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I want to share the Gospel to my friends and family... but its not easy.. so I was searching for a video on the internet. I think I found a good explanation of the Gospel but I want to be SURE of it before I share it with my family... Can anybody check it for me please?!
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When those who do not know God or His Son Christ Jesus, especially when it's family or friends, then it's best to let the Holy Spirit give you the right timing to strike up a casual conversation as He will give you the right words to speak. You do not need a video, but pray first and just speak from your heart. You do not need to give a sermon, but just to feel them out about God without saying a whole lot at first. People do not like the word shoved down their throat as it tears them further away. Just pray and you will know when it's the right moment to brig the subject up to them.
Instead of another video, please share how you would go about doing this.
I mean I believe videos are a tool God can use just like anything else, but nevertheless really just committ to prayer, then and let God lead you, the Gospel is the most precious message ever to exist so we can't be flambouyant about it. In a short and sweet way I would start on how God made us and everything perfect, but we desired otherwise and deliberately rebelled against God for no reason and we followed the demonic deception of satan, we then over the centuries dug our heels deep and became exceedingly sinful, until the point where even creation cried out to God for vindication. And since God hates sin and had to clean up our mess he had to destroy it as like a court of law, we were tried, convicted and sentenced. But someone named Jesus Christ.......... Jesus came into the world with the purpose of taking the sentence we deserved so we may go free, he was fully God and fully man, lived the life we couldn't live, a perfect life, then he hung on the cross and died so that the impending wrath was satisified, then the love of God can be magnified. And Jesus extends his arms of grace, forgiveness, and mercy and wants us to come as we are, and we will cleanse us of our sins, and sanctify us to Righteousness so that we are free from the power of sin (our bondage and slavery to it) from the stain of sin (our labels from sinful and enemies of God to righteous and friends/children/ambassadors of Christ) and soon Jesus will come and eliminate the presence of sin and will wipe out all evil and set everything right, no pain, no death, no fear, no evil, no sin, eternal life in His glorious presence.

Now satan doesn't want us to be free and is doing everything to keep us in bondage, however through sanctification, a life-long process of the Holy Spirit's work we can not avoid the fire, or troubles or hardships which Jesus promised will come, but we can endure through the fire and get stronger!

Not that short but yes.
I want to share the Gospel to my friends and family... but its not easy.. so I was searching for a video on the internet. I think I found a good explanation of the Gospel but I want to be SURE of it before I share it with my family... Can anybody check it for me please?!

Start by praying for your family. Ask the Lord to remove the blinders that the god of this world (Satan), has blinded their minds with, so that they may believe.

But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4

Our family members see us as they always have, so maybe after praying for them, you may want to share what the Lord has done for you, how He has changed you, and blessed you.

Be sensitive to the Spirit leading you, and giving you the right words to say, at the right time.

I want to share the Gospel to my friends and family... but its not easy.. so I was searching for a video on the internet. I think I found a good explanation of the Gospel but I want to be SURE of it before I share it with my family... Can anybody check it for me please?!
I believe the best way to begin sharing the gospel can be found in the type of person you choose to be and how you live your life. Jesus said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39 NKJV) Jesus also said, "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35 NKJV)

Do that and your life will reflect your love of God and your faith and chances are very good that opportunity will knock for you to explain the reason for the hope that is in you as Peter instructed us to be ready for. (1 Peter 3:15)
Hi Michelangelo

The video is good at describing 'how' God's great plan of salvation came to be, but I'm not sure it's a particularly valuable method for introducing it to friends and family. I agree strongly with JLB, pray diligently and often and ask the Holy Spirit to go into their heart that they might understand the spiritual things of the Father. Then you go talk to them.

I'd encourage just starting out by asking some general questions about what they believe about life. What is their worldview? Something like, "hey dad, have you ever wondered how we got here? I mean people living on the earth today in 2023?" Let him answer and just kind of agree and you might throw in some fine tuning question, like: Well, "do you think there's a chance that something or someone greater than all that we see that does exist, made it?" Then you move to the other end of life. "Dad, what do you think happens to us when we die? I mean I've been to funerals and I know you have, is their anything that you think is really happening to those people's consciousness or something?" Again wait respectfully for an answer and then ask for permission to share.

You see, I put a lot of stock into what the Scriptures tell us about sharing the good news. We should be prepared in season and out of season to tell of the hope that is within those who ask. Not that I'm against street evangelism or anything, but I just think that we should try to follow the Scriptural example as much as we can, and certainly in a family situation you should be comfortable to ask for permission to share with them. It just makes it less confrontive, if you got their permission to continue.

But, that also means that you need to be prepared for "no", and respect that. Don't start to argue to change their mind, that isn't likely to help. Respect that they don't yet want to know and that the Holy Spirit hasn't yet answered your prayer. Keep praying and looking for more opportunities. Start trying to actively show them how your life has changed since trusting Jesus, not so much in words, but in actions. But it can be rewarding when one sheep comes to the shepherd.

But these are just suggestions. There are a number of books out about the subject and, of course, other internet video sources. How to Share Jesus Without Fear by William Fay is a good resource.

God bless,
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I mean I believe videos are a tool God can use just like anything else, but nevertheless really just committ to prayer, then and let God lead you, the Gospel is the most precious message ever to exist so we can't be flambouyant about it. In a short and sweet way I would start on how God made us and everything perfect, but we desired otherwise and deliberately rebelled against God for no reason and we followed the demonic deception of satan, we then over the centuries dug our heels deep and became exceedingly sinful, until the point where even creation cried out to God for vindication. And since God hates sin and had to clean up our mess he had to destroy it as like a court of law, we were tried, convicted and sentenced. But someone named Jesus Christ.......... Jesus came into the world with the purpose of taking the sentence we deserved so we may go free, he was fully God and fully man, lived the life we couldn't live, a perfect life, then he hung on the cross and died so that the impending wrath was satisified, then the love of God can be magnified. And Jesus extends his arms of grace, forgiveness, and mercy and wants us to come as we are, and we will cleanse us of our sins, and sanctify us to Righteousness so that we are free from the power of sin (our bondage and slavery to it) from the stain of sin (our labels from sinful and enemies of God to righteous and friends/children/ambassadors of Christ) and soon Jesus will come and eliminate the presence of sin and will wipe out all evil and set everything right, no pain, no death, no fear, no evil, no sin, eternal life in His glorious presence.

Now satan doesn't want us to be free and is doing everything to keep us in bondage, however through sanctification, a life-long process of the Holy Spirit's work we can not avoid the fire, or troubles or hardships which Jesus promised will come, but we can endure through the fire and get stronger!

Not that short but yes.
The best plan is to keep salvation simple enough when you first present it to an unbeliever that even a child could understand what you are talking about. Family and friends should be able to see a certain change in you as you speak the love of Christ to them.

One of the many things I learned in the Teacher training course I had to take when I got my Evangelistic license years ago is to know how to hold your audience attention by what words you speak to them. Keep your message simple and wanting them to come back for more. Always be prayed up and let the Holy Spirit work through you.
I want to share the Gospel to my friends and family... but its not easy.. so I was searching for a video on the internet. I think I found a good explanation of the Gospel but I want to be SURE of it before I share it with my family... Can anybody check it for me please?!

This is the heart of the gospel, yes, only I think I would take For His Glory's advice in Post 9 into better consideration. What they will notice is a change in you, especially if you start treating them more kindly, and begin to be an increased blessing in their lives, not because you are trying to perform but doing it from the heart. And keep growing in the word of God and dedicating yourself to it. At some point they are going to want to know what is going on, and that is when you tell them in simple basic terms what happened to you, exactly how it happened, and that God has changed your life.

At that point you will find out how much resistance to the faith they have, and or how much they believe you have truly changed. You should not try to force your faith on any of them, but draw them to the love of God by the way you act rather than driving them away from you by getting overly religious. So I would avoid getting into anything resembling contentious debate. If they suddenly start showing resistance and getting combative with you about it, don't shove it down their throats. Back off, go back to simply being a blessing to them whenever you can, and wait for a better to maybe share some things again.

This is what scripture refers to as "being ready always to give an answer for the hope that is in you" (alluded to by WIP in post #7)

God bless, and hope that helps.
- H
I want to share the Gospel to my friends and family... but its not easy.. so I was searching for a video on the internet. I think I found a good explanation of the Gospel but I want to be SURE of it before I share it with my family... Can anybody check it for me please?!

You know, I had a friend (he passed away a couple of years ago), who loved golf. Every chance he'd get, he'd talk about it. He go on about his clubs, the courses he played on, his swing - almost anything pertaining to the game. No one had to prompt him to talk about golf and he never felt nervous, or awkward, or uncertain about doing so. Because my friend loved golf so much, playing it nearly every day of the golf season, investing great amounts of time, energy and money in it, he very naturally, enthusiastically and frequently shared his love of golf with everyone else. I think the same is supposed to be true for Christians who want to share Christ with others. When you share the Good News of Jesus, it ought to be shared from a life filled with the love, joy, peace and power that he is; for there is nothing more natural, more authentic, potent and real, than to share Christ from such a life.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have a firm, clear grasp of the facts of the Gospel; it's just that communicating those facts from a life that is not filled with Christ is going to come off poorly, you can be sure. This isn't to encourage you to remain silent about the Gospel - not at all - but to enjoy Christ deeply so that, when you share him with others, they not only hear the truth but see it manifested in your life.

Remember: Salvation isn't just about "fire insurance"; it's ultimately about personal, daily fellowship with God.

1 Corinthians 1:9 (NASB)
9 God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

2 Corinthians 13:14 (NASB)
14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.

1 John 1:3 (NASB)
3 ...and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.