I'm glad to hear that you want to be baptized
kiwidan and if I were close I would come immediately to help you. Do you know anybody who can do a study with you on the subject? There are many things to see from the Scripture and it's important to understand the meanings behind our actions. Part of what we are instructed to do is to count the cost before we start and not wait for the bill for the roof and only then, much to our chagrin, fail. Another part would be how it's not water itself that cleanses us but it's the appeal to God from a good conscience. Look at 1 Peter 3:21 and thereabouts. But I think that you should be partnered for the bible study too. God has given much to His children and part of what that involves is witnesses to His glory in us. There are a ton of scriptures to be studied that directly relate to baptism.
"What's that you say, Sparrow? Can you give me an example?" Sure. Here's one, just to wet your whistle. Think about how Paul said,
"For Christ did not send me to baptize. but to preach the gospel." 1 Cor. 1:17 That clearly distinguishes the Gospel from baptism. In other words, it is the belief in the gospel, the GOOD NEWS that is required, but not baptism itself. If baptism were essential for salvation no such distinction could ever be made. So there's lots and lots of things to look at and study to learn. We are commanded to study to show ourselves approved, rightly dividing the word of truth.
But this is the Prayer request forum and not the Bible Study forum and in all honesty, I don't really think (although I love the people here) what we are called to do means to type things on a forum and avoid personal contact. Jesus doesn't mind if there was a shut-in who could not do what He wanted but the best way is to Join Hands and pray. We are told to touch each other and that means face-to-face mostly. Online is also okay for us (of course) to join and meet and love others here too. I know that you're here just asking, and I'm trying, as I might, to answer well.
A good place to start, I think, would be in Acts 8:26 where the Holy Spirit commanded Phillip to go to the Ethiopian Eunuch. The HS didn't tell the Eunuch to go ahead and dunk himself. And I do believe that God really does care about the details.
Acts 8:36 said:
“See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?”
And Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.”
And he replied, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
Please do go to that Scripture and read, and seek with a partner in prayer and study because there is more than what I'm telling for you, ready for the picking...
I like Knotical's suggestion that you seek out a church because just like we are told to be baptized and our obedient heart responds,
"What prevents me?" So also are we told to seek to have the Lord place a Pastor over us and to not forsake joining ourselves together especially as we see the culmination of the age (and I really do see things getting ready for His return --- that's why we need to get ready, but you already know).
You don't need to pick a church home before you are baptized though. It's just a good idea to have a shepherd, little sheep. A very good idea. And there's nothing to say that there is any great hurry. It's okay to seek a church too. Both are good. Best is to know that the King of Peace has already provided your path.