To begin with.....
Eternal Life, is not a period of time.
You, ither saved or lost, are an eternal being, and you...the real you, (not your body).....will never die.
You are ALREADY "eternal"..
So....this means, that the idea of "eternal LIFE", has to be different then just .... existing forever, as you are already going to be doing that.
As a matter of fact, you already are....
So, when we think of """eternal life"""", then its very simple to theologically understand that this is referring to the PERSON who IS, > eternal life".<
When this person (Jesus The Christ) says that He is the "resurrection and the life", then He is showing you "eternal life" HIMSELF.
Then, we see this following scripture in the way its meant to be understood, and not just used negatively by people who reject OSAS, and have deep issues with Grace..
John 3:36
''''''''''1.) Whoever believes in
JESUS has eternal life; ......2.) whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, ........3.) but the wrath of God remains on him.
FIRST, you have the "eternal life part".... = has the SON =
See that?
This is showing you WHO is ETERNAL LIFE, and if you "have" Him, that is......"Christ in you the hope of Glory".
Which means, = you are born again...
vs, 2nd) ... the rest of the verse, where you are told that if you dont "obey".
And in the context of the VERSE, that is connected...1-3.......its ALL explaining to you that obeying is to receive Him, as your savior, and then you are born again, and have "Eternal Life", and the consequences of not doing this. (obeying).
And how do we know this is what the verse is teaching?
Because of the last part..
3.)... "shall not see LIFE". = means a Christ rejector will not have Jesus (eternal life) inside them, and therefore will not exist with God, in heaven.
"the wrath of God remains on them"..
Notice how all this works together, theologically.
1.) You have Jesus, who IS, eternal life.
You have those who have HIM< who are believers, = they have eternal life, as they have JESUS = who IS, "eternal life".
2.) And to obey Him, is to receive Him..... "for if you believe not that i am Messiah, then you will die in your SINS".... John 8:24
So, in that case, 3.) you have unbelievers who do not have Christ, = do not have eternal life, and they have God's wrath instead resting on them, waiting to meet them after they die.