduism that predates Judaism.

The imperfection? Human errors in translations and such things.
And also the Spirit of GOD in you. Absolutely it's the Bible (the Word of GOD) that should do that. Other source may be flawed. Christians use HIS Word to interprete HIS Word. Should we use a human source?
Let me pose the question clearly. How do you know that Bible is God inspired? How do you know it wasn't the creation of man?
Sorry for late reply. I was having about 500kb on my data plan. It wouldnt be enough to make the post. Im currenty on a weekly plan and had to wait an extra day in order to be automatically resubscribed.

I think part of your question I have already answered. I doubt if my Christian POV and answer would make sense to you. It's like running petrol over water.

Permit me to answer your question with questions. I know this is strange.

Ever seen any other book written by a mortal mind (if you are claiming the bible is the art of man) which has survived what the Bible has survived?

What profecies written in the Bibe have come to pass?

What and what have you considered untrue about the bible - save for the common translational errors?

Why hasnt the force of this world successfully suppressed or abolished or eradicated this Bible things and the contents? Why the failures?

Why would someone willingly lose everything but hold steadfastly to this Book? What have they discovered? What overwhelmed them? Mass delusion and insanity?

Why would even the rationally thinking people, highly educated people cling unto this same Book called the Word of God - if they have not found something so precious about it - something precious and true? Or are these people also insane (as the world could think them: complicated insanity).

Which other book do you know, written by man, has shaken the foundations of the whole universe as the Bible has?

People who truly tasted the truth of the word of God don't leave.

Before 50 years the bible wil become a piece of antiquity, outdated and obsolete and will only be found in maybe some dusty museums in some remote part of the world
By: Voltaire..

NOTE: Voltaire was a well known french atheist. Before the 50 years was gone, Voltaire died. Today his house or the buildin where he made this statement houses the world bible society where bibles are printed and exported to different parts of the world
hehe! A friend sent me this message via sms
Using the source, to prove the same source takes a ton of faith. People have been scammed over by this type of reasoning. I certainly have. This kind of reasoning seems to only work for Holy texts.

I see what your saying................. Our product was proven in our labs and (Those selected testimonies by people we allowed to post) to loose weight. No peer review by a serious university or other facility with high credentials.

What lab though can reply or examine God? It would take an equal authority to confirm the Word of God is true. For the unsaved I would think there is enough archaeological evidence to at least consider that a real God sent his Word to men as it is written. You just don't see that in the Koran (Which uses the same God until Jesus) or other books.

The Word also produces faith, which you use to believe.

The Bible a collection of 66 books written over 1500 years and there were all written by men of course. It represents the first time a monotheistic creator God of the universe who can't be represented in a human or any other physical form was represented in a national religion. Unlike the pagan and Zeus and all that business it still holds up to current scientific view of the universe very well. What the ancient Jews had was a view of the universe that was governed by various natural processes and laws and it was God who initially set the order. God also set the Moral Law which all humans are subject to hence you have sin, good and evil and some form of a supreme justice to which everyone is subject to. Other religions may have similar themes they will have been some intermingling, and the Holy Spirit may have influence peoples outside of the Hebrew/Christian scene so fits just fine.

There is a fair amount of stuff in there it's probably better to overlook such as passages like this.

"'Do not mate different kinds of animals. Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material." Deuteronomy 22:12

But certainly if God does in fact exist and he does communicate himself to humanity then certainly there is nothing stopping the Bible from being genuinely God breathed, even if it was written by humans within a historical context who had a culture that was somewhat different to our own. Unlike the Quran it's not particularly meant to be 100% purely Gods word but that's good as it allows for some flexibility there.
It can be true in the general sense without say the Hebrew slave owner regulations being officially approved by God or if a woman is raped and didn't scream loud enough she has to be stoned to death with stones. I like how the Bible mentions what you're meant to use to stone someone to death with, you would think it's self explanatory. Atheists like to dive right into these juicy morsels but it only really demonstrates that they have a strong moral sense that fits the teachings of Christ.
Prolific manuscript evidence - There are over 24,000 manuscripts of the New Testament in existence, of which 5,300 are the original handwritten Greek manuscripts. In addition, there are 18,000 manuscripts in other languages. Comparison of these numerous manuscripts, using the art and science of textual criticism, has established the reliability of the text as well as the integrity of its transmission.

M. Tyner
The Bibliographical Test - When applied to the New Testament, this test concluded that no other documents of antiquity are as well attested bibliographically. That is, there are more manuscripts preserved, they were more accurately copied, and less time elapsed between the original manuscript and its earliest copy in existence. (The next most accurate document of antiquity is the Iliad by Homer, which has far less attestation.) (3/285)

M. Tyner
Patristic Quotations - The writings of Early Christian Fathers, which are dated within 150 to 250 years of Jesus' life on earth, contain extensive quotations from the New Testament. In fact, if all other sources of knowledge of the New Testament text were destroyed, these writings “would be sufficient alone for the reconstruction of practically the entire New Testament.” (8/86)

M. Tyner


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