I think that 666 is witchcraft, magick, sorcery

Hi everyone. Is there anyone else that thinks the same?

Right hand and forehead is a metaphor for thinking evil since our brains are behind the forehead and most people are right handed it means doing evil.

Love and Thanks
But what about the left handed people? :shock
Same, it doesn’t matter if you are left handed.

I mean look at public libraries and book shops, they are full of books on witchcraft and what not.
This discussion will probably get pretty complicated.

The OT prophets said that the message from God was I will put my law in hearts and minds (using NT words).

We have two areas of ourselves that need the Holy Spirit. Our body and our mind.

Complete we become body, soul, and spirit.
Not just body. Not just carnal mind.

Satan wants our flesh and mind to serve evil.

After the fall of Adam we do not have a naturally innocent area in us.

If God has to put his Spirit in body in hearts and minds all of our makeup needs God.
Matthew 22:37 kjv
37. Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

Now others may will see confusion in trying to see what man is. Others will comment. Study to find the parts of man.

IMHO Adam became a living Soul.
Body mind but seems to lack an inward guiding Spirit of God. Pentecost gives that Spirit we need.

Possibly more later.

Mississippi redneck
I've seen dark books at the front of many libraries - I am not talking LGBTQ, I am talking full out spell and witchcraft books. For years they were near the front door of our library, eventually these were moved and now I'm not sure where in the library they hide, but I'd rather not seek them out as the feeling around those books is pure dread and I don't believe should be touched at all. They definitely exist for sure and the first time I saw that about 10 years ago now, I was shocked. The Library Association in America in general is corrupt. They promote anti-God propaganda and they do so quite often if you follow it. There may be some Christian books floating around, but definitely a lot of libraries pushing agenda's they shouldn't. Well-meaning respectable authors have a hard time making it in today's book world.

There is plenty of witchcraft and occult behaviors people indulge in today.

Although the term "666" in general can get complex. It can be a number for "evil" and The Holy Bible mentions that these are numbers involving a name. This has been related to an anti-christ that will make an appearance at some point. It can have different meanings from what it seems. "7" is generally the Biblical number of completion and a repetitive 6 tells us this falls short of God's perfection and perhaps a warning of danger.

There's a lot of debate about the right hand and forehead. Personally, I believe this is literal - for that mark of the beast to be on the right hand or forehead. Again, heavily debated - many interpretations. Do we know who is exactly right? At this point, not really. When it happens, I think we will probably be like, "Oh, wow. Okay. I see now." and know it isn't good.

The Bible tells us "for man's heart is deceitfully wicked, for who can understand it?" It's not saying "the atheist man's heart" or "the unbeliever's heart" - for man's heart, talking about all people. When we become a new person in Christ, we turn away from that as much as possible, but not everyone does. We're all prone to evil if we let it fester in our hearts.
But what about the left handed people? :shock
Now here is part of where complication really sets in.

Left and right brain thinking. That IMHO is still the carnal brain.

Jordan river separated the wilderness from the promised land. Israel did not yet have the Holy Spirit inside themselves to do all they were told to do.

The new Jerusalem river seems to be a better situation.
That Jerusalem is coming out of Heaven. Heaven has the Holy Spirit.

My question is:
Which side of the Resurrection is the New Jerusalem?

An alternate thought is this:
Is the New Jerusalem heaven itself?
Where is the battle against 666?

Just thinking about scripture parallels.

I've seen dark books at the front of many libraries - I am not talking LGBTQ, I am talking full out spell and witchcraft books. For years they were near the front door of our library, eventually these were moved and now I'm not sure where in the library they hide, but I'd rather not seek them out as the feeling around those books is pure dread and I don't believe should be touched at all. They definitely exist for sure and the first time I saw that about 10 years ago now, I was shocked. The Library Association in America in general is corrupt. They promote anti-God propaganda and they do so quite often if you follow it. There may be some Christian books floating around, but definitely a lot of libraries pushing agenda's they shouldn't. Well-meaning respectable authors have a hard time making it in today's book world.

There is plenty of witchcraft and occult behaviors people indulge in today.

Although the term "666" in general can get complex. It can be a number for "evil" and The Holy Bible mentions that these are numbers involving a name. This has been related to an anti-christ that will make an appearance at some point. It can have different meanings from what it seems. "7" is generally the Biblical number of completion and a repetitive 6 tells us this falls short of God's perfection and perhaps a warning of danger.

There's a lot of debate about the right hand and forehead. Personally, I believe this is literal - for that mark of the beast to be on the right hand or forehead. Again, heavily debated - many interpretations. Do we know who is exactly right? At this point, not really. When it happens, I think we will probably be like, "Oh, wow. Okay. I see now." and know it isn't good.

The Bible tells us "for man's heart is deceitfully wicked, for who can understand it?" It's not saying "the atheist man's heart" or "the unbeliever's heart" - for man's heart, talking about all people. When we become a new person in Christ, we turn away from that as much as possible, but not everyone does. We're all prone to evil if we let it fester in our hearts.
Wow we are on the same page (partially at the very least).

To battle “666” you need the fullness of what God Can send from Heaven.

The promised land folks faced people without the Holy Spirit. We face principalities and powers in heavenly places.

You did a great post.

Mississippi redneck
Witchcraft is of satan. The number 666 has to do with antichrist. Satan comes as antichrist, six seal, six trump and six vial. I have book on numbers in scripture, by, e w bullinger. Hes Christian scholar, bullinger studied at kings college in London England. Take care.
Witchcraft is of satan. The number 666 has to do with antichrist. Satan comes as antichrist, six seal, six trump and six vial. I have book on numbers in scripture, by, e w bullinger. Hes Christian scholar, bullinger studied at kings college in London England. Take care.
Which Satan would use/ promote the areas mentioned.

Could you mention some of the authors scriptures?

Hi everyone. Is there anyone else that thinks the same?

Right hand and forehead is a metaphor for thinking evil since our brains are behind the forehead and most people are right handed it means doing evil.

Love and Thanks
666 is simply the number of man. So, what is different via the first 6 Beasts and the 7th and last beast? The Last Beast arises as a Mountain of power AND he also falls as the Last Beast without ever passing his kingdom on, all of the other Beasts arose as single Beast kings (see Dan. 7:17) who then became Kingdoms, in Rev. 17 we also see it was single kings (of course) he fell. But the Last Beast will never pass his kingdom on, thus in both Dan. 7:11 and in Revelation 19:20 he is described as a MAN, with a BODY who is cast into HELLFIRE !! So, the 666 simply designates the last Beast as a MAN (666) its nothing more than that. Just like the 7000 men God saved and the 144,000 are simply codes for ALL Israel who repents, which we know is 1/3 of the end time Jews (Zech. 13:8-9). So, how can all three be correct? Two have to be codes. 7 = Divine Completion, 10 = Completion, 12 = Fulness 6 = Mankind

7 x 10 x 10 x 10 is Divine Completion x Completion or ALL Israel who repents.

12 x 12 x 10 x 10 x 10 = Fulness x Completion or ALL Israel who repents.

1/3 of End Time Jews = 3.5-5 million Jews. (10 million live in Israel and 15 million worldwide)

Anytime we get a number tim4e by another number God is giving added emphasis. I think 666 is just added emphasis that the Last Beast will be ONE MAN, who both Arises & Falls as this Beast, thus he has only a 42 month reign.
I remember somewhere that the Greek 666 very closely matches a phrase from Islam "In the name of Allah" I'd have to do some digging but I'm currently unable to do so. If I can find it I will post it here later.
I think the mark is not a literal physical mark, it is a condition of the heart.
The people of God also have a 'mark' (Rev 7:3).

666 is man's number; it falls short of God's number 7. Falling short again and again and again. Fail after fail after fail.

It is on the right hand and/or forehead. The right hand (commonly) is your strong hand, your efforts. Your forehead is where your thoughts are, your heart. When your heart and efforts are on the world, that shows the 'mark' of the beast.

The people of God also have a 'mark' (Rev 7:3), but it is on their forehead, but NOT on the hand. Why? because salvation is by faith/heart, not works.
Hi everyone. Is there anyone else that thinks the same?

Right hand and forehead is a metaphor for thinking evil since our brains are behind the forehead and most people are right handed it means doing evil.

Love and Thanks
Hello Ervin. May I say to you that when we read the Bible, the "LiteraL" words say in Revelation 13:16.......
"Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead".

The Greek word in the orignals used for this "mark of the beast" is charagma, related to the brand seared into animals to denote their ownership. It is where we get the English word "Charred/Burned In ".

There is no need to understand this scripture as anything except exactly what it says...."A Mark" will be applied to the body of those who align themselves with the A/C. The mark of the beast will be an end-times identification required by the Antichrist in order to buy or sell, and it will be given only to those who worship the Antichrist.

It is not a metaphor or a thought or a symbol. I am not a prophet but if I was lushed to say what it will be, I would say that it will be a UPC bar code.

Revelation 13:17 gives a clear purpose statement for the mark of the Beast:.........
“Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that [ἵνα] no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.”

A UPC Bar Code would allow it to be scanned and make that person able to buy food without using cash.
I think the mark is not a literal physical mark, it is a condition of the heart.
The people of God also have a 'mark' (Rev 7:3).

666 is man's number; it falls short of God's number 7. Falling short again and again and again. Fail after fail after fail.

It is on the right hand and/or forehead. The right hand (commonly) is your strong hand, your efforts. Your forehead is where your thoughts are, your heart. When your heart and efforts are on the world, that shows the 'mark' of the beast.

The people of God also have a 'mark' (Rev 7:3), but it is on their forehead, but NOT on the hand. Why? because salvation is by faith/heart, not works.
There is nothing in the Scriptures to make one think that the mark will not be a literal mark!
I remember somewhere that the Greek 666 very closely matches a phrase from Islam "In the name of Allah" I'd have to do some digging but I'm currently unable to do so. If I can find it I will post it here later.
If it does I have never heard about it or read it. I am not an expert but I have spent a lot of time of the prophetic word.
The seed is the Word of God
The Ground is men’s hearts

The concept of learning from the natural creation of God does not stop. Context of the natural has a spiritual meaning in the context of the spiritual.

Parable type teaching/learning works much better after Pentecost.

The two women are two covenants.

Mississippi redneck
The seed is the Word of God
The Ground is men’s hearts

The concept of learning from the natural creation of God does not stop. Context of the natural has a spiritual meaning in the context of the spiritual.

Parable type teaching/learning works much better after Pentecost.

The two women are two covenants.

Mississippi redneck
Explain please the context of what you are saying. As it is, it does not mean anything.
Explain please the context of what you are saying. As it is, it does not mean anything.
Jesus spoke in parables so that hearing a hidden truth was impossible without help.

(Why do you speak in parables?) asked the disciples. So that hearing they hear not, and seeing they see not.

Romans 1:20 lets us know we can know about God by what he created.

Jesus did not use parables to teach truths, but to conceal truth.

Start in Isaiah chapter 6 to understand parables.

Tradition says that parables teach truth. Matthew 13, Mark 6 and other scriptures tell why Jesus spoke in parables.

Today the Holy Spirit will lead us into Truth.

Context can be used as a precept to keep us from understanding a concept.

Traditions are not what we follow, but truth.

That help?

Mississippi redneck
Jesus spoke in parables so that hearing a hidden truth was impossible without help.

(Why do you speak in parables?) asked the disciples. So that hearing they hear not, and seeing they see not.

Romans 1:20 lets us know we can know about God by what he created.

Jesus did not use parables to teach truths, but to conceal truth.

Start in Isaiah chapter 6 to understand parables.

Tradition says that parables teach truth. Matthew 13, Mark 6 and other scriptures tell why Jesus spoke in parables.

Today the Holy Spirit will lead us into Truth.

Context can be used as a precept to keep us from understanding a concept.

Traditions are not what we follow, but truth.

That help?

Mississippi redneck
Brother, Jesus made it clear: He spoke in parables so they would not believe. Which means, if He would have been clearer, they could have believed. If they were totally unable outside of a regenerative experience, all He had to do was refrain from regenerating them.

However, knowing the power of His teachings, and knowing that they could accept His teaching as truth, He spoke in parables, leaving them saying, “Huh?”

In my opinion, this undermines total depravity (or total inability) because clearly, these folks could have believed, even though Jesus did not want them to at that time.

So then, God in the flesh was respecting the decision they already made!
In my opinion, this undermines total depravity (or total inability) because clearly, these folks could have believed, even though Jesus did not want them to at that time.
Jesus came under the law. The law of Moses was external. If Jesus had been clear they would have done the ceremonial without an inner change of Heart and mind.

You are talking with a redneck. You can keep the law on the outside and not on the inside. I fight the battle myself.

At Pentecost the law was placed in hearts and minds. He (Jesus) works in us to will and do of his good pleasure.

The total depravity existed at Noah’s time. Mankind was almost totally destroyed.

Only evil continually is total depravity. To sin at times is terrible, but it is not total.

We all sin and fall short of the Glory of God.

Are we getting anywhere?

Mississippi redneck