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BenJasher said:The word Rapture has more in common with Rape than scripture.
The other text upon which a rapture is based is Luke 17:34-35 (which is parallel Matt. 24:40-41). In English we often express the direction of a verb by adding an adverb to it. Thus we say “take in, â€Âtake up,†take down†"take away.†In Greek the directional aspect of a verb instead is often expressed as a prefix to the verb. For example, in these verses the word to “take†is the Greek word “paralambano†whose primary meaning is to “take to oneself.†If the writer had wished to express the direction “up†he would have place the prefix “ana..†to “lambano". He did not. He added the prefix “para.â€Â
...the oldest known reference to a great tribulation to come and a possible escape from it is contained in The Shepherd of Hermes manuscript dated to the second century. Although much of what is recorded in this text does not agree with the teachings of the scripture, and is of no doctrinal value, it nonetheless makes mention of a vision the “shepherd†had of a giant raging bull, that he was able to escape harm from by relying on God for protection. The next vision encountered was that of a beautiful maiden, identified by the shepherd as the church. She identifies the bull as the great tribulation to come, and tells him he escaped it by putting his trust in God. She then charges him to go tell all other believers they can do the same of the coming tribulation but only if they also put full faith in the Lord.
17After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18Therefore encourage each other with these words.
That's interesting Ben, but I think there is a difference between turning to stone and turning into a pillar of salt. :wink:Also, we can expect to experience tragic loss as the Rapture unfolds. Lot's wife had a stroke, which is what the Hebrew idiom, "turned to stone" means.
Hey, I know some who are older than I (pushing 50) who act like morons, so age is not always a gauge for wisdom or knowledge. :-DI am fully apprised of the Latin origin of the word Rapture. I have been for probably longer than some on this board arguing with me have been alive.
Actually my self anointed intellectual friend, the word Rapture isn't even in the Latin. The word Rapture is a contrived word, spoon fed to those who don't know better, causing them to accept the false notion that it is scripture
A worthy point, so which one is it, in the name of consistancy? You alreaty professed at the beginning of this thread that you have read some of what I have posted and you posted the link to wavy's thread, so you probably already have a decent idea what it is I believe... and a "pre tribulation" harpazo is not what I believe. I have also said in the past that holding a prewrath belief does not confine me to any seven year "tribulation" period.But let's make sure of our research. The word used in 1 Thess 4:17 (harpazo) is also used in Acts 23 to describe Paul's arrest. So, are we going to be "snatched away" in the Rapture, or are we going to be "arrested."
Vic C. said:A worthy point, so which one is it, in the name of consistancy? You alreaty professed at the beginning of this thread that you have read some of what I have posted and you posted the link to wavy's thread, so you probably already have a decent idea what it is I believe... and a "pre tribulation" harpazo is not what I believe. I have also said in the past that holding a prewrath belief does not confine me to any seven year "tribulation" period.
Zero Link said:As known as, the rapture. Its mentioned other times in the bible. I truely don't see how you can deny it.
Now when the rapture is coming, that would be a good topic but denying the rapture, well its proof that there is a rapture.
Q-Didn't God always take His believers out of the way before he poured out His wrath on the unjust? After all, He took out Noah and his family before the flood, He removed Lot before He destroyed Sodom and took the Israelites out of harm's way before He defeated the armies of Pharaoh. So then the Church will be raptured before the tribulation period, since the tribulation is Gods' wrath.
dancing queen said:I don't think the verses you have chosen are very convincing.
Dancing Queen said:1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
15According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
This can not be the second coming, then Jesus comes to where we are instead of taking us to where He is
Its Greek equivalent is harpazo, which is found in the Greek text of 1 Thes. 4:17. When they're translated into English, both words mean "to be caught up, or snatched away." Harpazo, the word Paul actually used, comes from roots that mean, "to raise from the ground" and" take for oneself" and hints that the Lord's eagerly claiming us for Himself.
Dancing Queen said:1 Cor 15:51-52
51Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed 52in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.
Both Matt. 24:31 (they'll gather His elect from one end of the heavens to the other) and Rev. 17:14 (with Him will be His called, chosen, and faithful followers) say that we'll be with the Lord when He returns, this has to happen sometime before the 2nd Coming. And it can't be just the resurrected believers coming back with Him because the Rapture passages above say that we'll be changed at the same time as the dead are raised.
see for full text
NT Wright said:The American obsession with the second coming of Jesus  especially with distorted interpretations of it  continues unabated. Seen from my side of the Atlantic, the phenomenal success of the Left Behind books appears puzzling, even bizarre[1]. Few in the U.K. hold the belief on which the popular series of novels is based: that there will be a literal “rapture†in which believers will be snatched up to heaven, leaving empty cars crashing on freeways and kids coming home from school only to find that their parents have been taken to be with Jesus while they have been “left behind.†This pseudo-theological version of Home Alone has reportedly frightened many children into some kind of (distorted) faith.
Emphasis mineNT Wright said:Paul’s description of Jesus’ reappearance in 1 Thessalonians 4 is a brightly colored version of what he says in two other passages, 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 and Philippians 3:20-21: At Jesus’ “coming†or “appearing,†those who are still alive will be “changed†or “transformed†so that their mortal bodies will become incorruptible, deathless. This is all that Paul intends to say in Thessalonians, but here he borrows imageryâ€â€from biblical and political sourcesâ€â€to enhance his message. Little did he know how his rich metaphors would be misunderstood two millennia later.
First, Paul echoes the story of Moses coming down the mountain with the Torah. The trumpet sounds, a loud voice is heard, and after a long wait Moses comes to see what’s been going on in his absence.
Second, he echoes Daniel 7, in which “the people of the saints of the Most High†(that is, the “one like a son of manâ€Â) are vindicated over their pagan enemy by being raised up to sit with God in glory. This metaphor, applied to Jesus in the Gospels, is now applied to Christians who are suffering persecution.
Third, Paul conjures up images of an emperor visiting a colony or province. The citizens go out to meet him in open country and then escort him into the city. Paul’s image of the people “meeting the Lord in the air†should be read with the assumption that the people will immediately turn around and lead the Lord back to the newly remade world.
Paul’s mixed metaphors of trumpets blowing and the living being snatched into heaven to meet the Lord are not to be understood as literal truth, as the Left Behind series suggests, but as a vivid and biblically allusive description of the great transformation of the present world of which he speaks elsewhere.
BenJasher said:Coop,
I notice you are from Tulsa. We're practically neighbors. But all of this neighborliness aside, if all you can do is ridicule what I have to say, you ain't got much to say. If however, you have real evidence, let's have it.
I bet you aren't even aware that in other parts of the christian world, outside of the United States, the rapture is ridiculed as nonsense. It is almost as though the Rapture is an exclusively American arrogance.
The following is excerpted from an article by British Theologian N.T. Wright You can read it here
Emphasis mine
Paul’s mixed metaphors of trumpets blowing and the living being snatched into heaven to meet the Lord are not to be understood as literal truth
Paul’s image of the people “meeting the Lord in the air†should be read with the assumption that the people will immediately turn around and lead the Lord back to the newly remade world.
leCoop said:Since John saw the church in heaven, just before the start of the day of the Lord, we know that Paul was not using "metaphors."
Revelations1:1 said:The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, the things which must shortly take place, and He sent and signified it by His angel to His bond-servant John.
Did you not read that Jesus was the firstborn?
My comment about 1 Thess 4 was not in unbelief. I am fully convinced that He is coming to get us, and take us to our mansions in the sky. It seems to be you that does not believe what is clearly written.
lecoop said:First, Jesus said he was to go. Where did He go? There is verse after verse that states that He went to stand or sit at the right hand of the Father in heaven, so that is where He went. What was He to do there? He said that He would prepare a place for us. These verses start by saying that in His house [heaven] are many mansions. Therefore, in context, he is preparing mansions for us to live in. There can be no other legitimate interpretation of this.
BenJasher said:Oh please! Do some real Bible study for once. And read it in context, not just to take one verse and make a mistaken assumption about it.
As a matter of fact, the fact that John saw what he saw, vindicates that Paul was using metaphors. I hate to break that to you.
Consider the very first verse of Revelations. It tells us plainly that what John saw was by way of symbols:
Revelations1:1 wrote:
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, the things which must shortly take place, and He sent and signified it by His angel to His bond-servant John.
Look it up, Bible scholar! To signify means to communicate by way of signs and symbols. What John saw was metaphors, symbols and signs, what Paul said was in the same type of language.
Did you not read that Jesus was the firstborn?
Of course! I understand the principle of Jesus being the Firstborn quite well. Was Jesus ever Raptured? No. So what makes you think we are going to be? A delusional preacher from the 1800's? Garbage!
My comment about 1 Thess 4 was not in unbelief. I am fully convinced that He is coming to get us, and take us to our mansions in the sky. It seems to be you that does not believe what is clearly written.
Of course it was in unbelief. If you had any faith in what the scriptures actually say; or rather that you had more faith in the scriptures than some delusional preacher from the 1800's; you also would not believe in a Rapture.
And I say that in the nicest possible way. Good night.
Look it up, Bible scholar! To signify means to communicate by way of signs and symbols. What John saw was metaphors, symbols and signs,
Was Jesus ever Raptured?
dancing queen said:am trying to here's a quick question.
you said the day of pentecost was the second coming, how does this connect to the fact that revelations is a prophetic book, written after the day of pentecost, but mentions/describes the second coming?
FYI, I drove a truck for 15 years, before I became a father, and before I went I to the full time ministry. And I have been an ordained minister of the Gospel longer than you have been alive. So learn a little respect.
And if you were half the Bible scholar you claim that I am not, you would have acknowledged that 4591(semaino) in the Greek Lexicon means "to show by signs." And everyone of the scripture verses you took the time to quote indicated that very thing if you took the time to actually look at them and consider what they were saying. Quoting an alternate translation that happens to say things the way you like them only proves that you have access to different translations. That doesn't make you a scholar, any more than owning a paintbrush makes you a painter.
One more thing:
About Jesus being Raptured. You quoted some excellent translations for Acts 1:2. Young and Darby are very good translations. They even went to the trouble to accurately translate analambano as taken up. But to claim that that is a Rapture is to put words and meaning into the scripture that weren't there in the first place, and neither do they belong. And it is being deceitful. That is how false teachers and lying spirits operate, and used car salesman. You aren't a used car salesman are you? That is precisely the tactic the Serpent used on Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Even your precious proof scripture for the Rapture, 1Thess 4:17 is translated incorrectly when it states that we will be taken up. The word there is not analambano but paralambano. Analambano is to be "taken up," paralambano is to be "taken in." Check it out. It is para, not ana." Huge difference in meaning and connotation.
So what are you, a Bible Scholar or a used car salesman?